EGM/ Editor "heavily impressed" by HL2.

operative x said:
I know exactly what you mean, i am just pissed and want to play the game!!! RAWR!
o btw i found this at


however halo2 will kick the bejesus out of halflife2 and is bound to be more influential to the industry.

Heh, yeah. Dual wielding, boy what an impact that's gonna make on the industry.
"have you seen the latest movies for HL2, the effects look poor and it genearally looks boring, Halo is pretty much non stop action."

"Sum up the differences though, Half Life 2 is from PC to Xbox.
Halo 2 is the sequal to Xbox phenominom.
Halo 2 has kick ass multiplayer and SP.
Half-Life 2 looks good, but not that good."

"think about it but Halo 2 will kill half life 2. I mean Halo 2 has the most reserves ever come on. "

"do not forget that we all are apart of something special, we felt the true essence of Halo, we felt its magic, and got lost in it, Halo embraced us with the kind of love tha only special games have, Half Life 2 will never give that to the people "

"Half lifes plot is boring, standard and uninteresting"

"half life 2 looks pretty, but no more so than halo2, riddick or thief - its been graphically surpassed before it even comes out!"

danm them to hell....
You forgot the guy who claimed all FPS's gave him motion sickness except for Halo.

operative x said:
"have you seen the latest movies for HL2, the effects look poor and it genearally looks boring, Halo is pretty much non stop action."

"Sum up the differences though, Half Life 2 is from PC to Xbox.
Halo 2 is the sequal to Xbox phenominom.
Halo 2 has kick ass multiplayer and SP.
Half-Life 2 looks good, but not that good."

"think about it but Halo 2 will kill half life 2. I mean Halo 2 has the most reserves ever come on. "

"do not forget that we all are apart of something special, we felt the true essence of Halo, we felt its magic, and got lost in it, Halo embraced us with the kind of love tha only special games have, Half Life 2 will never give that to the people "

"Half lifes plot is boring, standard and uninteresting"

"half life 2 looks pretty, but no more so than halo2, riddick or thief - its been graphically surpassed before it even comes out!"

danm them to hell....

These are the types of quotes that prove my point about the lack of information. I registered just to troll their forum.. :LOL:

I usually don't say this about other game communities, but the Halo one is starting to lack some maturity. Let alone can most of the members develop a coherent sentence.
If Halo 2 is better than HL2, everything I've believed in will be wrong. I know Halo 2 will be a great game, I loved the originaly Halo, but Half-Life 2 is just going to plain amazing. I'm not one of those HL2 fanbois that just go on like "OMGXXORS HL2 ROXXORS YOUR BOXXORS OMGWTFROFLMFAOLOLOLOLOLZERS!!!!!!!!!!11111111111!!!oneone145254325fivesixeight98237!!!!!"
I liked Doom 3, although it lacked gameplay, it was still scary at times, I liked Halo 2 because I've always liked sci-fi stuff. Half-Life was, of course, great, and I know Halo 2 will be great, too, in its own way. I've never been the type of person who singles out certain groups, and disses others. I like Unix, Linux, MacOSX, and Windows.
Just wanted to say that, since people keep dissing Doom3, Halo2, or sometimes even Half-Life 2, when it's all just a matter of how devoted a fan you are. I'm a devoted fan, but not blinded by Valve's Source engine.
wow! talk about a serious pro reviewer going totally bananas over a game!

Heretic_666 said:
half life dont desevrve to be nmentioned with halo, much less halo 2

This guy is clearly the devil..... :D
operative x said:
"have you seen the latest movies for HL2, the effects look poor and it genearally looks boring, Halo is pretty much non stop action."

"Sum up the differences though, Half Life 2 is from PC to Xbox.
Halo 2 is the sequal to Xbox phenominom.
Halo 2 has kick ass multiplayer and SP.
Half-Life 2 looks good, but not that good."

"think about it but Halo 2 will kill half life 2. I mean Halo 2 has the most reserves ever come on. "

"do not forget that we all are apart of something special, we felt the true essence of Halo, we felt its magic, and got lost in it, Halo embraced us with the kind of love tha only special games have, Half Life 2 will never give that to the people "

"Half lifes plot is boring, standard and uninteresting"

"half life 2 looks pretty, but no more so than halo2, riddick or thief - its been graphically surpassed before it even comes out!"

danm them to hell....

What the fack are those poor souls jabbering about?!
These impressions just make the wait all much more exciting... It just sucks knowing steam will probably get pile driven with so much downloads when it's first released
jimbones said:
What the fack are those poor souls jabbering about?!

Don't tease them, think how you would feel if you were a console gamer.

Anyway, I posted a few quotes from that guy who played HL2, hope they enjoyed them.
Raidea said:
Don't tease them, think how you would feel if you were a console gamer.

I'll give it a try: "I like consoles. PCs scare me. Too many buttons. Moo."

"Denial- A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief."
After all these AMAZING reviews of half-life 2 they refuse to believe that it will be the next gen fps game.
Raidea said:
Don't tease them, think how you would feel if you were a console gamer.

Anyway, I posted a few quotes from that guy who played HL2, hope they enjoyed them.

:cheers: Set those people straight! :D
I'm still pumped for both Halo 2 and HL2. Halo 2 will be better for me because I love the MP from Halo 1...and with more maps, weapons, vehicles, options, and players (on Live)'s gonna be exponentially better.

HL2's sp will be great to play around in after having beaten it like 4-5 times. I will probably consider Halo 2 to be a better game simply because I'm judging HL2 on just that...HL2...not CS:S...not the mod community...just the game.

EDIT: Reading these quotes again... This guy acts like HL2 is the second coming of Christ or something. I don't wanna rip on HL2 or anything...he just seems over-excited about it.
PvtRyan said:
Heh, yeah. Dual wielding, boy what an impact that's gonna make on the industry.
the only thing worse than a halo 2 fanboy is a half-life 2 fanboy. they're both going to be awesome. if you've followed halo's development at all, you'd agree (or at least, you wouldn't put it down with such a lame insult. that was soo e3.)
jimbones said:
What the fack are those poor souls jabbering about?!
We're no better than them. It's just a matter of opinion. Most of the members here have said the exact same things they were saying, only they were saying Halo 2 sucks. We should all just get along, and stop the battle of the games. They're all good, and I have nothing against either one.
lans said:
Well, this guy is some EGM (electronic gaming monthly) editor (elliot shawn) , who got to play the game. By the tone of his respondents, you'll know he's legit.

His quotes are:

I agree about Halo vs HL 1. But I'll shit my pants if Halo 2 can outdo HL 2. HL 2 is like Stanley Kubrick made a videogame, not necessarily in its tone, but in its near absolute perfectionism. Everything from A.I. to dificulty to sound to music to pacing to dialog to just plain imagination is clearly the product of years and years of love and genius

Best shooter ever made. Possibly the best single-player game I've ever played

IMO HL 2 makes a mockery of HL 1, it's that good. I'm just giving these guys the benefit of the doubt, but I honestly think there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Halo 2's single player will be better. But it's apples and oranges and when I review Halo 2 I won't even make the comparison. But as an FPS nut who loves console and PC, I can have my personal opinions.

Doom 3 and FarCry are garbage compared to this. Doom 3 more so. I really wish I could tell you why, but you'll have to wait. Once the reviews start coming out you'll get a better picture.

The ant lions are amazing. Did you know they can fly? : )

I can't really say much about it yet, but it's good stuff. And a very clear indication that either HL 3 or a series of expansions are on the way.

Interacting with the environment is amazing. The sheer imagination in the level design, events, surprises, and discoveries you make as you play is amazing. The AI of friends and foes is amazing. The pacing, and variety is amazing. Ditto for characterization, visual effects, audio effects, music, level of difficulty, everything. It's like Stanley Kubrick made a videogame and obsessed over every detail. There's not a whiff of commitee anywhere.

I'm a total HL 2 fanboy now. You're right in that Halo 2 "could" be better (of course if I already played through the final game i couldn't tell you), but here's the thing: I play most every FPS in existence and I have never, ever seen anything remotely close to Half-Life 2. Not even. Let's say I haven't played Halo 2 yet. I'm still in a position to say that its single-player would have to be absolutely fscking nuts to beat HL 2. But the whole argument is pointless. You'd be stupid to overlook either game, and until the Source mods start rolling in, Halo 2 will have the sicker multiplayer anyhow.

This is the prime example of the type of crap that had force me to come to hate the whole HL2 pothetic community. Some dumbass, somewhere in the vast place that the internet is, post some utterly fanboy nonsence, only to be fallow up by a wave of equally silly HL2 fanboy spam.
Caminante said:
This is the prime example of the type of crap that had force me to come to hate the whole HL2 pothetic community. Some dumbass, somewhere in the vast place that the internet is, post some utterly fanboy nonsence, only to be fallow up by a wave of equally silly HL2 fanboy spam.

Well, this guy enjoyed the game a lot, he has played it and I don't see why he shouldn't post about his enjoyment of it.

As for us, we are just enjoying the fact that (according to the reviews) HL2 seems to be living up to its hype.
Caminante said:
This is the prime example of the type of crap that had force me to come to hate the whole HL2 pothetic community. Some dumbass, somewhere in the vast place that the internet is, post some utterly fanboy nonsence, only to be fallow up by a wave of equally silly HL2 fanboy spam.

Hey, Mr Bitter is back, good to see you again. A bit bittered that HL2 is a succeeded game I see? Don't worry, continue trolling, if that gets you off, then we'll be happy to help you.
Yeah, some people here are probably going to be in tears. All these guys who wanted so desperately for HL2 to fail. I wonder if that EvilEwok guy will ever show his face here again, under any name.
It's not that I hate Halo 2. I think it's going to be awesome. I <3 Halo 2.

I only hate those damn Halo 2 fanboys. :|
Caminante said:
This is the prime example of the type of crap that had force me to come to hate the whole HL2 pothetic community. Some dumbass, somewhere in the vast place that the internet is, post some utterly fanboy nonsence, only to be fallow up by a wave of equally silly HL2 fanboy spam.

look here my good man. check the reviews of pcgamer pczone and what not. do you honestly think professional reviewers for PRINT MAGAZINES who have reviewed every single fps since doom even before there was THE INTERNET are fanboys and hypemongers when they agree on one fact:


This time it's not only fanboy gibberish. Trust me.
Caminante said:
This is the prime example of the type of crap that had force me to come to hate the whole HL2 pothetic community. Some dumbass, somewhere in the vast place that the internet is, post some utterly fanboy nonsence, only to be fallow up by a wave of equally silly HL2 fanboy spam.

Weird, you hate fanboys and you yourself happen to be in a forum of hl2 fans. Assuming you are must be too boy. :O
The Thing said:
It's not that I hate Halo 2. I think it's going to be awesome. I <3 Halo 2.

I only hate those damn Halo 2 fanboys. :|
I don't like any fanboys. I don't think it's acceptable to be a fan boy about any specific game.
Half-Life 2 will be the better game despite what console fanboys will say. It's nice that the editors can mention how outstanding the single player game is, because if you even try to bring up mods and add-on content you usually get a dumb response of "who cares?"

Half-Life 2 >>>>> *
Why can`t people just be happy with these two great games coming out next month? Man, arguing over two unreleased games.. :rolleyes:
One thing that Halo 2 does have that HL2 doesn't, an entry on
Whenever HL2 get's released, I'll be happy but the weeks keep passing and no sign of Gold yet.
I liked halo until I got to the repetitive levels. The one with the giant tv screens were particularly boring.

If halo2 is indeed a better game than hl2, we are in for a real treat, but I don't see how that could possibly be after playing halo and hl.
being the devil's advocate,

all the press slobbered over farcry as well.

Though in my opinion hl2 should appeal to me much more than fc did.
Sounds good, do we know when EGM comes out in shops with this review?
Orange said:
being the devil's advocate,

all the press slobbered over farcry as well.

Though in my opinion hl2 should appeal to me much more than fc did.

Did the press slobber over Far Cry the way they have been slobbering over HL2? I have _never_ seen this much praise for a game. Most of the mags that have reviewed HL2 have given it the best scores ever given in their mag. One mag didn't, but said that had there been a proper MP, it would have been the highest scoring game ever for them. I had doubts about HL2 earlier but I suppose now it's more or less safe to say that we're in for a real treat. :thumbs:
nutcrackr said:
Sounds good, do we know when EGM comes out in shops with this review?

EGM doesn't even actually review PC gamers, they are console only, which is really saying something about how impressed this guy was by it.

My guess is that Computer Gaming World got a copy for review and let the EGM editors play it. They are all owned by Ziff Davis Publishing.
I object to the term "fanboy" and request that from now on we all use the more politically correct term, "fanperson". :rolling:
Logic said:
I object to the term "fanboy" and request that from now on we all use the more politically correct term, "fanperson". :rolling:

I really hate that word as well! :) I wish it would be filtered out like certain web sites are. It is one of the most over-used words on the internet these days. Whenever you say something positive about basically anything (whether it deserves the praise or not is irrelevant), you are bound to be called a fanboy.
I think it should be, Fan.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Or Person.
Nothing more, nothing less.
lans said:
Weird, you hate fanboys and you yourself happen to be in a forum of hl2 fans. Assuming you are must be too boy. :O

Just because I post here doesn't mean I'm a fanboy. I try to judge this game as objective as possible. I don't defend it like it's my child or something the way some people do here. Going the other way...I don't attack anything that might oppose it either...(i.e. Halo 2 is the devil for some people around here)