Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

utoob comment:

'Bethesda confirmed this trailer is? Xbox 360 with no additions added to it for visual effect. Can't imagine what its like on the PC with mods. :)'

Cool if true.

Apparently, the music is the theme to Morrowind reworked.
That trailer... The scene that got me was the guy sneaking in the woods hunting or something. No idea why that just makes me want to play this game really badly.
Going to have a lot of trouble figuring out what role to play.
Same here, im tempted to make some bulky pure melee dragon killing bastard but from those clips im leaning towards a sneaky role.
I might go as a ranger type class, bow and short sword with light/medium Armour. I haven't considered being a magic based class yet based off how the magic worked in Oblivion, which I have to say felt very unsatisfying as the higher level spells didn't seem overly impressive.

Still we wont know until we play it, I'll probably spend about 3 hours making my character like I did the first time I played Oblivion.
The trailer is decent; I was way more impressed with the Oblivion trailers a few years ago. I have a feeling that if you didn't enjoy Oblivion, you won't enjoy this one. Luckily for me, I did enjoy it.

Also, I thought this was supposed to be on a new engine, but from what I've seen it's the same one, slightly improved :?
As someone said the crouching animations seem to be the exact ones from New Vegas, but I'm sure they've made alterations here and there.
Also, I thought this was supposed to be on a new engine, but from what I've seen it's the same one, slightly improved :?

Yeah, Bethesda loves to confuse the subject by lying "inadvertently"
I usually stick with rogue type guy for my first plays. However, I'm thinking about getting into Skyrim spirit and playing as a nord with barbarian and ice magic skills. I'll see what strikes my fancy when I actually play it.

Edit: hey, it looks like you'll get some kind of perk after killing a dragon. Likely something to do with the "yells".
Also, I thought this was supposed to be on a new engine, but from what I've seen it's the same one, slightly improved :?

Valve keeps updating its Source engine from 2003, so I think it's more natural and affordable to improve an existing engine rather than going for a brand new one with brand new bugs.

By the way, only Bethesda knows if the new Creation engine is based on Gamebryo. These are technical details that I don't care about.

Also, keep in mind that we are talking about an open-world free-roaming game. Graphics are more limited.
Valve keeps updating its Source engine from 2003, so I think it's more natural and affordable to improve an existing engine rather than going for a brand new one with brand new bugs.

People tend to forget that games like Bully, Divinity, Catherine, and some Sid Meier's games were all done on Gamebryo. It's not a problem with the engine. It's just that Bethesda is a terrible excuse for a game design company.
Regardless of game quality, I'd say that's the most epic trailer + music combo I've seen since the Battlefield 1942 intro.
That looked incredible.

And that theme song, good Christ... amazing piece of music.

Completely agree. Always love the music for Elder Scrolls games. They've done yet another fantastic job.
People tend to forget that games like Bully, Divinity, Catherine, and some Sid Meier's games were all done on Gamebryo. It's not a problem with the engine. It's just that Bethesda is a terrible excuse for a game design company.
This. Bethesda's attempts at upgrading their engine code without using middleware are why their Gamebryo is awful.
The music in the trailer was great, I hope they can keep this quality up for the rest of the game's music. Honestly, there were a few tracks in Oblivion that I enjoyed listening to (which got stuck in my head), but a lot of it tended to get on my nerves. I'm hoping it'll return to the more "drenched with atmosphere" type of music heard in Morrowind.
That trailer... The scene that got me was the guy sneaking in the woods hunting or something. No idea why that just makes me want to play this game really badly.

These were some of my favourite moments in Oblivion, just sneaking around the wilderness with my rogueish character trying to hunt deer. The bow was just hard enough to aim at range, combined with how skittish the wildlife was, to make it a bit of a challenge. It's things like this that make me yearn for a much greater survival aspect in open world games, particularly fantasy. Having to hunt for food, make camp at night, harvest plants to stave off potentially lethal illnesses, stuff like that would imbue the game with such a great sense of immersion. Here's hoping some talented modders have the same sort of idea.
I enjoyed playing a sneaky, acrobatic archer in Oblivion. Any other way was boring. Though after the 50 hour mark I was really tired of crouching and headshotting, and I just wanted to hack stuff up with a sword.

Here is hoping for a hardcore mode.
I hope they get rid of those stupid crowns on quest related characters, and make everyone killable.
Unkillable characters are the best. Like in Fallout 3, the leader of the Brotherhood, you could continually knock him out with one hit from the power fist, and then drag his body into the bathroom. No one cared, he'd just wake up a minute later and be like "Hello there!"
It shouldn't be easy... But I'd still like the option to stab everyone I meet in the mother ****ing heart.
Also, keep in mind that we are talking about an open-world free-roaming game. Graphics are more limited.

Not really. Open world systems make much less of an impact on performance than they used to thanks to technological improvements, and the impact they do make now is fairly negligible. The limitation of graphical quality is based much more heavily on other things now. Like budgets, console capabilities, and potential market penetration on PC due to people with non-high end hardware.
PC Gamer has done a new preview.

It’s the irrelevant stuff, the tangential stuff, and the personal stuff that excites me about The Elder Scrolls. The idea of doing all that in a frosty new world, with overhauled combat and magic, is irresistible.
"The Elder Scrolls’ relationship with combat has always been an interesting one – it’s never really been an action game, yet the fact that its combat is physical and reaction-based is one of the main things that sets it apart from the more dice-roll and turn-based RPGs."

That's true, and I'm loving it. Everyone is dumbing down games, recently. Let's hope Bethesda keeps up to its standards.
Looks sweet. I had a lot of fun in oblivion. And this looks very intressting.
That's true, and I'm loving it. Everyone is dumbing down games, recently. Let's hope Bethesda keeps up to its standards.

But, Oblivion and FO3 were about as dumbed down as RPGs could ever get.(well, actually, DA2 took up that throne)
Yeah Oblivion and Fallout weren't exactly hard to follow. Especially in terms of combat. Run backwards and spam Mouse 1.

Hopefully the AI can do more than just follow and run away.
Yeah Oblivion and Fallout weren't exactly hard to follow. Especially in terms of combat. Run backwards and spam Mouse 1.

Hopefully the AI can do more than just follow and run away.

The specifically said that it is their intention for the new combat system to address that issue. Assuming they're not bullshitting us, I'll be interested in seeing how well it works. It would certainly be a worthy improvement even if it doesn't entirely solve the issue.
But, Oblivion and FO3 were about as dumbed down as RPGs could ever get.(well, actually, DA2 took up that throne)

I loved combat in FO3. Always using VATS. I never touched a mouse button to fight, and it felt like I was playing a regular turn-based RPG. No other first-person RPG gave me the same feeling.
Did you play on the easiest difficulty or something? Theres no way you could have enough action points to make it through some of the combat situations using only VATS.
It's definitely not turn-based combat, not to mention VATS is ridiculous and game breaking. You are nearly fully protected from damage during it, not to mention your critical hit chances are raised considerably, your enemies go into slow motion while you don't. Turn-based means your enemies have their turns too...