Easter Egg in the videos

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Guys, there is only one thing we can do to find the easter egg out: Some guy take a screenie of every single frame in all the BINK vids and we discuss every single one, pointing out possible easter eggs, and then we line up every one and in the end when all the nonpossible easter eggs have been erased - voila! I hope someone understands what I mean.
CrazyHarij said:
Guys, there is only one thing we can do to find the easter egg out: Some guy take a screenie of every single frame in all the BINK vids and we discuss every single one, pointing out possible easter eggs, and then we line up every one and in the end when all the nonpossible easter eggs have been erased - voila! I hope someone understands what I mean.

Holy Crap! I think your on to something! I think that is a definite posibility. After all, It would make a post that could be discussed until Half Life's release! *Eli Applauds CrazyHarij*
Allright guys, wild theory. All the talk about something about the gman's eyes... has anyone looked and tried to see if he is wearing contacts??
I have been looking at all the stuff that flies by you before you meet g-man and omg there is some weird stuff. Some mathematical equations, a horse(the one from the statue) and a person.
BlazeKun said:
Allright guys, wild theory. All the talk about something about the gman's eyes... has anyone looked and tried to see if he is wearing contacts??

......he also resembles and old shaven gordon to me..... WOW -smacks self-
DC9884 said:
what monkey?!?! you better not be Bull****ing me!!!!

No it's in there! They're everywhere! EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU!!! I CAN HEAR THEM CALL FOR ME 'KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL'. It's the CIA man, the f*cking CIA I tell you!! You really thought Badger Badger was just an innocent flash movie? NOOO!!! ITS ALL MADE UP BY THE SPACEALIENS FROM XEN!!! AND THE G-MAN!! DOUG LOMBARDI IS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND IT ALL!! HE'S DELAYING HL2 SO HE CAN SUCK OUR BRAINS!!

/me starts rolling on the floor curled up like a fetus

I don't know if you know this one, but I've found a mistake in the barricade video. When gordon and two other guys go into the destroyed building. Throug the door on the right you see a wall with no windows. but when gondon's outside you see windows there!

It's probably nothing.. but who knows..
I don't see what your talking about. I don't think what you say is true. If it is you need to be more specific.
csmighty1 said:
Holy Crap! I think your on to something! I think that is a definite posibility. After all, It would make a post that could be discussed until Half Life's release! *Eli Applauds CrazyHarij*

You're being sarcastic, aren't you? But yeah, it would keep us busy until the release of Half-Life 2, the original one is already released :p
wonkers said:
I don't see what your talking about. I don't think what you say is true. If it is you need to be more specific.

ah it's nothing.. just a bug in the textures...

but if you want to know.. when gordon is leads the other guys into that building, you see a round shaped concrete wall. but when you're outside, when you are just spotted, you see the same wall from the other side and you see windows there.. weird.
I wouldn't say it's weird, just a little mistake. But since were on the subject of windows, (I guess) I was impressed when the second strider was shooting the bulidng, and the windows were part of the building texture, but they actually broke! Maybe they were just decals, or maybe something new in the source engine. :)
vegeta897 said:
I wouldn't say it's weird, just a little mistake. But since were on the subject of windows, (I guess) I was impressed when the second strider was shooting the bulidng, and the windows were part of the building texture, but they actually broke! Maybe they were just decals, or maybe something new in the source engine. :)

Yeah. It's cool, but when a window breaks, it 'plops' into the other texture (wich is the same every time too). and the window left-under the last window that breaks gets shot too, but doesn't break.

Don't understand me wrong. I'm not trying to say that it's not good enough. It's very cool actually.
The easter egg could be that they got us too look this hard for something un-important
What window are you talking about? I saw one that did get shot and didn't break BUT it got shot on the pane! That's REALLY cool. :D

Must play now. I'm going to find myself replaying each section of the game over and over, doing something different everytime. Physics increases the replay value by like 800%

I'm hungry.
I like the effects in Bugbait, where the autoguns are shooting down the hall and hitting the doors and windows. Looks and sounds really realistic...
what exactlyis that "easter eggs"?
(because I dont understand very good english)
<RJMC> said:
what exactlyis that "easter eggs"?
(because I dont understand very good english)
A rabbit hid one of his colorful eggs in the videos!

(It's really just a special thing added in for fun. :))
Hidden surprises in games and movies. They're for the people who like to examine everything really closely.
Can't it just be that Gabe said there is an easter egg, just to let people look very much times at the E3video, so that everyone adventually gets more interrest in HL2?

EDIT- Oh wait, stupid me. When people see the video very much times, they adventually see the bugs and mistakes. I don't think Gabe wants that...

...keep searching everyone......
I found something but I dont think that is a "easter egg"

in the video of the striders, when freeman pick up the letters whit the manipulator, I heard a strange laughs,really I heard that

but I am sure that is nothing
<RJMC> said:
I found something but I dont think that is a "easter egg"

in the video of the striders, when freeman pick up the letters whit the manipulator, I heard a strange laughs,really I heard that

but I am sure that is nothing

That's probably of the shaky-cam video. When Gordon throws the F and the U to the strider, someone who's at the presentation says "F you!" and then the other guys laugh.
well maybe is that
but I heard the first laughs when freeman hav the F whit the manipulator
<RJMC> said:
well maybe is that
but I heard the first laughs when freeman hav the F whit the manipulator
Probably a laugh because it's just so damn awesome!
Could it be in the tech demo video when they build that character out of water? Somebody find out what that is, from what I can see it looks like a combine...
Moto-x_Pat said:
Could it be in the tech demo video when they build that character out of water? Somebody find out what that is, from what I can see it looks like a combine...

I haven't seen the video, but I've heard several people say it was gordon made out of water.
The water character was a demonstration of the materials system in action.
no cuz you can hear the press guys laughing in the background. I think it was a joke.
I think the letters he fired at the strider were F , U

I could be wrong but thats what I remember.
Brian Damage said:
The water character was a demonstration of the materials system in action.

Yes, I know. What I mean is this: What character could that be? It is obviously a character model, and they simply applied the water effects textures to it. I am wondering who that model could be if it had its correct textures. It kind of does look like Gordon.

Example: You take the original combine model and remove its textures. You then take the water effects file and rename it like "combine_tex.tga" or something and apply it to the combine model. That model is now build out of water. :stare:
that model was just the G-man with his hands behind his back...i think. did anyone notice when the video first goes to city 17 there is that mustang (horse) reering back on the statue thing, later at the end that same thing flies by you. not much but hey what can i say
yeah, there are all sorts of things that fly by at the end. ones that ive seen: beard guy, unidentified people, words, etc...
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