Easter Egg in the videos

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Feb 17, 2004
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Has anyone ever found out what the easter egg in the videos were? I searched for it on these forums and found nothing.
I believe valve said that there were several, but they never confirmed any or revealed any to my knowledge. And the community never seemed to agree on any specific easter eggs. Its kinda hard to spot them when everything is so new. Hard to determine what you're looking for.
I heard somthing about the reflection is gman's eyes, but I didn't see a damn thing. I also heard about the stuff flieing past you after the Strider kills/teleports you.
Yeah I've heard about those too. But I don't think anyone has determined what exactly the stuff flying past is exactly.
There's a toilet in every single one of the released BINK videos (and most of the others too).
Chris_D said:
There's a toilet in every single one of the released BINK videos (and most of the others too).

Care to proven this with screenies for those of us who are overtly curious? :LOL:
I see the one in Kleiner's lab, I don't have any of the other videos though.
how do u only have the kleiner video...omg...lol... :D.... yea...they did determine what it was flying past u... something about gordon in a coma....small barely visible pictures.. of gman and elivance...and the horse from c17....i forget the rest
*sigh* *remembers the old days* Wow, so much has changed. Its kinda funny we still dont know what it was. I'm pretty sure Gabe said the Images at the end werent any easter eggs. (or the ones he meant anyways).
You know what pisses me off. I had all the videos that came out. And then steam went non-beta. And poof.... I only have 4 vids left....

Of course i could get them back. But I d/l them once and I'm just a bit too lazy.
at the beginning of traptown, when gordon picks the box up with the manipulator, the cans have letters on them that when you rearrange the order, spell out "valve"
anyone know even slightly what we should look for? because all ive seen is the stuff flying past at the end.
wendle said:
You know what pisses me off. I had all the videos that came out. And then steam went non-beta. And poof.... I only have 4 vids left....

Of course i could get them back. But I d/l them once and I'm just a bit too lazy.
Fascinating story :bounce:
Chris_D said:
There's a toilet in every single one of the released BINK videos (and most of the others too).

There isnt one in the Direct X 9 video
do they actually exist or is this a "i heard that someone I don't know was told by Valve" thing
err another easter egg if you will is, that alyx is wearing a shirt with a blackmesa logo. Pretty funny considering she lost her mother there (do I detect a complex?)
Hehe, and somthing even funnier, the only letter you can see on her shirt are CK ME...hehe yah get it? lol Anyways, where is a good spot to get all the videos?
G-man, Alyx and Gordon all have the same weird coloured eyes. I've always noticed that in The Concept Art
Foxtrot said:
Hehe, and somthing even funnier, the only letter you can see on her shirt are CK ME...hehe yah get it? lol Anyways, where is a good spot to get all the videos?

Ha. I didn't notice that. But on checking, it's true. ha.
AzzMan said:
at the beginning of traptown, when gordon picks the box up with the manipulator, the cans have letters on them that when you rearrange the order, spell out "valve"

You sure? Looks like "Elavla" to me.
songwriter said:
G-man, Alyx and Gordon all have the same weird coloured eyes. I've always noticed that in The Concept Art

maybe they're taking spice.. :imu:
No. they have no Easter Eggs in videos. They have been postponed, Valve style.
What about that one, when the player throws with the manipulator gun the letters F U (fu** you)?
A.I. said:
What about that one, when the player throws with the manipulator gun the letters F U (fu** you)?

Thats more of a joke, rather than an easter egg :sleep:
Maybe they were sending a messege to the fans. Message as follows "HAHA, Spet. 30!? F U"
Lads looking for easter eggs in video's is like looking for conspiracy theories.They're there if ya want em to be there.

EDIT:Though there might be some sort of Logo on a pendant Alyx wears around her neck but when I magnify i lose resolution,anyone got Photoshop?
I have photoshop...do youhave a good screenshot of Alyx?
I HAVE a GREAT screenshot of alyx....AIM me or MSNM me for it
I have found 3 toilets, and in all the videos he purposfuly looks at it.
I've found 3 toilets aswell, does anyone want to go thru the trouble to take screenshots? :p
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