EBgames.com now has updated HL2:SE box art and info...

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Poo, If only there were a way to get the exact same thing, but without CSS. I don't want it, and I'd rather not pay for it.

The book sounds awesome though. 100 pieces of art!
Feath's link says that the book is three books compiled into one. A strategy guide, a mod-making guide and a making-of book. I don't really care for the strategy guide but the other two sound good.
Tiddalick said:
The book is listed with 100 pages of art.
The raising the bar is supposed to have much, much more. I would think that this is different, a hybrid as has already been mentioned.

That is correct.
Feath said:
Erm, but I'm pretty sure Vivendi would tell retailers. After all, they're making the thing.

A number of websites have confirmed that same set of contents. Therefore, it must be the actual set.

Thats because one site posts it, and every else copies. Therefor fans go nuts, over what?... nothing. Falsism.
Hmmmm. I'll wait till confirmation that this is the true package, but:

I have the CE reserved currently but have the option of downgrading if I want to. I'm probably going to stick with the CE. Especially if I'd have to get HL:S seperately. I like the fact that it is going to be on DVD so I don't have to keep swapping out and storing 3 or more Cd's (blasted doom 3 and far cry, the whopper of them all 5CDs). Still, all that doesn't justify the 80 dollars unles that book is indeed a strategy guide as well as a making of and art book.

Oh and the reason for XL only is to try and make sure the majority of people can fit in it. Smaller sized people can still wear larger shirts. How would you like it if a shirt you bought didn't fit and you couldn't return it? Too small is worse than too big. Not every gamer is a "land whale" and not every gamer is a 120lb stick boy (or girl) either...jackass.
Rocketman9mm said:
Hmmmm. I'll wait till confirmation that this is the true package, but:

I have the CE reserved currently but have the option of downgrading if I want to. I'm probably going to stick with the CE. Especially if I'd have to get HL:S seperately. I like the fact that it is going to be on DVD so I don't have to keep swapping out and storing 3 or more Cd's (blasted doom 3 and far cry, the whopper of them all 5CDs). Still, all that doesn't justify the 80 dollars unles that book is indeed a strategy guide as well as a making of and art book.

Oh and the reason for XL only is to try and make sure the majority of people can fit in it. Smaller sized people can still wear larger shirts. How would you like it if a shirt you bought didn't fit and you couldn't return it? Too small is worse than too big.

I wear my teeshirts and jeans very small. 70's rock star if you will...
hopefully you'll not go out styling the HL2 shirt as hipness style. I plan on using it just as an around the house lounge shirt. Oh, and When did gabe say the quote in your sig?
im going to wear on dates :)

Hot girls dig guys with oversized computergame t shirts right?
cliffe said:
That is correct.

Oh no. Now, for the first time since I prepaid for the CE, I'm starting to wonder if I'll have to downgrade to the normal version.

*sobs into a shoe, wears it, catches a cold, perishes*
Pity the dod team couldnt get their shyte together enough to release with this pack as well.
EB just updated their Prima "Raising the Bar" cover from their generic TBA picture (which they had yesterday) to what could possibly be the actual cover. Other sites, such as amazon.com, have it too so I don't think it's a mockup. Here's a large picture of it from amazon:


Also, amazon is selling it for ~$20, which is a really good price for a 384 page book.

I actually pre-ordered this for my girlfriend (who happens to be a huge gaming nerd) and it cost $129CND after tax. Since I got an ATI Voucher, I figured I could splurge and get an ubar sechsea edition.

To reiterate: Half-Life 2: Collector's Edition. $129 CND (after tax) at Electronics Boutique.
Steven Q Urkle said:
im going to wear on dates :)

Hot girls dig guys with oversized computergame t shirts right?

yes, because it's big enough that they(the chicks) need wear nothing else in the morning.....:naughty:
wait, so now only the SE version includes CS:Source and HL:Source or am I misreading..?

And what is the advantage of the DVD-ROM version?
SkilledNewbie said:
EB just updated their Prima "Raising the Bar" cover from their generic TBA picture (which they had yesterday) to what could possibly be the actual cover. Other sites, such as amazon.com, have it too so I don't think it's a mockup. Here's a large picture of it from amazon:


Also, amazon is selling it for ~$20, which is a really good price for a 384 page book.


Thats the cover thats been on gamestop for a while now. Very cool cover anyway.
razorblade kiss said:
Thats because one site posts it, and every else copies. Therefor fans go nuts, over what?... nothing. Falsism.

And just before you posted this, Cliffe came in and confirmed what I said. That the book is going to be a hybrid book. So nerr.

Retail sites aren't so unprofessional that they just copy what other sites say. They have contact with Publishers.
bam23 said:
wait, so now only the SE version includes CS:Source and HL:Source or am I misreading..?

And what is the advantage of the DVD-ROM version?

CE: Includes


Dvd = no 4 cds only 1 + its faster.
SkilledNewbie said:
EB just updated their Prima "Raising the Bar" cover from their generic TBA picture (which they had yesterday) to what could possibly be the actual cover. Other sites, such as amazon.com, have it too so I don't think it's a mockup. Here's a large picture of it from amazon:


Also, amazon is selling it for ~$20, which is a really good price for a 384 page book.


That's the one that's been on the official Prima site for a while.
Raziel-Jcd said:
CE: Includes


Well I know that much, just wondering if the non-CE version will still include CS:S and HL:S as well.
Does anyone know if the book is hardcover? Would be sweet if it was.
cadaveca said:

Ya i read in the interview with the writer it might be. Was wondering if they will have like 2 versions. I dont want to buy the papar back and then find out there was a hardcover. :/
Looks like a reasonable deal, so long as HL:S isn't some piece of crap that's been slapped together at the last minute. I'd also like it better if CS:S comes with bot support.
It hasn't been confirmed whether access to HL:S is free to HL2 owners, right? Or has it? If it is, that means the bonuses of getting the CE are just

1) novelty-size tshirt (j/k I'm not tiny myself)
2) whack 100pg. book (or n pages, 100 "pieces of art", whichever is more accurate), which is, presumably, just an advertisement for the other books
3) HL2 on DVD

Did I miss anything? I feel sad.
I upgraded my reservation from standard to CE a few days ago. As for the box, I don't think I would like a metal one, just would seem wierd. I'll be happy to get a t-shirt and the idea of DVD instead of regular CD's is nice. Maybe there is something else in there that they haven't announced yet.
Man, this is a very meager collecters edition; more like a rip-off.

80 bucks for HL:S, a t-shirt and a piece of propaganda (yes, I mean the book. Makes you want to shelve out money for the real deal)

Look at what Blizzard is offering on the WoW collecters edition; or what Epic did with UT2K4. THAT is worth the extra bucks.

They better add a pluche head-crab or miniature crow-bar or something, because not too many people are willing to pay an extra 30 bucks for this!
Solid_Puffs said:
80 bucks for HL:S, a t-shirt and a piece of propaganda (yes, I mean the book. Makes you want to shelve out money for the real deal)
What do you mean? Why would it make you want to shell out for the real deal? You will have already bought the real deal.
Because, as rkef already pointed out, it's just a small sample of the real art book, the real strategy guide and other elements that you'll see in the book. See it as demos of all those books bundled into one.
Ah I didn't realise that. Hmmm, that is a bit cheeky.
MY GOD PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your heads out of your A$$e$. NOTHING HAS BEEN CONFIRMED AND WON'T BE TILL VALVE SAYS IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now go back to playing the PHP game and try to figure out more "secret moves" :D
Defiler, the hybrid book has been confirmed, in this very thread, no less :p.

In any case, I hope that my post wasn't too much of a downer. We'll just have to wait and see what else is confirmed, or denied, or baked into delicious pie.
kick my bones and call me sandy.. this roxx..
reminds me of my old big carmageddon + splat pack box I had