E3 2004 Video - Better Quality

Hey! I got a seed! Oh yeah... Gotta drink something ..urgh :x
Burning Fish said:
Thanks for that Estling :) I've been superseeding all the time and at 120% now.
Well that means there should be another seeder soonish. Pity the first guy to get the whole thing left, that's screwed things up for about 300 people :|
The torrent train is moving again, 78.5% !
My download speed is hanging between 1 kb and 0... but I upload 50. Wake and smell the asssshesss...
Yes, we're moving on!

Its a torrent marathon! :afro:
many pages !
could somebody give the torrent
i cant find it ( 600 Posts >< )
Alright! Its moving! I'm up to 79% now! I'm headed out for work but I'm going to leave my computer on all day to seed after its done. Good luck everyone and thanks again to Burning Fish for getting this out to everyone and putting up with all the cranky people wanting this video! I can't wait to check this out!

Here is the torrent link from page 6
Yay! 11kps download, 23kps upload. Much better.
:) 79.7 %

uploaded 350 MiB :O

Downloaded 253 MiB

, jeesh I feel sad posting the progress.. but hey :) everyones doing it
Aww I knew I should have left my comp on all night- now im only at 46%! :(
9 KiB dl
0 KiB ul

But it will rise, but hey, who needs uploading?
But wait...this isn't right...it says 44%, but i have downloaded 170.2. 170.2/317=0,54=54% Not fair!
1kps download, 15kps upload.

I hope you are all enjoying it >_<!
Valve better stop being smug or myopic or lazy or whatever they are, and they better release soon (August, I know), or the graphics will be so outdated (which are outdated now) that they'll look pretty ridiculous, and HL2 will be for anyone who's not a Valve loyalist to the end the biggest-hyped failure and let-down that ever was. If Source couldn't do all that it presumably can do, and the game had a run-of-the mill physics engine-- just from looking at the screens (which are indeed good quality compared to the other trailers), this game looks like one that would get a 'mediocre' rank on a Gamespot review.
I am up to 80% as well, but it is dog slow. I have had my computer on all night so far.
Rhalle said:
Valve better stop being smug or myopic or lazy or whatever they are, and they better release soon (August, I know), or the graphics will be so outdated (which are outdated now) that they'll look pretty ridiculous, and HL2 will be for anyone who's not a Valve loyalist to the end the biggest-hyped failure and let-down that ever was. If Source couldn't do all that it presumably can do, and the game had a run-of-the mill physics engine-- just from looking at the screens (which are indeed good quality compared to the other trailers), this game looks like one that would get a 'mediocre' rank on a gamespot review.
Umm, why choose this thread for your anti-Valve/anti-HL2 rant?
Rhalle said:
graphics will be so outdated (which are outdated now) that they'll look pretty ridiculous

Err... name one released (or soon to be released) game with better graphics?
Those are nice screens ;) no doubt, and I want to play HL2 too, but man--
I'm just saying, Valve has to got to hurry up-- it's in everyone's interest, especially theirs.

Rhalle said:
the graphics will be so outdated (which are outdated now)
On the toms hardware they was saying the same.

The preview of HL2 on toms hardware

This year's Half-Life 2 demos were more geared toward showing how the storyline and physics affected gameplay than just the eye candy itself. And in this reviewer's eyes, Half-Life 2, despite being almost a year late, will still be ahead of anything else in its ability to captivate the player. The graphics did not look like they had changed at all from last year's demo. They looked great, but not other-worldly. Some of the characters looked like they could use some more polygons. Textures and environments were beautiful. But again, graphically, Half-Life 2 won't impress those who have already played through Far Cry and Unreal Tournament 2004. Half Life 2 better hit stores quick. Games are starting to come out with comparable graphics.

On topic: stuck at 80.57%
Not to flame you guys, but damn! Are you dim? The point at which the download slows down to 1 or 2 Kb is the furthest point anyone has downloaded the video. Your upload keeps up so everyone catches up with you. The d/l will speedily catch up with everyone else and then you're at the mercy of the poster's SLOW upload... sorry, all the posts about "Why is my d/l slow down to 2Kb but my upload is still going!?!?" are getting to me.... i'm crabby this morning.
HL1 was out 5 years ago, its still going strong today, without any gfx updates (apart from the BS hi res pack, but not many people have that anyways) AND was delayed for 1 year.

Theres no worry about HL2 not lasting as long, or longer..
pvtlon said:
Not to flame you guys, but damn! Are you dim? The point at which the download slows down to 1 or 2 Kb is the furthest point anyone has downloaded the video. Your upload keeps up so everyone catches up with you. The d/l will speedily catch up with everyone else and then you're at the mercy of the poster's SLOW upload... sorry, all the posts about "Why is my d/l slow down to 2Kb but my upload is still going!?!?" are getting to me.... i'm crabby this morning.
Very few people are asking why, just saying that it's happening.
That's already been explained a few times in this thread.
Burning Fish: Could you post some more screenshots please?
The seed has disappeared again... stuck at 80,8%.. arh WTF? My download speed boosted to 50 kb, without a seed... well miracles can happen...
Slime said:
The seed has disappeared again... stuck at 80,8%.. arh WTF? My download speed boosted to 50 kb, without a seed... well miracles can happen...

:sniper: :dork: :x jk... I take it not many people know how bittorrent works?
The engine and the fancy AI (which was of course groundbreaking in HL1) is what HL2 has going for it, still. Valve is cool and all, but they've needed to be a little more anxious about all the time that has passed and the mess that has happened, and not rested so much on their laurels, the super-loyal community, and their giant-assed budget, in my opinion.

I didn't care for Far Cry; the graphics looked to plastic-like for my taste, but it was next generation, and there are others now that are, too. If HL2 came out a year ago, it might have been what HL1 was, but I don't think that's possible now, although I'm still looking forward to it. Just my flame or something.
You probably should. *Not bothering to update connection speeds*

EDIT: I got beaten again...
pvtlon said:
:sniper: :dork: :x jk... I take it not many people know how bittorrent works?

Lol, true :D

And it seems no one read my earlier post concerning that :D Or yours for that matter.

I'm at 81.4% w00t! :D
I've uploaded 2.25mb @66.7%

(resumed from yesterday)
I'd say over 98% of this community just wants the file without wanting to know how :naughty: .
I'm waiting till people get to above 90% before I start to download. From there it'll be smooth, fast download :)
I'm on 76% really, but it says 57%...something is wrong here.
This forum is becoming a chat program. Every time I refresh 1-2 new posts appear.

Almost at 82%.
Eejit said:
I'm waiting till people get to above 90% before I start to download. From there it'll be smooth, fast download :)

And everybody else who decided to do the same will hog what bandwidth is left, especially once everybody else decides to be jerks and disconnects after they download it.