Easter Egg in the videos

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kaf11 said:
yeah, there are all sorts of things that fly by at the end. ones that ive seen: beard guy, unidentified people, words, etc...

Yeah, but everything that flies by has been studied, but nothing was something like an easter egg. They said.

EDIT- oh and what the G-man said in chinese is also nothing...
ehy,someone in this forums say that the easter eggs in the videos is a toilet
if is that
I found it!
(but I am sure everibody found it to)
this is the screemshot,is in the traptown video,inside the big blue thing who freeman use a grenade to blow it to the combines in the litle place down,before freeman meets the zombies

I cant post the screemshot,I try but the manage attachaments window dont works!
hav a problen?
They were saying that there's a toilet in EACH ONE of the videos...
Letters said:
They were saying that there's a toilet in EACH ONE of the videos...

yup, I found them all except the one in the 'docks' video.
The easter egg is that you see the g-man holding a crowbar in one of the videos!

Leads you to believe that the g-man is actually Freeman thats came back from the future to make sure that he does his job the way its meant to be done!

Pwaa :naughty:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Is that made up or did you see the G_man with a crowbar lol?

Made up sorry lol :thumbs:

Although it would be nice to see the G-man open his suitcase up and hand over a crowbar to freeman :farmer:
I knew everibody has found the toilet
I will keep looking the videos

*<RJMC> open HL2 video*
omg there better be like the "UBER CROWBAR" you get at the end of the game from the G-Man, it'll be the double ended light saber.
What does g-man say in, what I assume is, japanese in the g-man video?
On a side note...

G-Man says "Well it looks like we won't be working together".

This is taken from the end of HL1 if you choose the "**** you g-man" option.

The full quote is:
"Well it looks like we won't be working together. No regrets Mr. Freeman?"
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