easter egg in the movies?

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I seen writing on the Wall in the Last room Gordon enters in BugBait. It is graffeti, and im not sure if it means anything or not. Ill post a SS here in a second.


1. This looks like Gordon.
2.This says "Post no ?ills"

Dunno what it means, probably nothing, just another paranoid viewer.
Heres an enhanced version of the shot SilentKilla posted: (attached).


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It says "Post no Bills" It's all over scaffolding here in NY, but I dunno what it means.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
It says "Post no Bills" It's all over scaffolding here in NY, but I dunno what it means.
I'm fairly sure it means to not put posters or ads on the wall. That probably extends to spray-painting things on the wall, too :D

Not an easter egg, but funny nonetheless.

Also, will you guys PLEASE stop looking for faces in things? The brain is designed to see faces, and because of this the brain tends to overreact when you're looking for faces. It finds a vaguely facelike shape (two dark spots where eyes would be, for example), and tells the rest of the brain "HAY it's a face!" That's why people see Satan or the Virgin Mary in clouds/steam/smoke/ice/whatever. There's not actually anything THERE, it just looks kinda like a face.

So, in short, the "faces" aren't really there, and are very, very, VERY likely accidental.

ALSO, a proper easter egg is either something that you either:
1) have to perform some crazy action to get to
2) have to look hard/know where to look to find, but once you see it is obvious.

Since we can't very well move around in teh videos, if there IS an easter egg, it must be of type 2. Type 2 would not be a two-by-two pixel picture of Gordon, as that's not actually visible. It would be something like "GN WUZ HERE" on a wall or something like that.
So stop with the straw-grabbing, people :P
Damn you all, look in the gman's eyes, I know I can see orange, like hev suit orange...
A fun example of type 2 from above is the arrow in the FedEx logo. Look at the shape formed between the E and the x. You'd never see it unless someone pointed it out, but now I (and you) can't STOP seeing it. Ever again. Mwahahaha :devil:


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Does anyone recognize any of these posters maybe (from Traptown). The "DE" is clearly from a Cyrillic alphabet.


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G-Man's pupils

Or maybe the easter-egg are g-man's eye pupils ? They should enlarge in the dark, but they look like he was standing in california sunshine. Unless he's taken some drugs ;) Or maybe he's an alien :D (Alyx's eye pupils are bigger) He's eyes are strange... Or maybe valve didn't pay attention to that.

Another idea: the toilet, isn't that strange it was inside that big container which stood with the opening straight to the sky ? Though the container was attached to the roof, so why would one put the toilet bowl there ? (Did anyone asked Gabe about this ?)
in Lone's Poster picture, the one poster almost looks like a Evil Alyx. But as we all know, that really isnt a easter egg.
ach.. it's Alyx necklace.. the little box.. it's Pandoras Box, and she opend it, and all the evil came out (the aliens and such)..
Perhaps the green person in that poster is a character from that vampire game being made on the source engine.
Originally posted by maximus0402
finding an easter egg could mean finding a mistake that was noticed in the video.... I know for a fact that in the third movie, the brush by some crates and then brush by it again and it says "fragile" "keep dry" "do xot drop"...its suppose to say do not drop, they put a x intead of an N, but this could be a different mistake

haha i have noticed that too :) its really funny :)
uhh it could be

in the movie traptown one of the soldiers say "Man Down!" and he has a really creepy voice. so creepy he can be AN ALEIN. BUM BUM BUM
I still think its the "ck me" showing on Alyx's shirt, the positioning of the opening in her vest and the shirt is just too coincedental to have the Hl2 devs not be thinking about it when they put it iin
her necklace

her necklace looks like a horadic cube from Diablo 2. here take a look


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The letters RQ appear to be spraypainted on at least 2 walls, one can be seen here, and the other is on the wall in the last room in bugbait. The circle below is there both times too.

Not so so much an easter egg, but has anyone else seen the picture of
the antlions running along the dry river bed. Look at the ant lion in the top left corner, does anyone else think that it looks like it's back carapace is open, like a ladybird when it flys? Maybe a little trick
to surprize players when its released? (Maybe, maybe not?)
why is that horse statue in the strider part standing on a 10 meter high pole?? doesnt look natural to me :dozey:
Originally posted by RadiuS
why is that horse statue in the strider part standing on a 10 meter high pole?? doesnt look natural to me :dozey:
That's fairly common for European statues
you know that wreckage in the ant lion picture always looked like wreckage from a b-25 or some other flying fortress bomber to me
Originally posted by EnochLight
That's an awesome shot - I can't wait to get to that level and explore. I wonder if it's an actual dry riverbed? It looks more like a dry ocean-bed; some of the ships and sunken rusted vehicles appear too big for a river. I could swear that in the buggy clip, you could actually see a sunken submarine!



Oh yeah, the first thing I will do on that level is go into the sunken sub.
Originally posted by spookymooky
you know that wreckage in the ant lion picture always looked like wreckage from a b-25 or some other flying fortress bomber to me

nm i guess its a sub :o
(HL2.net needs a better embarressed smilie. This one sucks)
Originally posted by Rabid Llama
A fun example of type 2 from above is the arrow in the FedEx logo. Look at the shape formed between the E and the x. You'd never see it unless someone pointed it out, but now I (and you) can't STOP seeing it. Ever again. Mwahahaha :devil:

youre evil. now i cant stop looking at the arrow!
heh, in kleiners lab video(bink version) after alyx says "thats it, we gotta get moving" it sounds like someone is farting :x
I just read all 21 pages to find the easter egg and didnt learn anything apart from there seem to be a few random faces stuck all over the place :\

took hours :(
Originally posted by Unique
I just read all 21 pages to find the easter egg and didnt learn anything apart from there seem to be a few random faces stuck all over the place :\

took hours :(

It's all Gabe's fault :)
Originally posted by RedXiii
Not so so much an easter egg, but has anyone else seen the picture of
the antlions running along the dry river bed. Look at the ant lion in the top left corner, does anyone else think that it looks like it's back carapace is open, like a ladybird when it flys? Maybe a little trick
to surprize players when its released? (Maybe, maybe not?)

They do that once in one of the vids,(guess it would have to be bugbait) i think cause i saw it and i thought it would be pretty cool if they could hover, or even fly (scary as sh#t! lol)
i might just be thinkin of the screen shot though cause i just watched it back i didnt spot it again, would be cool though
Good news, they do hover and fly for short distances. Check the IGN preview.
maybe it's not something you'll see. maybe it's a sound. personally i noticed during the dock video that they used the EXACT same sounds for the zombies when they go to attack.

i thought i read somewhere that there was an easteregg in the video that the guy's using the manipulator gun on the letters. the place where he pulls a letter off a sign and throws it at a stider. im at school right now, so i cant look the video up to see. i think i read it somewhere though.
Originally posted by DigiMajik
maybe it's not something you'll see. maybe it's a sound. personally i noticed during the dock video that they used the EXACT same sounds for the zombies when they go to attack.

i thought i read somewhere that there was an easteregg in the video that the guy's using the manipulator gun on the letters. the place where he pulls a letter off a sign and throws it at a stider. im at school right now, so i cant look the video up to see. i think i read it somewhere though.

He took the letters F and U off the sign and threw it off the strider. Even the people in the E3 showing noticed that so it cant be that. And it cant be the sound issue either since valve has said many of the sounds in the videos arent finished and are just placeholders
well, i know another strange thing about the tech part in the e3 movie, but other people probably noticed this.

The part where they first talk about the refraction of the water (right after the 1st hall where they demonstrate physics), theres a guy standing on a walkway as you look up at the wall. NO idea who it is, though. Any ideas on this?
Yeah, everyone saw this. Been discussed alot i think:P
Its one of the guys that work with you in the barney fight scene. Those 5 NPC characters. Just one of those guys.
Thanks for the feedback, but I cant find the IGN preview. (A link might help :)) Anyway, if the antlions definitely can fly I hope valve put in a chase, with a dune buggy and a swarm of angry antlions. Just for fun you know. :)
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