Email from Gabe. Re: Pay 2 Play

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Originally posted by Beazil
If the only way for me to get mods is to pay for it via steam, then it is not an option I will exercise.

You'll still be able to get mods for free, as long as their creators decide to distribute them for free. And there's no reason why HL2 won't have many times more free mods than HL1 had. The only thing is that CS2 and DoD2 probably won't be free because their creators work for Valve now.

We DO agree, yay!
your still missing the point Frag ...

Valve will NOT be charging you to play mods. At all. Period.

The MOD teams themselves are the ones that will or will not charge people to play their mod.

The only thing Vave did was give the mod creators the option to make people pay.

Valve wont be charging you to play mods - the mod teams control wheather or not your going to pay.
For all the confused people: DON'T PANIC. Even if you screw up and buy the single player version at the store, you'll be able to upgrade to MP via Steam. It's all very simple!
Im not blaming valve im saying that when mod teams hear this kaboom thats it for free mods and you freakin know that what do you think there are any good hearted ppl left on this screwed up planet of ours I think not
Originally posted by dscowboy
For all the confused people: DON'T PANIC. Even if you screw up and buy the single player version at the store, you'll be able to upgrade to MP via Steam. It's all very simple!




now, can we move from this "The sky is falling .. the sky is falling!!" stage ...? :O
not yay bad soon the stage will be "screw this Im buying something else and well there goes HL2 out the window (Im stilling going to get HL2 even if the MP sucks I will play SP)

Is steam free??
lol, why bother with the sticky? Its up here all the time anyway ... rofl :D

Frag - that makes no sense.

HL2 is going to be an awesome game. SP will own, and what ever they do have for multiplayer will own. That alone is worth the $50. Any bonus mods that come along should be considered "extra" or a "gift" from mod creators.

Your paying for HL2 - Gordan and his adventures. Not a suped up Mod Engine.

Well .. maybe you are .. but thats not why I'm going to buy it :P

I'm looking forward to the SP in HL2 .. that will be worth the $50, Im sure.

Steam is a part of HL2 ... you get it when you buy the game.
maybe someone should make a little FAQ about this :)


1) You will not have to pay a monthly subscription fee.
1b) You will have the option of paying Valve monthly to rent their games.

2) You will not have to pay Valve to play community-developed mods
2b) Community-developed mods will have the option to charge people for their game.

3) If you buy the Single-Player Only version of HL2, you will have the option to upgrade to Multiplayer at any time.

See, all good news!
Originally posted by Fraggz0rz
Dude you know like me that almost every mod would charge its plz ppl dont be greedy

Most mods won't charge. Guess why. Because if they did, most people would just SKIP their mod. Having a sucessful mod would at least make people interested in purchasing a SEQUEL to their original free mod (TFC, CS2, DOD2, etc. TFC is included in list because Valve bought TF from the original owners.) If NO ONE plays your mod, you don't make ANY money AND you don't get a chance to make money later.

Summary - MOST mods will be free.
Gabe didn't say anything about upgrading to Multiplayer but it's pretty safe to assume that it will be available.

Even if it's not available at first, there'd be a lot of demand for it, probably.
Feath, earlier in this thread another e-mail from Gabe was posted where he confirmed that people could upgrade from SP-only to MP. I think it was around page 17.
Whoops, I missed that one. It's difficult to keep track in a thread this large.

I stand corrected.
Originally posted by Gabe Newell
Yes, the mail was from me. Let's see ...

Vivendi owns Sierra. Sierra is the publisher.

The various SKUs will be available at the other stores. It's just how we think of them (we think of the lowest price one as the "Walmart" SKU even though Walmart will probably be the biggest single seller of all three SKUs given their volume).

TF2 isn't a MOD, correct. However the subscription will be for anything we make. So when TF2 ships, the subscribers get it as part of their subscription.

We've been talking with retailers about the retail SKUs for a long time. Steam pricing was what I was trying to explain. Steam options seemed to require an explanation of the retail SKUs.

[email protected]

So what about those guys that choose to go buy the first SKU at Wal-Mart, thinking that all the versions will be the same at any store, and find that the version that they paid for doesn't include multiplay? After all, not all people are reading about the different SKU's and a large majority will want to make sure they choose the right one. Will there be something on the box that differentiates between the different versions? It would have to be in large bold type on the front of the box, because chances are that some poor shmuck who is shopping at Wal-Mart or Costco is gonna be so excited that's they're gonna pick up the box and run to the register and rush home before they even take a good look at the box.

EDIT: Sorry if this has alreay been answered. This thread is too large to take the time to completely read all the posts.

w00t!! Go VALVe!!
If we pay the $10 per month and download HL2, will we still be able to play HL2 if we unsubscribe (stop paying the monthly fee)?
I think for PR and to clear peoples minds.. Valve should say.

HL2 can be purchased single or multiplayer ready.


A user can subscribe to STEAM for 9.95 per month and play any game made by valve.

Thats what it really is anyways.
Im sure Valve will give those who only paid for the SP version plenty of oportunities to upgrade to the MP version as well ... no worries
Originally posted by Kresske
If we pay the $10 per month and download HL2, will we still be able to play HL2 if we unsubscribe (stop paying the monthly fee)?

Bravo Anwar!!!!

How the heck are you guys keeping up with all these posts? Thanks to all for the replys. And I agree that I wait as eagerly as any of you for HL2. HL was easily my favourite game of all time. Best single player game. Period.
Oh and Feath, if Feath doesn't rhyme with teeth (or wreath?), does it rhyme with breath? ;)
Originally posted by Kresske
If we pay the $10 per month and download HL2, will we still be able to play HL2 if we unsubscribe (stop paying the monthly fee)?

Let me get this straight ..

You just asked if you could give Valve $10 and they would let you have HL2 ..?

Come on .. seriously. You think it'd work like that?

I suppose a loop hole in their system might be to only pay $10, play HL2 till the end, then cancel your subscription ... however you wouldnt be able to play it again or any multiplayer ...

But hey .. if thats all your going for ...
30 days of fun for 10$

you spend more in one day on food

a pizza is 10 bucks

a hair cut is 10 bucks

2 packs of underwear are 10 bucks

It’s not exactly going to break the bank. Even you kids get an allowance of probably 20 per week.
Originally posted by Beazil
Oh and Feath, if Feath doesn't rhyme with teeth (or wreath?), does it rhyme with breath? ;)

Not really.

Say Feather then leave off the er. That's my name.

Also, $10 a month isn't much really. That's a bit less than £7 for us UK people.

I'll spend about half that on the bus to go get Half Life 2.
2 packs of underwear, lol.
There's another situation where subscription would make sense: If you didn't have 50 bucks to spend all at once.
If we pay the $10 per month and download HL2, will we still be able to play HL2 if we unsubscribe (stop paying the monthly fee)?

I have this same question. I would subscribe, but what if I wanted to stop subscribing. Would I get to keep Half-Life 2 if I had payed an amount equal to it's price or what? That's the only thing that bothers me about subscriptions.
Originally posted by Silver.Fox

I suppose a loop hole in their system might be to only pay $10, play HL2 till the end, then cancel your subscription ... however you wouldnt be able to play it again or any multiplayer ...

gabe has stated that when you get half-life 2 through steam, you will be required to log on in order to play. this means that if you log on, but aren't subscribed anymore, you can't play.
Originally posted by VoodooGod
I have this same question. I would subscribe, but what if I wanted to stop subscribing. Would I get to keep Half-Life 2 if I had payed an amount equal to it's price or what? That's the only thing that bothers me about subscriptions.

probably not.

if it bugs you, buy HL2, get the subscription later, when they start releasing stuff...

that way, when you cancel, you still have it
However there is a catch; when new content is released by VALVe, such as expansion packs, Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike 2, you will have to pay separately for those games.

What will that mean we will have to buy CS2?? its not gonna be a mod that we can just download if we got HL2 (like in hl1 where u could download cs)??

im confused so if u can help me that would be great!:x
Yeh, that's probably what I'll do, Fox. Unless they make this a little more clear when official news about it is released, and it sounds like a good deal from the start. I have a friend that might want to use this subscription to start with, though, because he doesn't have 50 bucks up front to get the game.
Originally posted by rootbin
gabe has stated that when you get half-life 2 through steam, you will be required to log on in order to play. this means that if you log on, but aren't subscribed anymore, you can't play.

I understand that much.

The point I was making was, whats going to stop someone who's only interested in the SP to Drop $10 for a subscription, get HL2 - play it, beat it, then cancel their subscription.

Basically, playing for only $10.

I guess it works out though - as Renting the game ... rather then buying it.

Soooo ... I guess I answered my own question .. rofl

Originally posted by Ev!L-aLphA
However there is a catch; when new content is released by VALVe, such as expansion packs, Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike 2, you will have to pay separately for those games.

What will that mean we will have to buy CS2?? its not gonna be a mod that we can just download if we got HL2 (like in hl1 where u could download cs)??

im confused so if u can help me that would be great!:x

It depends on Valve.

They own CS. They can really do what ever they want. If they want to make it a stand alone game .. they can.

However, I think you'll see some form of CS on HL2 - even if its just a port with better graphics.
Wow, people are really paranoid. If you're worried about some of the marketing decisions Valve are making, don't worry!

If you spend the normal amount of money on a normal copy of HL2, you will get the single player game, multiplayer, and the ability to install and play mods. EXACTLY THE SAME AS WITH HALF-LIFE.

The only difference is that if you specifically don't want multiplayer or mods you can save some money, and buy a cheaper, single player only version.

Also, Valve isn't charging anyone for mods. They are simply giving mod teams more options to sell their mods if they chose to do so. I'm sure some mod teams will take up this opportunity, but there will still be a lot of free mods in the community, doing things exactly how they are done now.

And about subscriptions - you don't have to subscribe! If you're getting worried about it, simply buy your normal copy of HL2 from the store. Nothing is different if you do that. The other options simply exist for people who specifically want them. If you're worried about them, then clearly they're not for you, so just stick with a standard, retail copy, that includes everything.
Originally posted by VoodooGod
Yeh, that's probably what I'll do, Fox. Unless they make this a little more clear when official news about it is released, and it sounds like a good deal from the start. I have a friend that might want to use this subscription to start with, though, because he doesn't have 50 bucks up front to get the game.

I think it'd be great that once you put in the $50 through subscribing, you got to keep the game .. but, I'm not Valve .. so, I can't really comment on that .. lol
Originally posted by Logic
Wow, people are really paranoid. If you're worried about some of the marketing decisions Valve are making, don't worry!

If you spend the normal amount of money on a normal copy of HL2, you will get the single player game, multiplayer, and the ability to install and play mods. EXACTLY THE SAME AS WITH HALF-LIFE.

The only difference is that if you specifically don't want multiplayer or mods you can save some money, and buy a cheaper, single player only version.

Also, Valve isn't charging anyone for mods. They are simply giving mod teams more options to sell their mods if they chose to do so. I'm sure some mod teams will take up this opportunity, but there will still be a lot of free mods in the community, doing things exactly how they are done now.

And about subscriptions - you don't have to subscribe! If you're getting worried about it, simply buy your normal copy of HL2 from the store. Nothing is different if you do that. The other options simply exist for people who specifically want them. If you're worried about them, then clearly they're not for you, so just stick with a standard, retail copy, that includes everything.

Wow, do you work at Valve? Can I have your autograph?
you guys make me laugh ... its like you guys think that valve is going to put a couple versions out in stores, in the same box and the mix them up and put them on the shelf and us gamers just have to guess and rely on luck. LOL its going to tell you on the box what version it is and its limitations :cheers:
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Wow, do you work at Valve? Can I have your autograph?
I wish! If they want to offer me a job though, I'm all for it! lol

I just wanted to clear things up. There seems to be a lot of unneccissary negative reaction and misunderstanding of how valve are releasing HL2, especially from people who won't be affected negatively at all.
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