Empires Mod Released!

Angry Lawyer said:
As in, as soon as I press F2 when in the Command Vehicle, it bombs. Doesn't happen on my other machine, just my powerful one.

-Angry Lawyer
Oooh. Well, guess that's another bug they have to fix ;)
Sometimes my grenade launcher as a grenadier doesn't work either. :|
I'm sure I had the problem in Zombie Master at one point, and then TGB magicked it away.

What does the thing that looks like a mortar actually do, anyways? Because it just sits there most of the time.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm sure I had the problem in Zombie Master at one point, and then TGB magicked it away.

What does the thing that looks like a mortar actually do, anyways? Because it just sits there most of the time.

-Angry Lawyer
You mean those small spy cameras engineers build? They can detect infantry.
If you read the manual, or actually I think the weapon description has it too, you would know it's only fireable from crouch :P
Angry Lawyer said:
No, I mean the Grenadier's third weapon.

-Angry Lawyer
His grenade launcher. Some people can use it, some people can't. :|
Angry Lawyer, I have the same problem!

Happened six times in a row so I just don't bother trying to command now. Whenever I jump into a command vehicle it won't crash, but then I jump into F2 and it crashes instantly... :(
It takes bout 30 min to load, and when I load, it says connection problem, everytime. I tried reinstalling the game too, didnt fix it. Any solutions?
Polar_Bear said:
Angry Lawyer, I have the same problem!

Happened six times in a row so I just don't bother trying to command now. Whenever I jump into a command vehicle it won't crash, but then I jump into F2 and it crashes instantly... :(

For the love of god send the memory dump after crashing to [email protected] - pretty much guarantees a fix in next patch.
Takes ages to load, is buggy and laggy as hell.

If they get them fixed, i'tll be one hell of a game.
Look in the directory your hl2.exe is located. Every time you crash, a file ending in .mdmp is created. Send the one created at the time you crashed along with a brief description to [email protected] .
Angry Lawyer said:
No, I mean the Grenadier's third weapon.

-Angry Lawyer

The mortar works for everyone, but you have to crouch to use it :)

Just played empires, pretty fun
liked the tanks, jeeps etc
the way things are managed is amazing (biulding viechles, squads etc)
Viechles laaaaag the server! ;(
theres about 2 different sound fx, both wich get annoying after a while

Maybe viechles should be limited to two or three per team? or at least untill that whole problem can be fixed
I don't care if it's a damn thread revive. I'm so ****ing pissed right now I could tear apart a horse by just staring at it. I'll explain:
I'm commanding in the emp_canyon map. All was well, never crashed. I'm slowly expanding my territory, as is my usual tactic. I destroy an enemy outpost here and there and claim the territory.

Then, something horrible happens. The ****ers build a huge wall of cameras to climb up the cliffs and build a base there. They start bombarding our base to shit. Even worse, my team is absolutely stubborn and they don't want to switch to the ranged rifle, forcing me to watch my base being destroyed. My vehicle factory gets destroyed. Twice. Meanwhile my team is complaining about horrible exploit they're using. They think it is justified.

"Oh, if you can do it, the mappers probably meant it that way."

Mother****ers. Then they start going ninja on my ass all the time. I tell some of my team to stand guard so we don't insta-lose. No one responds. By this time, a lot of them were quite pissed at me. So I give them heavy tanks with great armour, speed and weaponry. They're happy again, so I think that they'll stand guard so we can still win this map.

Of course, they don't. They were pretty good at pushing back the enemy, but guarding the base or building a LVL1 turret (I had upgraded to LVL3, but LVL3 MG's are bugged and will not kill a target). I personally kill five ninjas after half of my team gets slaughtered over and over (and no, not by spawnkilling). In the end, we lose due to a ninja that I didn't see quickly enough. Thankfully, everyone on my team realized that it wasn't my fault, but that it was the bloody exploit that completely unbalanced the game and caused us to be pushed in a corner.

I'd rather go back to the good old days with Angry Lawyer D:
Which brings us back to "Internete Idiot Syndrome". On public servers, people will never listen.

Which is why, in high-strategy games, only small playercounts work. And now I'm inspired to finish CC17.

<3 Beerend.

-Angry Lawyer

Problem with exploits (and making ramps out of cameras is definitely dodgy) is that too many people assume they're intentional, simply because they're possible.

Reminds me of the Natural Selection fiasco with the "walls of lame". The team famously nerfed the alien's defensive structures only for everyone to collectively learn that the marine's siege cannon was bugged rather than the Kharaa buildings...
Angry Lawyer said:
Which brings us back to "Internete Idiot Syndrome". On public servers, people will never listen.

Which is why, in high-strategy games, only small playercounts work.

Hence the reason no one plays Alien Swarm, probably the best ut2k4 mod.

Edit - Oops, thread revive.