Easy? Normal? Or Hard?

Half life 2?

  • Easy

    Votes: 37 10.1%
  • Normal

    Votes: 238 64.7%
  • Hard

    Votes: 93 25.3%

  • Total voters

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Assuming HL2 will be on Easy, normal and hard, Which will you play it on? Be honest

I absolutely detest playing games on Hard since FarCry. I used to ALWAYS play on Hard in first person shooters, but FarCry made me realize..

Having to quick load if you get shot a few times during a small scale firefight is NOT fun. It was so tedious and god awful that I never beat FarCry and the game sickens me now. I never got past river :|
I always play games on normal, its too easy on easy and usually too hard on hard, except Call of Duty, That was ridicliously easy on the hardest set.

If im really confident about me owning i will pump it up
Normal. Farcry was the first game I enjoyed on hard. for one simple reason...

EVERY GAME OUT THERE has "Hard" setup so every enemy human can take like, 300 bullets to the head, and you die from a peice of shrapnel that stuck into your pinkey toe.

Farcry had is so it was realistic. One bullet might kill you, but it kills them too. :D

so Normal for me. Unless hard just makes the enemies smarter, not adding 500hp to each of the headcrabs or something like that...
I agee, it pisses me off when hard sets just make them cheat, its the minimum requiremant for making a game
A2597 said:
Normal. Farcry was the first game I enjoyed on hard. for one simple reason...

EVERY GAME OUT THERE has "Hard" setup so every enemy human can take like, 300 bullets to the head, and you die from a peice of shrapnel that stuck into your pinkey toe.

Farcry had is so it was realistic. One bullet might kill you, but it kills them too. :D

so Normal for me. Unless hard just makes the enemies smarter, not adding 500hp to each of the headcrabs or something like that...
:D :LOL:
normal prolly for me. i dont have teh skillz to beat it on hard :/
Hard for me, I want HL2 to last as long as possible, and there's no doubt in my mind that Valve have made sure it's possible on Hard. To be honest, I was shocked to see how few people voted for Hard on the poll. Even though most people are satisfied with the 20-some hours of gameplay HL2 is expected to offer, I see no harm in playing on Hard in an attempt to make the singleplayer experience last a bit longer.

Remember back to HL1, for a minute, and the fact that the Hard setting was really quite easy. There was always plenty of ammo and health around, and I expect HL2 to contain a similar share of goodies along the way.

Shuzer, just be glad you didn't get to the END of Far Cry, the last level was just hell on the hardest setting, and pointlessly so.

The game should be hard enough that I die rarely, but come very close rather often. That is the sweet spot. But is that normal, or hard? Because every game is different, theres really no telling until you're halfway through (or farther).

(I voted normal)
A2597 said:
Normal. Farcry was the first game I enjoyed on hard. for one simple reason...

EVERY GAME OUT THERE has "Hard" setup so every enemy human can take like, 300 bullets to the head, and you die from a peice of shrapnel that stuck into your pinkey toe.

Farcry had is so it was realistic. One bullet might kill you, but it kills them too. :D

so Normal for me. Unless hard just makes the enemies smarter, not adding 500hp to each of the headcrabs or something like that...
I sort of agree with you, but on the hardest setting of Far Cry they can take 2 shotgun rounds to the head, thats ridiculous. although i did like that it had 5 or 6 difficulty's

Anyway i'll play it on normal
IMO, It doenst make the game longer for me, i just die more

Haha yeah, but over time, all those deaths add up to extra playtime :D Me, I like a challenge and am bored out of my mind if I don't get blown to pieces here and there. I loved HL1 on the hardest difficulty because I was always falling to my death or getting grenaded when I didn't expect it.

I also liked playing the first on Hard because I was usually at 10-20 health and it made it just that much more realistic. Then it really does take one or two shots to take me down (not that HL2 should be as realistic as a war game, by any means, but I like dying about as easily as the average Combine would).

normal is standard..
EDIT: oh, i play normal the first time.
UnmarkedOne said:
Shuzer, just be glad you didn't get to the END of Far Cry, the last level was just hell on the hardest setting, and pointlessly so.


I can imagine. I was playing on Realistic obviously, which wasn't so realistic. Enemies could take 2 to 3 jackhammer shotgun shots to the face and still live, but you could take one shot from a pistol and die.. enemies could see for miles, literally, and the bushes offered no cover.

It was the most unrealistic experience I've ever had.

I started the game on Normal, it was a walk in the park.. it was so incredibly easy, it made me sick. I didn't have the dedication or want to play through it though
Normal if i feel its to easy ill go to hard.
I usually just play games at the easy setting (or auto-adjust if available)... but for Half-Life 2... we're going normal, baby! :D
Shuzer said:
It was the most unrealistic experience I've ever had.

I started the game on Normal, it was a walk in the park.. it was so incredibly easy, it made me sick. I didn't have the dedication or want to play through it though

In all fairness, Far Cry is one of the most fun games I've played in quite some time (though that last level was just... ugh). Even though you had a bad first experience, maybe sometime you'll pick it back up and complete it on Normal. I luckily only had to pay $20 for the game, but after playing through it, realized I gladly would have paid 50 (55 for that matter, it's at least twice as good as Doom3, for which I paid 55). I'd reccommend it to anyone who likes shooters at all.

I was thinking normal but now that someone said that it will last long on hard I think I will go to hard..:)
UnmarkedOne said:
In all fairness, Far Cry is one of the most fun games I've played in quite some time (though that last level was just... ugh). Even though you had a bad first experience, maybe sometime you'll pick it back up and complete it on Normal. I luckily only had to pay $20 for the game, but after playing through it, realized I gladly would have paid 50 (55 for that matter, it's at least twice as good as Doom3, for which I paid 55). I'd reccommend it to anyone who likes shooters at all.


I ordered it for $24 off eBay. It was a Thailand version, so everything was in Thai, except the game.. which installed according to your system's language settings.
i always start on Hard. i want a challenge, and i'm in no hurry to finish.
remember, just cause it'll last long on harder doesn't mean you'll have more fun. i'd have more fun with a shorter game and dying less than a longer game because i die more.
i don't mind dying a lot if the game has good combat, 'cos u can try out different tactics each time.
as long as ur killed in a fair fight, not falling down a trapdoor or having a piano dropped on u.
Normal the first time "Cause thats how it's ment to be played"

And I'm not sure about the second, maybe easy, maybe hard, depends on how the game turns out
Once i'm able to get a computer to play it, and hopefully ill still be alive then, ill be playing on normal.
Normal will probably satisfy me for a while, then, provided HL2 is good, which it should be... i'll play it again in hard.
I'm kinda debating this one.

I want to start with normal so that I can play the second time on hard and increase the challenge, making it more replayable.

But, at the same time, the first time you play is the first time you don't know what you're up against, so playing on hard would make it the most challenging the game will ever be.

Decisions, decisions.
Normal then hard. Then it's on to mucking around with the SDK (assuming we will have it :O).
for all we know it could be one of those games that comes with 4 difficulty settings: easy, normal, hard, nightmare or something. that would be sweeet :D
Cynical said:
for all we know it could be one of those games that comes with 4 difficulty settings: easy, normal, hard, nightmare or something. that would be sweeet :D

ooohhh...i want nightmare ! : )
But I think I will play it with Hard first time through