Eb games has posted....

lol, your link is broken...

"http://here" :D


I find that most interesting!!!

Ok ok.. You got me. I dont at all! I think its more pointless speculation to be honest......

Sorry... I felt sarcy... and tired!

EDIT: Just noticed something...

Welcome To The Forums :)
Retailers just place some arbitrary date for release.

No one knows the actual date, not even Valve knows for sure at this point.
Yes, until VALVe confirms their release date, all other dates, including retailers are just speculation based on the information out about the product available.
Its interesting they both used the same date, however.
I think you meant to use the phrase "a coincidence" when you said "interesting".
That is slightly interesting thanks. Makes me think that Vivendi expect the game to be out sometime around then.

(I only pay attention to retailer dates if they are consistant).
Evil Beaver said:
Yes, until VALVe confirms their release date, all other dates, including retailers are just speculation based on the information out about the product available.
Its interesting they both used the same date, however.

Even when Valve gives a date, it's still pure speculation. :) :dozey:
WhiteBoy said:
Even when Valve gives a date, it's still pure speculation. :) :dozey:


It's speculation, most retailers look at the data, fiscal reports and such and from the company's official statements and they throw up a date, and if other companies think it's more reasonable than their current, they match for a sense of consistency.

An example. lets say Person A trusts ebgames but only has a bestbuy nearby. If he read that ebgames is shipping the 1st and goes to best buy and the data matches he will most likely buy it from best buy because they are so close and their data matches. :) Srry confusing, but in a nutshell: everything is speculation in the world :borg:
Ohhh "Retailer X" posting "Release Date Y" for Half-Life 2...
Better make a thread about it.
Holy shit. People, haven't you learned anything? NEVER TRUST RETAILERS!

i want the collectors edition,
Free copy of the stolen source code
Free "Half-life 2 - coming 9/2003" T-shirt sounds kewl.
Ok hang on, to all the people saying "never trust a retailer", were you living under rock during the Doom 3 release fiasco?

Several retailers changed their Doom 3 release dates to August 3rd simultaneously about 2 weeks before an official gold announcemnent was made. Lots of people didn't believe it, some people thought it extremely suspicious. Though when iD software announced the gold date and the release date of August 3rd, 2 weeks after this retailer incident occurred it all made sense.

I also never trusted retailers UNTIL that Doom 3 thing happened. Now i'm not saying EB games is true, i'm just saying keep an open mind towards retailers and their dates.
Mr-Fusion said:
Ok hang on, to all the people saying "never trust a retailer", were you living under rock during the Doom 3 release fiasco?

Several retailers changed their Doom 3 release dates to August 3rd simultaneously about 2 weeks before an official gold announcemnent was made. Lots of people didn't believe it, some people thought it extremely suspicious. Though when iD software announced the gold date and the release date of August 3rd, 2 weeks after this retailer incident occurred it all made sense.

I also never trusted retailers UNTIL that Doom 3 thing happened. Now i'm not saying EB games is true, i'm just saying keep an open mind towards retailers and their dates.

Im gonna have to strongly agree with you on that one!! :thumbs:
When it comes to HL2, I wouldn't believe ANYTHING unless it was absolutely official from Valve. Or actually I'd prefer if it were from Vivendi or someone who's not likely to screw it up.

Remember CS:CZ going gold and not releasing until a few months after? Nice.
Im not saying that retailers are right all the time but on a few hit and miss situations they have shown proper release dates....doom3 being a bigger one.
I personally don't care when it comes out, on the 1st I'll sit in front of the computer and make all the relevant motions whether it's actually running or not. I think I'd go insane if I didn't.
Mr Fusion is dead right.

Anyone who thinks retailers know only as much as average Joe is a complete idiot. Do you honestly think that VU and the retailers have absolutely no contact with each other about a multi-million dollar project? Of course they do.

My opinion on the date, however, is that it is bullshit. I say that because I'm stubborn and am stuck in my ways about a October to November release.
Since all the retailers have the same date, VU must have informed them all recently of their expected shipping date for HL2 based on what Valve last told VU. Of course, all that has been thrown out the window again.

The likelihood of HL2 sitting on a store shelf Sept. 1st, 2004 is about zero now.
Whoa! Some crappy retail people think its out sep the 1st? Im so there!

...Yea... Once valve tells us, then I will beilive... then again they do *sometimes* delay there products..abit.
Mr-Fusion said:
Ok hang on, to all the people saying "never trust a retailer", were you living under rock during the Doom 3 release fiasco?

Several retailers changed their Doom 3 release dates to August 3rd simultaneously about 2 weeks before an official gold announcemnent was made. Lots of people didn't believe it, some people thought it extremely suspicious. Though when iD software announced the gold date and the release date of August 3rd, 2 weeks after this retailer incident occurred it all made sense.

I also never trusted retailers UNTIL that Doom 3 thing happened. Now i'm not saying EB games is true, i'm just saying keep an open mind towards retailers and their dates.

i see ur point.. but as of right now.. we know so little about the release date, the different game versions, the pricing.. i mean everything is so vague so really at this point for someone not to trust a retailer's date isn't foolish.
Dr Freeman - No one knew jack about when Doom 3 was due until a bunch of retailers suddenly changed their dates.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still the eternal pessimist, and I don't think HL2 will come out September 1st.
iamaelephant said:
Dr Freeman - No one knew jack about when Doom 3 was due until a bunch of retailers suddenly changed their dates.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still the eternal pessimist, and I don't think HL2 will come out September 1st.

yeah but at least Doom3 didn't have as many question marks relating to its release as HL2 does.

i mean before Doom3 was released, ID told us what the MP would be.. but here we are with Valve.. and we still officially don't know if there will be an MP and if so.. what type of MP and so forth.

i guess ultimately ur on the right path by saying HL2 won't be released September 1st or even September for that matter because its delay after delay.. and no confirmations at all for anything relating to HL2.
Mr-Fusion said:
Ok hang on, to all the people saying "never trust a retailer", were you living under rock during the Doom 3 release fiasco?

Several retailers changed their Doom 3 release dates to August 3rd simultaneously about 2 weeks before an official gold announcemnent was made. Lots of people didn't believe it, some people thought it extremely suspicious. Though when iD software announced the gold date and the release date of August 3rd, 2 weeks after this retailer incident occurred it all made sense.

I also never trusted retailers UNTIL that Doom 3 thing happened. Now i'm not saying EB games is true, i'm just saying keep an open mind towards retailers and their dates.

Agreed! :thumbs:
You know, the whole Sept. 30th thing is looking more and more likely with each passing day. Man, what a joke if it comes to pass.
i m gonna go with this belief that its gonna be release close to the sept 1 deadline..

i could be wrong.

but cs:s just went beta. that means hl 2 is in RC mode somewhere between valve and VU

its close.. its so very close..
I was looking at a pre-order on Play.com the other day for £26.99 and then I noticed at the bottom of the page it said 'Single player'. Whether this is an error or not, I'm not sure. I certainly don't want to pay £27 for the single-player only version, when I could get it in the US for about £12.

Hopefully it's a cock-up on their side which will be changed once the release date is 'officially' confirmed by Valve and VUG. Otherwise a lot of people are going to be annoyed.

I just hope Steam's going to be able to cope with all those precaches the week before release, cause that's ultimately how I plan to get HL2 - over Steam with my ATi voucher.
Ice_Walker said:
that the collectors edition and regular hal-life 2 to be released on September 1

I also went into best buy and the guy told me on their computers it says its supposed to be out on the 1st.

A friend of mine, Kilgore Trout, told me that Half-Life 2 will be released next week. And I like totally believed him because he writes science fiction.
Nah i dont believe it, they dont even have a confirmed release date so its most likely a guess like the others said.
Tredoslop said:
Holy shit. People, haven't you learned anything? NEVER TRUST RETAILERS!


EB and gamestop were the first ones to get Doom 3's release date of 3rd august, before even id software announced it gold. :p
lans said:
EB and gamestop were the first ones to get Doom 3's release date of 3rd august, before even id software announced it gold. :p

Correct. :farmer:
Anyone think it was interesting the way they went on about "hoping HL2 meets your expectations" in a press release about the CS: S beta... That was intriguing I thought..
I stick by my original date (since a month or so ago now) of September 29th, just as you know, a joke...

Though I guess releasing this game is no joke to those involved.