EBgames.com now has updated HL2:SE box art and info...

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I thought CS:S and HL:S came with HL2 either way. Does that mean I won't get it with my voucher?
I might have to pick up the CE....I live in a small town, so chances are it won't be sold out.
Democritus said:
That's too much for a game, HL2 or not. I don't need no stinkin' strategy guide and I got plenty of shirts. I think Madeline(?) would agree.

I don't think thats all the package is going to include. Theres still a big suprise Valve has up it's sleeve. No wonder it's taking so long for Vivendi to announce gold. Theres alot of things that need testing besides HL2 itself!
I think the CE is also due to contain extra HL2 playable content.... that would make it (more) worthwhile for me to pay the extra amount, along with the stuff the CE is listed to contain - I aint preorderin till Gabe himself says exactly what the CE contains though
Doesn't anyone notice that CS:S is listed as an INCLUDED EXTRA in the CE?

Does that mean non-CE owners will have to buy CS:S?
Demonmerc said:
Doesn't anyone notice that CS:S is listed as an INCLUDED EXTRA in the CE?

Does that mean non-CE owners will have to buy CS:S?

I noticed that. But its not nessecarily because thats how its going to be. It's because Valve hasnt announced whats going to be included in the CE yet, so game sites and retailers are guessing.
Somebody posted something a while ago saying what you got in the Collector's Edition box. They worked at some retailer I think. And it was exactly the same as what's listed here except the book mentioned was actually 100 pages and a composite of all the books. Like, some from the Strategy guide and some from the Raising the Bar book.
razorblade kiss said:
Thats because Vivendi is Blizzards publisher also. Probably used the same box artist.
How long have Vivendi been their publisher? I don't remember seeing any Vivendi logos on my 3 copies of WC3?
Feath said:
Somebody posted something a while ago saying what you got in the Collector's Edition box. They worked at some retailer I think. And it was exactly the same as what's listed here except the book mentioned was actually 100 pages and a composite of all the books. Like, some from the Strategy guide and some from the Raising the Bar book.

Nobody knew a while ago. It's just a coincidence.
..that box looks lousy. much worse than the standard edition boxes. i hope it's a placeholder image.
Alec_85 said:
How long have Vivendi been their publisher? I don't remember seeing any Vivendi logos on my 3 copies of WC3?

Not very long. Vivendi bought out alot of other companies. Sierra is one for example.
Why do you complain about how the box looks? I couldn't care less what the box looks like
razorblade kiss said:
Not very long. Vivendi bought out alot of other companies. Sierra is one for example.
Yeah that's what I thought. Sure the same designer might've done it but I find it unlikely. Not that it matters though.
Alec_85 said:
Yeah that's what I thought. Sure the same designer might've done it but I find it unlikely. Not that it matters though.

Your right it doesnt matter. Because we're gonna be in HL2 bliss very soon. After all we're playing the game, not the box.
Well since i put down $10 for it it's 70 to me

And who knows, it maybe cheaper at gamestop (I went to an EB once and the game prices were $5-$6 more expensive)
Demonmerc said:
Doesn't anyone notice that CS:S is listed as an INCLUDED EXTRA in the CE?

Does that mean non-CE owners will have to buy CS:S?

i believe Doug said CS:Source would be available with all versions of HL2... but now don't be asking me for links.. im too lazy :p
there were multiple threads on Doug's statement so if u do a search here, im sure u can find it :)
razorblade kiss said:
Your face looks like a placeholder image.
how witty.

what better place to complain about box art than a thread titled "EBgames.com now has updated HL2:SE box art and info"?

anyway, it's a dull, lazy design. i would expect more than simply slapping the three main images on the center of a black box. in fact, i was under the impression that this was the collector's edition. (look on the far left of the shelf. don't worry, the link is safe.)
:laugh: at the shirt only being available in men's extra large.
The book is listed with 100 pages of art.
The raising the bar is supposed to have much, much more. I would think that this is different, a hybrid as has already been mentioned.

In case you have forgotten what was said about raising the bar:
Weeeeee I just pre-ordered on EBgames.com :D

Are they any good really? I mean, I live in the Netherlands and they say they deliver to my country, but how reliable are they to not steal my money and not deliver me a game?

Does anyone have experience with this store? As I undestand it, it's a big store in the US, but overhere it's not known.
Tiddalick said:
The book is listed with 100 pages of art.
The raising the bar is supposed to have much, much more. I would think that this is different, a hybrid as has already been mentioned.
Yes, but art != images necessarily. It could 100 pieces of art, plus behind-the-scenes stuff, plus (?). I don't think anyone here knows right now; I emailed gamestop and eb though.

Has there been any official mention of a hybrid? I know some guy posted something, speculating on it, but ?
I wanna order but can't find anywhere to select UK in the "select country" bar. :(

Where do i select it, or do they not deliver to the UK? :(
"look on the far left of the shelf."

That does look like a cool design but the box size wouldn't hold HL2, a book, and an XL t-shirt. IMO the box art at EB looks fine. It doesn't matter anyway since I'll only look at the box for around 5 seconds before I rip it open and install HL2 while reading whatever that prima book is. :P

I dunno, Personally I don't think I would spend an extra $80 for a t-shirt and a few extra goodies. I have the standard edition pre-ordered.
Steven Q Urkle said:
Why only XL shirt? Not all of us are land whales

Because it's certain to fit everyone, either skinny people will have a baggy shirt or fat people will have a shirt that fits.

You can get a skinny person into an Extra-Large but you can't get a fat person into a Medium.
i don't think i'll buy the ce. it should be in a metal tin box. i'd like that. btw, i certainly don't need an oversized shirt. the only saving grace (if that's what's in the ce) is the dvd. I'd consider it for that. i still don't see why they don't release more games on dvd only. if you don't have a dvd player, they're about $30-50.
ailevation said:
:eek: Wow, that junk looks sexy.

Sexy junk
Whoda thunk
Gabe made the shirt
In extra large
So he could where it like a skirt
When he unloads his barge
This is highly disappointing to me.

the box looks like some cheap regular cardboard box.
It'd be nice if it was metallic or something, isntead of just a "bigger box with potraits of the main characters" stamped on it.

The "extra's" aren't much, a strat guide (that i'd never use) and a t-shirt (that i'd never wear).

Where's the cool things? making of on a dvd that shows you behind the scenes things, some lithographs of scenes and things, a nice big poster, a mini crowbar , or something.

Looks like i'll be picking up the regular single/multiplayer edition.
Stiler said:
This is highly disappointing to me.

the box looks like some cheap regular cardboard box.
It'd be nice if it was metallic or something, isntead of just a "bigger box with potraits of the main characters" stamped on it.

The "extra's" aren't much, a strat guide (that i'd never use) and a t-shirt (that i'd never wear).

Where's the cool things? making of on a dvd that shows you behind the scenes things, some lithographs of scenes and things, a nice big poster, a mini crowbar , or something.

Looks like i'll be picking up the regular single/multiplayer edition.

God damn people dont read. What they have listed as extras isnt confirmed by Valve yet. Valve hasnt even told anyone what the extras are yet.
Free Limited Edition T-shirt - Offered in men's size XL only

hahah when i read that in this thread i thought it was a joke, now we know what they think their target audience is :)
mutt said:
Free Limited Edition T-shirt - Offered in men's size XL only

hahah when i read that in this thread i thought it was a joke, now we know what they think their target audience is :)
dont worry you can use it to cover your car for winter storage or as a tent
razorblade kiss said:
God damn people dont read. What they have listed as extras isnt confirmed by Valve yet. Valve hasnt even told anyone what the extras are yet.

Erm, but I'm pretty sure Vivendi would tell retailers. After all, they're making the thing.

A number of websites have confirmed that same set of contents. Therefore, it must be the actual set.