Easter Egg in the videos

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Alyx's necklace doesn't have a logo, just a little design.
I found teh Eastar Egger!


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Beserker said:
No. they have no Easter Eggs in videos. They have been postponed, Valve style.

wow that actually made me chuckle... actually I admit it I busted out laughing..... ahaha valve style
sabre89 said:
I've found 3 toilets aswell, does anyone want to go thru the trouble to take screenshots? :P

There was a thread discussing the easter eggs many months ago, I posted a screenshot of the toilet from the buggy video. Search my name and look at my very first post for that screenshot and screenshots of the other toilets. I don't believe there is a screenshot for the strider video, but anyone looking for it should look near the combine tower at the startm that's where it is.

The easter egg is in fact the toilets

:dork: I guarantee that there is one in every single video as I have found them all myself.
I think one of the easter eggs is the soda machine in the Traptown video. Did anyone else notice that when the radiator hit the soda machine and the cans came out, that the cans were all hollow? Arn't soda cans full when they come out of a soda machine? They also made that hollow can noise too. That doesn't seem exactly accurate in my book.
Keeson ,there is no toilet in the Direct X 9 video. I said that earlier
Ummm, the cans being empty doesn't really matter, thats more of a mistake than an intentional egg. I could say the very same thing about alot of other things in the video, like what happened to the first strider? He suddenly doesn't exist, no-one shoots at him, and when the player walks over there, he is nowhere is sight.

I really have a good feeling on this toilet notion, I too have found toilets in every video, with help from playing the beta. It is very easy, I find a toilet playing, then look for it in the video. Although the G-Man and tech demos really have me, but those aren't actual levels in the game so they don't count ;)
find teh easter bunnay and I'm dah happay man.

Yes..that's my important thing...

also, it seems that Valve people has somekind of fetish for toilets...hmmm....
Zetahl2world said:
Radiators too.
Hey Zeta!

Does anyone know if Valve will tell us what the egg is after HL2 is out?
Just thawt about this, no-one will care, they'll all be too busy playing HL2 :)
VALVe already denied the toilets being the easter egg.. Gabe said no one has found the easter egg(s) they mentioned
there is not toilette in the docks video guys so drop the toilette thing. their is numbers on the crate behind alex in the kliener video. 24312. it's to the right of the screen on the floor. I have no idea if it's important. also you can read the time on the clock. there is a second gun under the desk in that video. when gordon looks at that borken scanner and bumps the monitor you can see the second gun laying on the ground. I don't know if I found anything but those can go un-noticed. The pop machine is homage to the origenal machine from the first halflife that spit out empty cans. I am trying to read what's on them.

I alsot think the cans say doc soda on them but I am not sure.
What does the box say to the left of the monitor that he bumps? Also I saw what the cans say in the leaked build, but I will let you find out on your own :)
is it doc soda... ?

I know what that crate says. It says fragil keep dry, and somthing like "do not drop"

but the "N" in not looks like an x.
I found somthing better in the trap town video. When the combine soldier kicks the door open paint cans come from no were flying in. it looks as though he kicked 2 paint cans in aswell. it's supposed to look like they fell off the table but there are no paint cans on the table. They just come flying in from the door.
Actually, I think those paint cans are off the box that Gordon picks up with the manipulator. If you look, one of them is lying outside the room he goes into, I think.

EDIT: Well, I went back and checked, and they're not the ones from the manipulator box. However, there is still at least one can sitting outside the room Gordon goes into.

Another thing, has anyone noticed that the first combine in that video just seems to warp in?
no, those are inside the box on the table, you can notice them sticking out of it when gordon pushes the table in front of the door..
heh.. i don't think this is an easter egg, but it's kinda funny.. I noticed that there is no door into that room that you see at the beginning of the trapdown video (the room on the corner of the building that you enter), if you look in the windows and such, there is no door going into the room..
The radiators have valves on them...GET IT ...VALVES....

I have nothing.
I heard someone rant before about how they were just tricking you into spending hours peering at videos, while taking your mind of the delay.

so, yeah.
Only they released them before news of the delay... hmmm...
Zetahl2world said:
I heard someone rant before about how they were just tricking you into spending hours peering at videos, while taking your mind of the delay.

so, yeah.

What?! there was a delay?!!?! Sorry, i was just watching the vids all this time and OMG there was a delay HOLY F***! *goes back to vids*
they have been postponed, valve style


future generations will refer to dissapointing/delaying incident as "doing a Valve"!
It's a mind effecting video with sublimenal ( :dozey: ) messages.
panaticus said:
It's a mind effecting video with sublimenal ( :dozey: ) messages.

yes and if you play the end sequence (with the stuff flying past the screen) backward, you can here a voice saying. "GGGGaabe is a nice name, bbbbuy ATI".
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