Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

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Holy pickles batman. This isn't that hard to understand.

1) There are a LOT of people that buy games ONLY for single player and never play them on the internet. Guess what - they don't visit these message boards either. THEY will love to have a LOWER PRICED version of the game that has single player only. YOU PROBABLY AREN'T ONE OF THIS GROUP IF YOU ARE READING THIS FORUM. Quit whining.

2) There are many people that would like to try out HL2 for a while before committing $50. There are many people who will only play for a few months. THESE PEOPLE GET A BETTER DEAL WITH A SUBSCRIPTION PLAN. If you aren't one of them, DO NOT USE THE SUBSCRIPTION PLAN. This is not rocket science people.

3) There are people like me who figure they'll want to have the game in 5+ years for nostalgia and possibly to still be playing. (HL has been EXCEPTIONALLY long-lived.) Those people should BUY THE FULL GAME.

Now really, how hard is this to understand people? I mean really. [sheesh]

I would think this last one would be obvious but glancing through a few pages of this thread, it apparently isn't.

4) Valve wants to make money. Yes, I know Gabe already made his millions but then again, he did start a software company out of his own pocket with that money. Now sure, we'd all like it if he could somehow fund ALL of our game playing addictions instead of us having to pay but there's a lot of cost in running a company and I suspect the other folks who work at Valve would like a little return on their 50+ hour work-weeks. So guess what - they may not give you all their products for free. [gasp] At least they're giving you both SP and MP in one package and then charging for a patched version of the MP package one year later like some people [cough] Unreal [cough].
Originally posted by ThrasherX9
Hmm... I don't like this idea at all. First of all, it's pretty complicated, especially for just the average joe gamer that sees three different HL2 products at his local Walmart or what have you. And I'm totally lost on all this subscription fees to download Valve content off of Steam. Could someone explain it to me in lamens terms?

I think Valve is making a big mistake with this. Why can't they just have a normal game with normal MP with normal people making normal mods? Why do they want to **** everything up? :flame:

they are not going to **** that up. if you want "a normal game with normal MP with normal people making normal mods", just go for the traditional single-player plus multiplayer SKU, buy a copy with sp&mp at the store and u will be able to play all mods for free. however, since tf2(mabye cs2 and dod2 too) are not mods anymore, u have to buy it later on as a separated product.

For people who go for the subscription, they get everything, but they have to pay every month(man 10$ US. a month is a lot, in china more than half of the people are still not able to pay that every month). Subscription is like renting the games, i think as long as u cancel ur subscription, u lost everything. I will definitly go for the traditional single-player plus multiplayer SKU. I think that the expansion pack such as tf2 will be sold at reasonable price.
What valve may do is after a certain amount of time you may be able to play HL2 via Steam without having an active subscription (this will only be applicable if you have had an active sub scription for a few months prior or whatever)
Originally posted by mortiz
What valve may do is after a certain amount of time you may be able to play HL2 via Steam without having an active subscription (this will only be applicable if you have had an active sub scription for a few months prior or whatever)

You can't play Half Life 2 multiplayer without using Steam. A Steam account is totally free.

Even if you don't subscribe you'll still use Steam to update Half Life 2 and play multiplayer.

Also, as mentioned before in one of the Gabe E-mails. If you buy the game in the store, once you install you don't need the CD anymore. You can just play it via downloading from Steam. It would be just like completely downloading it off Steam.
i cant believe how stupid some people can be. I'ts like saying "I bought Quake III Arena and i expect RTCW to be free! since it uses the same engine, and MOH, that should be free also! i cant believe they would charge for MOH since it uses the same Q3 engine!"
I know you can only play via Steam. My point is Valve arn't gunna make it so if you have gone for the steam subscription option you can't download Half-Life2 and all the extra bits of content and then cancel your paying subscription after the first month, meaning you've only payed $9.95 for the game. So if you go with the subscription they'd have to make it so you need the subscription in order to play. Lets say 3 years down the road however most people wont have the paying subscription going so they'll have to make it so HL2 Single player is playable even without the subscription after a certain amount of time.
Remember that what you saw was the Steam BETA which was free and thus had a lot of people using it. When Steam is live only those who are subscribing will get to download from the Steam servers -

Umm that is not accurate. Steam will be used for patches and other free content delivery after HL2 launch. In fact people that buy HL2 retail will still beable to download the game off Steam. Remember when Gabe said people who bought it in stores could still just log on to their steam account at a friends and play the game? Well he did and this means that buying the game retail gives you the abillity to download the whole game off steam as well as use CD. Also with the subscription, its like renting a car. You get to play with it while your paying, but as soon as you stop paying you have to give it back with nothing to show for it. Some people here seem to think you get to keep what you download on steam even after you cancel your subscription. Not true.
I like the options available. I can completely see the value of buying the game, and then starting a subscription when new content starts coming out.
Still, I can even see value of starting a subscription from the start, but what if my internet connection is down or the servers are screwy...I'll be Sh!t-out-of-luck if I feel like getting high and playing some HalfLife.
So, I'm going to go out and buy half-life right away, and maybe a quarter-ounce of some really DANK weed and stay up all weekend...doing bowls and having fun with HalfLife2 !!!
I'm sure there were a few bowls going around while the game was being developed, may as well be good and high for the game!
So, if I understand well, you will be able to either (among others) buy a regular HL2 (With Multiplayer and MODs) like any other game, or pay a monthly subscription and get all (or some) of the upcoming Valve softwares.

I don't see why people complain...

If it would have been for HL1, the subscriber would have received Counter-Strike and DoD (both retail...), only in the HL2 case, the softwares won't be downloadable.
Well they will be downloadable, only for a price and through Steam
Originally posted by anarchy
Pfft...I want to walk into my local compusa, put 50 bucks on the counter, and walk out with half-life2 that includes MP, Free mods like CS2, and Single player. I dont want to be duked into paying 10 bucks a month on the hopes that they will eventually release cs2 or tf2 for my 10 bucks.

For one thing, you don't even know what these games are going to entail. Maybe they'll be more than just mulitplayer mods.

Did you think that there might be single-player campaings, etc to go along with that. In other words, that there will be enough content with these former mods to make them worthy of being stand-alone games?
The only people who would benefit from a subscription are the "try before you buy" people. You get a short-term cheaper price but you don't own the game. Its not the most popular idea, but it is no big deal because most gamers wont subscribe.
Okay, I know I'm gonna ruffle some feathers here, but I feel that those of us who don't want to pay monthly fees or whatever are not being unreasonable. Here is why I think that.

Half life was one of the most popular games in history. Why?
1. Single player experience has yet to be topped (IMHO).
2. Multi player games and a mod community that was supported well by the developer.

I know one of the issues here is that Valve deserves your money for all the extra content... blah blah blah.

I say B.S.

Why? Because when they released TFC as a free addon, they generated sales for themselves.

When they supported the Mod community they generated sales for themselves.

When they did not charge a monthly fee for online gaming (the biggest scam I have ever heard of) they generated business.

In fact, what made half life one of the best (selling) games of all time was the fact that these things all came together in one wonderful package. Do you think valve is hurting for cash? Where do you suppose the money came from for the development of half life 2? All five years of it?

Now wait those of you with the flames at the ready.... I DO feel strongly that valve has earned my business. They earned my business by providing me with top notch single player and multi player in one package. And they earned my business by releasing addons at a reasonable price. That is the nature of business; if you provide a superior product at a better price point, you will earn loyalty for your product. If you release timely patches for your games, and squish bugs, and support the mod community you will increase the loyalty of your customers.

Valve will lose my business if after I pay for a game they make me subscribe to a service to get updates and patches. Valve will lose my business if they make me pay to play mods etc. Valve will lose my business if they force me to shell out any monthly fee whatsoever for a game that I already own. If valve wants to make people who own thier games pay for (valve approved) mods, they will lose my business.

BUT if valve lets me play all games valve has created or will create in the future for ten bucks a month, then I can see that being much more reasonable, and I could certainly see why people would want to do it. I might even want to do it. Maybe the problem is that I am not absolutely clear on what my 120 dollars (American currency, I'm Canadian) a year would get me that my 60 dollars for the retail version would not. It's a competative world out there people. I will take my business where I get the most bang for my buck. Just because valve earned my business with half life does not mean that I support "milking" the customer because they "probably could have".

Just so people understand: I am not flaming valve or any of you. I think half life set the standard for excellence and value in a game, and I think it's wrong to exploit that.
There seems to be two groups of people posting here, those that understand the pricing model and are trying to explain it, and those that don't understand the pricing model and are freaking out about it. If you've read through all the explanations in theisthread and you still don't get it, give up now. Rest assured that:

1) Nobody's getting cheated.
2) Nobody's going to force you to buy anything.
3) You'll be able to buy all you want at resonable prices.
4) The new pricing model will allow people to get more value for their money
It is not complicated.

You can:
a) buy HL2 just like any other game in the store
b) pay 9.95 per month and play any and every valve game. (one open at a time on your personal STEAM account)

If you choose (a) you will get HL2 and all HL2 patces/updates

If you choose (b) you will get HL2, TF2, CS2, DOD2, and probably any mod that will charge per month.

To buy HL2 it will cost probably 50$ early on. That is 5 months of gamming at 9.95$. During this time there will probably be more games released. You get a better deal.
Originally posted by Beazil
Valve will lose my business if after I pay for a game they make me subscribe to a service to get updates and patches. Valve will lose my business if they make me pay to play mods etc. Valve will lose my business if they force me to shell out any monthly fee whatsoever for a game that I already own. If valve wants to make people who own thier games pay for (valve approved) mods, they will lose my business.

Valve is not doing this...

Originally posted by Beazil
BUT if valve lets me play all games valve has created or will create in the future for ten bucks a month, then I can see that being much more reasonable, and I could certainly see why people would want to do it. I might even want to do it. Maybe the problem is that I am not absolutely clear on what my 120 dollars (American currency, I'm Canadian) a year would get me that my 60 dollars for the retail version would not. It's a competative world out there people. I will take my business where I get the most bang for my buck. Just because valve earned my business with half life does not mean that I support "milking" the customer because they "probably could have".

Valve is doing this...your whole post seemed to be arguing against that first quote I have, which is fair, but Valve never said that that was their plan. You yourself said that you might be interested in a subscription if it was for all Valve games, which is exactly what it is.

It seems like everyone who's throwing a fit about this news is misunderstanding what Gabe a little research and I think we'll all find that everyone agrees here!

This isn't a flame...just getting a little frustrated with people arguing about things that they don't understand correctly.
As far as I know this whole monlthy fee issue has been blown way out of proportion.

Steam is what the monthly fee is for. For $10 a month you get a subscription to Steam which lets you download Half-Life 2, it's patches, updates and other things like add-ons and even other games. Basically you are paying $10 a month for anything released on Steam from Valve that you want until Steam is no longer used, which won't be anytime soon by the looks of it.

For those who don't want a subscription, you buy it retail at stores like EB. You either buy the single player version or the single player and multiplayer version. Most people, I would assume, will be getting the Single player and Multiplayer player version or the Collectors Edition which also contains both, along with other bonus collectables. Those who do buy it retail will still be able to download patches and updates for the game. However, without a subscription to Steam you will have to pay for things like Expansion packs and other stand alone games.

Basically if you buy a subscription to Steam, you forfeit the material version of Half-Life 2 and other games. Things like the CD, box and manual. However, you will have access to everything valve releases on steam. Be it games, patches or random downloads, all for $10 a month.

If you buy retail, you get the material version, box, manual etc. but you don't have access to all of valves downloads on steam. You will still have support for the games you buy, but you must buy the individual games and add-ons as stand alone products.

So in the most likely sense, the subscription will most likely be the cheaper route for the amount of content you have access to for a minimal monthly fee. However you don't get the material game, which many people prefer to have.

That's my take on it.
If any of that is incorrect then feel free to correct me, but as far as I know this is what the gyst of it is.

Take it easy.
Ok, there are a lot of stupid people that posted in here over the pages, its taken me ages to read them all, but some people obviously didn't bother, otherwise they wouldn't have sounded so stupid in here.

Anyway, to reply to Beazils post, they ARE NOT charging for multiplayer, though your post is well contructed, you obviously didn't read Gabes email and post, they arn't charging for multiplayer.

They have various ways of buying VALVe products:

1) ***Pay reduced price in the shops for single player only HL2 - can be upgraded to multi via steam should it be wished***


2) ***Pay standard game price in the shops for a standard release including single and multiplayer***


3) ***Pay slightly reduced price for standard HL2 including single and multiplayer via steam***


4) ***Pay x amount of money per month for a VALVe subscription, the price has not been set, Gabe stated 9.95 for example.
This option is not just to purchase HL2, it is to purchase ALL VALVe products, this would obviously include HL2, TF2, HL2 expansion packs (ie. opfor) TF2 expansion packs etc....

Work it out people, its not hard, these are all option plans, not manditory choices, i'm sure VALVe will release more specific details as they become worked out and probably more steam options.

I also would like to thank Feath for his contributions to the thread, everytime i got annoyed by someones idiocy, he stepped in and cleared it up, repeatedly...

/edit Gah, by the time i typed this up, several other sensicle people posted the same thing :)
lol Max, same thing happened to me.
More posts that agree with eachother will help people relax anyways.
Nice work hehe
Originally posted by Beazil
Valve will lose my business if after I pay for a game they make me subscribe to a service to get updates and patches. Valve will lose my business if they make me pay to play mods etc. Valve will lose my business if they force me to shell out any monthly fee whatsoever for a game that I already own. If valve wants to make people who own thier games pay for (valve approved) mods, they will lose my business.

Arg. Ok first, thank you for being calm about this and not ranting like a loon.

But here's what's wrong with your statement: Call of Duty is as much a 'Quake 3 mod' as TF2 is a 'HL2 mod'. Just because a game uses the same engine as a game you already have does not mean it should be free.

Demanding that a professional game company release games for free is rediculous, regardles of whether the title is Opposing Force 2, Half-Life 3, TF2, CS2, or DoD2! Just because the first version was free and it was written by a bunch of guys in their moms' basements means nothing.

Seriously, would you expect Blizzard to release WC3 expansions for free? Call it a mod, call it an expansion, call it a new game, whatever, the fact is that people working at Valve, being paid salaries, are producing these games. Demanding that they be free is not only silly, it's insulting to the people who are writing them.
People should pay for these mods, but you can't help seeing that not everyone feels that way about it and I'm wondering if paying for CS2 or DOD2 will mean that they end up like games such as Medal of Honor, Quake3 UT2003 and pretty much every other stand-alone FPS out there as oppose to CS with an ever increasing fan base. If CS2 is a seperate game to be paid for seperatly then I doubt it will never reach the hights of the original Counter-Strike, which would be a shame in my opinion.

However I do agree that paying for these mods/stand-alones is the right thing to do, but if it's the best thing as far as the communitys that have built up around Half-Life1 is yet to be seen.
Originally posted by MaDMaXX

1) ***Pay reduced price in the shops for single player only HL2 - can be upgraded to multi via steam should it be wished***

Correct - except this "upgrade option" is, as far as I can tell, a DESIRE not a sure thing. (In fact, it wouldn't really be a smart move on Valve's part.)
Originally posted by mortiz
If CS2 is a seperate game to be paid for seperatly then I doubt it will never reach the hights of the original Counter-Strike

Lots of people bought counter-strike retail, even though they already had Half-Life. Counter-strike is so big you could cut the users in half and nobody would notice.

And besides, who cares. If CS2 fails and nobody buys it, then another mod team will come along and create a new game to fill the hole. There's no reason not to believe that all the best free mods in the next few years will be made on the Source engine. I'm excited both about a professional, polished CS2 from Valve, and a lot of unprofessional, unpolished, but innovative free mods from kids in their parent's basements. There's room for both, don't fret.

My own prediction is that CS2 is the HL2 MP component, but we'll see.
TF, TFC and TF2 history ... wee ..

ooo k..

Some people don't understand the history of TF, TFC or TF2 ... at all. Some think Valve created TFC, some think TF2 if in fact TFC2 .. some think TF2 is a mod ...

Heres a bit of history;

Back in the good old days, there was a game called Quake. It was the first real 3D enviroment game that didn't use sprites for its monsters, first game to include real mouse movement in a 3D enviroment that moved 360 degrees in evry dirrection (up, down, left, right). Ever notice how the view always kinda warped when looking around in Duke Nukem "3D"?. After a while, a modification came out for Quake's multiplayer half - called Team Fortress. Funny thing was, they had hacked the game and it was an unsupported project by iD (creaters of Quake), I think iD may have even tried to stop them (can't remember, memory is ... blah).

The mod grew like wild fire. Was quite fun (much better then TFC, but I'll get to that) and even a few modifications of TF sprouted up, including "Mega TF" (that included new abilities, weapons and such)and "Custom TF" (created an interesting "buy system" where you could purchase which ever weapons you wanted, and also sell back your frags (kills) to get more weapons ... VERY fun .. ^_^ ).

Time passes and suddenly, theres wind of a new game coming out called "Half Life". At the time, I didn't care, no reason to. However, it was rumored, then later confirmed, that Valve picked up the TF creators and they were going to create a TF2 mod for Half Life. TF community was buzzin about it. The clan I was in at the time ([STING] .. lol, I miss those guys ...) all decided that yes, we would all get Half Life and cross over into TF2 as it was supposed to be ready when the game came out.

However, as is such with all great things, this did not happen. What did happen is that HL came out without TF2 and quite a large number of people were upset. So, Valve wanted to "tide us over" untill TF2 was "ready" to be released for HL. They PORTED over TF to HL and named it TFC (Team Fortress Classic (you knew it was called Classic for a reason ... right?)). They did not just create TFC out of the blue specifically for HL. I doubt it was even in the plans when HL was released to be honest. It took quite a long time for it to come out for HL (I remember getting the leaked update that had it and all the sprites where super screwed all all over the screen ... rofl).

TF2 is the ONLY reason I bought HL. Thats it. I remember that detail so very well, like it was yesterday. TF2 WAS supposed to be a mod for HL - but it kept getting pushed back .. and back .. and back. Eventually, Valve announced it would be its own stand alone game. I know I'm not the only one that was burned about this. Looking back on it, yes, I'm glad I bought HL. However, at the time I was pissed.

TFC, in my opinion, isn't even a good port. I mean, sure, its still fun and its all updated and pretty now (well .. point of view I suppose ... lol). But its just not as great as it was on Quake. No where close. I'm 98% confidant you get anyone that has actually played TF for any length of real time and they will agree. TFC is nothing more then a hack by Valve, at the time, to hold us (HL community, at the time (largely the TF community from Quake)) untill TF2 was ready.

So, now that TF2 went from a HL mod, to its own game, then basically redesigned to a new engine (I assume Source) - yes, it will in fact be its own stand alone game and not a mod.

But the hole point to this ... rant .. is that it pisses me off when people go off spouting TF2 was never a mod. Its just ignorant of the history of the game. From what they know, perhaps, yes. But it was in fact, at one time, a mod.


Now for the people who get confused easy - this really has nothing to do with HL2.

TF2 will in fact be a game you have to buy seperatly (in one form or another) from HL2.

HL2 will not be required to play it.

Its like saying you need HL2 to play Battle Field 1942. You dont and its silly to think so.
Posted by dscowboy: "But here's what's wrong with your statement: Call of Duty is as much a 'Quake 3 mod' as TF2 is a 'HL2 mod'. Just because a game uses the same engine as a game you already have does not mean it should be free."

First of all, and to the above posters, thank you for reading through my post, and being respectful with your replys. I really appreciate it.

In my understanding, a mod is a game that uses the same code as the retail it is based on (not to be confused with licensing an engine). Should I have paid extra for CS after I bought Half life? Nuh-uh. This was a mod. It was created by the user for the user. Again if I choose to support the modder with a donation, that should be my choice. (Remember, CS was not always a retail product, but it was a great option for those who did not own half life).
Also important: There is a big difference between mods, expansions, and separate products.

A generally established practice is that mods require a copy of the original game, and are created by non-professionals. These are, and should continue to be free. They sink or swim based on reception from the gaming community and the skills and hard work of the modder. The fact that a publisher supports the mod community does not mean I should pay extra for that. The publisher will only be increasing their customer loyalty by doing this, and this fact by itself makes business sense.

An expansion is a professionally published add-on for a retail product. They require a copy of the original game . Typically they are about half the cost of the original title. This requires the publishers design time and effort and they should be paid for that. In return I should be able to expect compatability and regular patches to address hardware/software issues.

Separate products do not require me to another product in order for them to work. They may be based on licensed technology from an estabished engine, but they are stand alone. This is what makes them different from a mod or expansion. (Also the reason why there are two versions of CS out there). Whew!!!

"Seriously, would you expect Blizzard to release WC3 expansions for free? Call it a mod, call it an expansion, call it a new game, whatever, the fact is that people working at Valve, being paid salaries, are producing these games. Demanding that they be free is not only silly, it's insulting to the people who are writing them."

I don't mean to be insulting to any employee of Valve, or to any of you. I will pay money for a full version of a game. I will pay about half the price for an expansion. I will not pay the publisher of a game for a mod that someone else creates, even if the publisher has the forsight to support it's mod community.

I hope this makes clear my concern. I have never bought an MMORPG for the above reasons. I have long had concerns that fps games might steer themselves in a similar direction. I feel that once you purchase a game you should be able to play it whenever you want, as often as you want without having to shell out fees to play it. I am glad you used Blizzard as an example. has never made me pay to play Diablo II. If they ever do, I will not support them with my business again. I paid for my copy, and I paid for my expansion. Monthly fees be damned.

Now do I think valve or blizzard or any other company is obliged to pump out new content for a game on an ongoing basis until the end of time because I bought a copy of thier software 5 years ago? Of couse not, but we are talking about two different things there, are we not?
This is care of GNS Project:

GNS Project Email

I can't believe you guys are actually considering doing what you are doing regarding the multiple SKUs for HL2. This is a most terrible idea that I can only guess was developed out of greed. The main problem I see with this is the fact that many people will not realize they are buying a castrated version of the game and subsequently will feel duped and pissed because they thought they were buying a game that could be played on the internet and with mods. Why on earth are you making different versions of the game?

Stop this idea in its tracks please. This is one of the lamest ideas out of Valve I have ever seen. I have lost a lot of respect for you guys because of this. I may even just decide to boycott the game myself.

Gabe's Response:

Well, there's the regular priced version that has the regular features of MODs and multiplayer.

Then there's the less expensive version without those.

I'm missing the greed part.

For people who buy the less expensive version, they can always upgrade to MOD and multiplayer using Steam. The price difference will be about the difference there was between the two versions.

The theory is that it helps out retailers like Walmart who have very broad reach into customer bases that don't care about multiplayer and who are very price conscious. Rather than having to wait a year for the product price to come down, there's a special version for them on day one.
I think that valve needs to realize that they have the biggest gaming community in the world. If they have a subscription than they better make sure that they dont put the lower end people in the dark and abuse them if that happens they will have lost the biggest gaming community and they would suffer

I really hope HL2 wont have a crappy plot because HL gamers dont want to have a no-blood (for kids) game they want a kick butt game if that doesent happen then they may loese the community.

TF2 (I think) will be a differnt game engine so I dont know what brought that up.

If we have to pay for updates and mods (THAT USE THE SAME ENGINE) that will suck. Now if you did pay your saying I would get games that have differnt engines That would uber pwn
I honestly think paying monthly subscription is BS I mean if the engine is that stressing on a server to the point that
they need money from the company than maby the company needs to tone down the engine a little bit. If valve is going to only allow the best parts for subscribed users than I think im am really sorry for saying this, a scam
I dont like the idea of the singleplayer only version. Who would want to buy that? I mean, HL2 is mostly about the mods and multiplayer.
tf2 was confirmed on the source engine, but it will be packaged as a seperate, standalone game.
Originally posted by harhar
I dont like the idea of the singleplayer only version. Who would want to buy that? I mean, HL2 is mostly about the mods and multiplayer.

A guy who doesn't care about online gaming? Think different, it helps.
How did the pay to play idea start? wtf is that all about I mean omg freakin paying to play a game just because the servers will fry because of the lots of slots. Then just make the multi player easer on servers dont have super high graphics on Servers just {Normal}
There is also another fact most people seem to ignore or not see.

You think - for one second - the a large majority of the mods out there wouldn't charge you for it if they could get through all the legal mumbo jumbo?

I have no doubt there are people out there who would create a mod for free, however a LARGE majority of the mods all you people play now you would have had to pay for if there were an easy way for them to do it, I'm 100% certain of it.

Why in the world do you think Valve is letting Mod creators charge people to play their mods in the up and coming version of Steam if they want to?

Creating a mod takes a large amount of time to be of any good. It's a full time job. They are creating a game. Do they not deserve compensation for their time??

I'm (and I'll use the term rather loosly here) friends (maybe just acquaintances .. lol) with Flayra, creator of Natural-Selection. This guy literally spent his Life Savings creating Natural-Selection. He didn't work at all the whole time NS was in production. The newest version of NS wouldn't have been possible without donations from the community. Period.

Creating a mod isn't something you can just go out and do on the weekends and have it come out as anything decent. The worst part about "becoming retail" like CS or DOD - is that the game is no longer yours. Its Valves. Sure, you may become an employie .. but for how long? How long after your gone, will they still be making money off your game?

Lisencing the engine to mod creators through Steam to allow them to charge what ever the damn hell they want to ... I guarantee you, you will see almost all of the top quality mods charge something for their mod. Even if its a friggin dollar, on time. Do you even understand how much freedom that gives the Mod teams? To be able to create, market and share their game, with everyone - on their terms and prices?

Don't you understand the breakthrough Valve is making here? This is increadible stuff for Mod people ... they can finally make something on all the hard work they've put into these games.

It always annoys me when I see these righteous people going on about how Mod creators should never "sell out" or god forbid, make any kind of damn money on their creations. Like making money on something you've worked really hard on is a BAD or EVIL thing.

God .. life is not free. Personaly, I think we've had it real sweet for a long time, getting all these bad ass games for free. And now that we may have to actually pay for them because its a "MOD" is suddenly bad?!

You have a point(really good) but HL1 worked out to be the biggest gaming comunity because you didnt have to pay for every freakn things so the word got out and POP you got the biggest gaming community ever and does valve really want to destroy its empire of gamers HL2 would shrink really fast if they priced everything.

Gabe has a point but enough ppl are going to buy the game anyways why ask for more Just leave it like the good old HL1 was like
I say let us choose just one of the soon to be more popular mods (CS2, DOD2, TF2, or whtever) as a free downloadable mod if we buy the regular retail HL2.
edit: why steam?? I hate steam :(
I say all of the mods should be free

Edit: yeah yeah yeah I know about TF2
TF2 is not a mod ........


Valve will more then likely make "their" games (CS, DOD, TFC etc) free to play with HL2. But I completely expect mods like Specialists, NS, Fire Arms, Front Line Force .. what ever .. to charge people.
HL made the biggest gaming community to the fact you could edit it so good and mods
could be downloaded making it the best changeble game, the word spread and kazamm the biggest gaming community (and the best)
Valve isn't really stopping anything if they give the modders the ability to charge for their mods. It's up to to the modders themselves.

Nothing's really changed. Most modders won't charge you. And if they do, and you don't like it, it's not really Valve's fault.
I still think Steam+HL2 = crap

things would change because trust me I know that Almost every mod will charge I not saying any names but Im freakn sure
exactly Feath.

Thank you

besides, its not like we're talking a $50 charge here. More likely, if anything, $1-$25. So .. go without lunch for a week .. ffs.
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