Earth Hour 2009

Will you particpate in Earth Hour 2009??

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • No

    Votes: 34 43.6%
  • Maybe if I remember

    Votes: 18 23.1%
  • Yes and I'll even go the extra mile somehow

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • The planet is doomed!! Why bother??

    Votes: 14 17.9%

  • Total voters


Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
If you haven't all ready heard, people around the globe will be turning off their lights for 1 hour, once on March 28th (Saturday) which is all voluntary.

Basically I all ready participate in this because I love to play my games in the dark just about every day but people can do much more than this imo if we're going to clean up this planet of all the toxic sludge and particles in the air. I do even more than this once a year, and I'm also buying more non electric chargers and devices like my solar/crank radio, solar ipod/phone charger, and water powered clock.

So will you participate??
Dere's a Spy ova hea'!

But seriously, I'm going to do what I can. I might spend the entire day without using electricity. Should be incredibly difficult.
I have off from work and I'm vacation. I've been sitting on my ass eating nothing but junk food and not really working out. if its nice on saturday I might just do some jogging or at least help outside around the house. our apple trees need some tender loving care
I'm gonna have my PC and PS3 turned on at the same time that day.
I'm going to lol at how much energy is used getting the message across, that day.
But remember, most of that energy is just displacing an equal amount of energy that would be used to advertise sports, idiots, fashion, and propaganda :p
What asshole voted yes after reading Deathmaster's post?! Who was it?! Was it you, Danimal?! Was it?!

No. It was me. I did it.
Man, I would, but I'm so damn tired. But I'm not sleeping because I'm addicted to the internet again. I never should have bought a replacement charger for my laptop.

brb attempting sleep, goodnight derek my love <3

[edit] That was really, really gay. So it stays.
Man, I would, but I'm so damn tired. But I'm not sleeping because I'm addicted to the internet again. I never should have bought replacement drugs for my laptop.
How I read it, I'm tired.
I won't be participating. I'll be learning math instead.
Well... For it to have a point really, you should turn of your computer and/or TV also.
Seriously, you can't go an hour without clicking the new post button... Can't happen.
What's the point of turning your lights off for an hour? Even if everyone did it it's not like power plants are going to change their output for that single hour.
Gonna try take part, yeah. Just gotta convince the rest of the house.
I'm going without lights, but it stops there. No-one gets between me and my TV
Smoking weed needs no electricity.
Think outside the box, man. Where does the energy to produce that butane and that plastic Bic come from?

You're going to have to bust out the Magnifying-Glass-and-Sun kit.
I plan on turning everything electric I own on and leaving it on all day long, then turning every faucet I have on and doing the same, including the bathtub and shower. The way I see it is, you have to fight fire with fire.
Think outside the box, man. Where does the energy to produce that butane and that plastic Bic come from?

You're going to have to bust out the Magnifying-Glass-and-Sun kit.

matches FTW!
I'm turning all the lights ON.

**** the planet and **** YOU.
I will if I remember. I attended a professor's lecture today that included a little bit on climate change, which was really depressing. Apparently the Arctic Circle is already screwed up beyond fixing.

Probably can't have the computer off though because I have to work on an insane/massive project.
That video was horribly cheesy and goofy.

The earth isn't worth one hour of my time.