Empires Mod Released!

Someone upload it on Fileplanet, stat!
Note this from their forums.

  • -Must be running 1024x768 or above
  • -DX7 may or may not work
  • -Must have model detail at medium or above
  • -Keep the server limits below 20
  • -If you change your res you need to restart the game - Source proble

And wow, check out the Steam Stats page:

It's owning it up already.
Every server is packed, and when a slot does occasionally clear it's always horribly laggy. More DSes!
For those of you that haven't visited the Empires wbesite they released a manual a few hours before they released the mod, a good and must read.

Their site's down. Anyone reupload the manual?

NVM, should've remembered one comes with the download. D:
I find it very laggy too - possibly because I was on a 32 man server...
I could access the manual from my game folder, theres a manual.html file in there.


I think this game runs best at 16-20 players, please you 32 player servers take it down a couple notches.

There really are alot of cool features in the mod, they just aren't accesible very well right now because of the lack of servers (all full last time I checked) and the lag that occurs with too many people/too weak of a server.

Have to say, turrets are a little annoying. Just walking through a base you have to deal with 10-20 easy...
The. Best. Mod. Ever.

Possibly has the potential to be the best GAME ever, if the team becomes retail and puts more effort into it.

Jesus. It's just so damn good.

Too bad the only server is australian with 999 ping.
im waiting in line at filecloud to download the game :(
Note: There are no servers, so just make your own and mess around with teh bases.

it's aweshens.
The main reason it lags I would guess is that there are no dedicated servers, once those come up lag should be significantly reduced.
HunterSeeker said:
The main reason it lags I would guess is that there are no dedicated servers, once those come up lag should be significantly reduced.
Nah, I was on an offical dedicated.
The normal mapped everything and added specular maps to every thing...
the mpas arent optimaized too.
and I knew that it would suck if they wont change the net code.
Didnt have a chance to play the mod since it lagged to much.
Lack of a linux server build will be the major issue right now - not many server admins are going to run with it if they can't put it on linux boxes.

Had a play with my housemates this afternoon, it just seemed a bit unstable, I think all of us crashed out at one point or another. We had a heavy tank that was guaranteed to crash out anyone who tried to get in it!

The premise is good, but they may possibly have "shot their load" early, so to speak - especially with Iron Grip and Nuclear Dawn just around the corner (relatively) which are both cast from the same mold.
Ging said:
Lack of a linux server build will be the major issue right now - not many server admins are going to run with it if they can't put it on linux boxes.
Hah, some guy is running the game with WINE :D
No linux server build??? Why'd they do that? It takes like half an hour to build one.

Krenzo, if the prob is your guys don't know how to build one, I'll gladly give advice; a linux server is sth you really should include in your first release.
Yeah, I guess I should get around to making the linux server.
i hate password servers! btw im installing now :D i let it install while i was playing auto assualt :P so the download didnt seem too long for me :D

Do I see an Imperial tank in the centre, the one from the warhammer 40K universe

Do I see an Imperial tank in the centre, the one from the warhammer 40K universe

They're tanks from World War One, newb. Both Warhammer and Warhammer 40k just steal all their designs from either Tolkien, Science Fiction or real life.
My steam is messing up and wont start up.
Now when I deleted that clientregistry.blob steam takes forever to update
i dident even get to play one game with anyone i just ended up makin my pown server to see the features one thing that i hate is the hand models they look so blah!
Suicide42 said:
They're tanks from World War One, newb. Both Warhammer and Warhammer 40k just steal all their designs from either Tolkien, Science Fiction or real life.

He's right, though, it does look like a Leman Russ tank thing.

Only after trying to play online today have I realised how important Linux builds are. I'm going to have to get Qck working overtime...

-Angry Lawyer
Good concept and execution but way too buggy.
It's unplayable right now.I'll wait till they work the kinks out before i play it again.
i just played it and i like to be the engi, building walls and so, i like it.....

and yes there are thinks which should be fixed soon.
God they need to put create server options. You can't even put a maxplayers on there. I had fun when we did like 3v3 or 4v4..but it sucks trying to control how many people are in your server. Like I tried putting a password when I had enough..but still a crapload of people got in before I passworded it. Then the server crashed, so dumb.

Other than that..the game is very fun :P
Looks very nice so far, i think once they release a linux server, then it may help with more dedicated servers not just users running it off their own boxes.

Show promise and i cannot wait for more releases.

Hah. most kills on server. And that's WITH the enemy's devious insta-teleportation devices! (lag.)
Tried it for a few minutes (15 or so), here's my initial impressions.

1) Like Natural Selection's version 1.00, this also lags like hell. I'm talking of +600ms pings here. Sort of a déjà vu since from technical aspect NS and Empires have a lot incommon.
2) Couldn't find a way to resupply myself. Maybe the commander or whatever it's called in Empires needs to build an equivalent to NS' armory?
3) The maps aren't very detailed and neither is the general artwork. Granted, this is a beta but they still have a lot to do. I'm also giving them the price for the ugliest hand textures ever :P

Positive thing is that this mod seems to work as a whole instead of being just a gimmick and some online shooting-type of mod. As a negative side there seems to be a lot lacking at the moment from the general gameplay but that may be caused just by the fact that no one has a clue yet what to do to be victorious.

Oh and the biggest minus is that I couldn't get console to work.
I just played again on a smaller server and much less lag in vehicles, kinda sucky if 20 is the maximum for these huge maps. Anyway there are hardly any good servers to play on, no local servers and lots of full or passworded ones. The player count is already higher than any user made source mod. I hope some admins get some servers up :(
Para said:
2) Couldn't find a way to resupply myself. Maybe the commander or whatever it's called in Empires needs to build an equivalent to NS' armory?
3) The maps aren't very detailed and neither is the general artwork. Granted, this is a beta but they still have a lot to do. I'm also giving them the price for the ugliest hand textures ever :P
2)Yes, there is an armory that looks like a locker room with boxes on the floor. Go up to and press-hold 'e'.

3)The problem is that these maps are pretty large, and that any more objects will only make the lag worse. Besides, it probably limits vehicle travel too.
i've only been able to play on one server with good connection. every other server I played on was laggy as hell. In any case so far so good IMO.
Suicide42 said:
The. Best. Mod. Ever.

Possibly has the potential to be the best GAME ever, if the team becomes retail and puts more effort into it.

Jesus. It's just so damn good.

Too bad the only server is australian with 999 ping.

I had the same thought. Someone needs to put up some good servers. Everything iv played on was way to laggy. Fps is lock 120 just ping wise. Another thing is that some of the things take way to long to build. Like the walls. (i love walls btw)

Man this is the new genre, i cant wait for more games like this to be made.