Episode 2 article *spoilers*

this article has me so excited
the hunters chasing you into buildings and having to root you out reminds me of a lot of stuff mentioned in early previews of hl2 or shown in those first videos: enemies you couldn't beat or would be best off running from, and them chasing you, searching for you, or trying to get you out of a hiding place (ie metrocops in traptown, combine guards using cameras to search for a hidden gordon, antlion guards shooting bugbait at you as you hide under wreckage to smoke you out)

unfortunately none of that stuff really made it into hl2, so I'm glad to see the same feeling coming back (this is likely also why they're only considering giving the hunters a weakpoint...they'll probably be quite hard to kill)

the open areas and farmhouses remind me of some of my favourite parts of hl2, in the houses on the coast where combine would be holed up inside or you could hide inside from soldiers
I want to see strider legs smashing through rotted out roofs!

the strider busters are interesting (I'm hoping beyond hope that they're the evolution of hopwires... energy-draining cables all strung between the body and legs of the things)
I always felt that striders were very strong design-wise and interacted well with the environment, but then the puzzle to kill them was 'shoot lots of rockets'
considering that other large monsters all had the same solution, it was kind of depressing
fortunately all you need to do is remove the rocket boxes, provide a limited ammo supply, and suddenly you need a new (and more interesting) method to kill them

edit: as for the bit where they mention that hunters' weakness to the chimera car thing might be temporary, I have visions dancing in my head of hunters leaping onto your car and menacing you
Let him have nas, that would F**king nice, and imo the car needs a A10 thunderbolt II's 30mm Gattling Gun, FTW...YEAH, No strider can withstand uranium tiped 30mm rounds going faster than 1200rpm, It doesnt matter how thick striders armour is, it will still die.
They will release it when it's done i.e could be winter 2006 or summer 2007 or 1st december 2006...

Think back to when hl2 came out just do something else if it's delayed
someone wanna sticky this or make it a sticky in an EP2 forum?
Large, nonlinear outdoor combat could be the best thing to happen to the Half-Life series since Lamar.