Easy? Normal? Or Hard?

Half life 2?

  • Easy

    Votes: 37 10.1%
  • Normal

    Votes: 238 64.7%
  • Hard

    Votes: 93 25.3%

  • Total voters
I'll start playing on the hardest setting but if it's too hard then I'll just change to normal.

I wanna see the full measure of HL2s super duper guper AI.
Bait said:

I wanna see the full measure of HL2s super duper guper AI.

What if the AI does not improve but the enemy just shoots 6% more accuaret and deal 2 more damage and have 5 more hp?
Either start with normal or hard. I play hard unless I think maybe it'll be frustratingly hard. I'll usually finish it on normal to get a feel for it, then play through it on hard just to beat the best of the game and get a good challenge. Then maybe later i'd play it on easy, just to like screw around and not worry about getting my @$$ handed to me, like going through it with cheats on just to have some fun. Can't wait to go thru the whole thing, try to beat it with just the manipulator hehe.
Easy..i dont like when its hard i play for a story and a experience..
Shuzer said:

I absolutely detest playing games on Hard since FarCry. I used to ALWAYS play on Hard in first person shooters, but FarCry made me realize..

Having to quick load if you get shot a few times during a small scale firefight is NOT fun. It was so tedious and god awful that I never beat FarCry and the game sickens me now. I never got past river :|


i'll play hard mode
Normal... I was thinking about doing it hard... but then I got scary thoughts reading your posts.
First normal, but when I play it for the second time I choose hard. Or normal must be really hard for me but I don't expect that. But I don't think it's more difficult than Operation Flashpoint, the damn most difficult game I've ever played. But If you finally accomplish a mission it's SO satisfying.
I prefer to play on hard - but only if it's implmented well. Quite often (especially in pc shooters) hard usually equals cheap. Far Cry is a good example of this.

Golden Eye/Perfect Dark and Halo (Xbox) are good examples of how to a hard setting.
Yeah Goldeneye rocked on hard... especially the 2nd to last level (not the bonus levels).
Easy: All the difficulty of watching an action movie. The game becomes a shorter experience of closely linked narrative points.

Hard: Story becomes am afterthought as you concentrate on staying alive long enough to press the quick save button. The re-load button is your friend and the death scene a constant companion.

Normal: A finely tuned balance of story, gameplay and challenge. You feel you're achieving something as more of the plot unfolds. This is the way Valve intended it to be presented.

So Normal for me then.. first time. Then Hard... I loved Halo on Legendary even if it did feel a little trial and error most of the time.
That depends on what the difference between the difficulty levels are. If the difference is that on normal and hard the "bad guys" will be able to take ridiculous amounts of damage, then it's easy for me.

If the game kicks ass, i might then play it on hard.
Easy. And if i feel it's TOO easy, i'll start over at Normal.
I decided to bump this because the game is drawing close, so people have made up their minds

Just 3 weeks!
Hard right away. I like a good challenge in a game. I also want it to last longer!! :D
And when hard unlocks extreme kickass, I'll probably have my way with that too :D Imagine the striders...
If the "Hard" is "Doom Nightmare stylee" ill go for normal.

Otherwise Hard, Always Hard.

And i will never go "Save-take-5-steps-kill-Combine-save"
Jesus Lincoln said:
Assuming HL2 will be on Easy, normal and hard, Which will you play it on? Be honest

Hard, definately
Normal. I want to play it the way it was ment to be played.
Though hard would definatly make the game last longer :D

so much more fun playing a game on hard, everytime you get past a crazy part you feel so fecking revealed, its more tense cause you dont TRY your hardest not to get hit cause every health counts...and when you find more powerful weapons then you feel like your gonna own the bastards :sniper:
hmm dribble dribble
what do you think the difference in difficultys will be ? Will the enemy have more health points or better A.I ? or will gordan have less hit points and die with fewer shots ?
I'd guess they'd keep the AI pretty similar - they don't want people complaining that the AI is shit. Enemies accuracy will be better, they will do more damage, and will have greater health. That's my guess anyway.
Maybe all three. I played Half Life on all levels from start to finish.
I'm gonna play normal. I view it as 'the way it was meant to be played'.
First time will be on normal setting, the second time I will do hard I think.
normal at first, probably. so that i can take my time and admire the scenery.
then i'll play hard, with the quicksave button disabled :) otherwise i won't be able to help it, i'll save every 50 feet just like I unfortunately still do in HL even after having played through the game more than 20 times (for real).

easy setting is only good for a quick whiz through the game.
1st time: Normal, to get a feel for what I'm up against.
2nd time: Hard, to know I've beaten th full challenge of half-life2
3rd time: normal or easy with cheats on to fully enjoy myself and screw around.
any replay after that: whatever i happen to feel like.