Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.

I used the shotgun too. It is surprisingly accurate over a long distance.
The crossbow doesn't exactly reload fast or have much ammo, you know.
I was referring to the fact that you don't have to get close to be effective with it. I can circumsize a moving fly from 400 yards with the crossbow. There's no need for it to have lots of ammo or fast reloads when you're far away and taking potshots at the enemy. :)

I didn't use the shotgun in this HL2 as much as I did in HL1. Mostly as a backup.
My favorites were the shotgun, then the pulse rifle and i realy love frag grenades... i can teke out a strider with those and my gg... (with a fair amount of course) it is really fun... try it out
Although I should have used the Crossbow more, but I felt the rarity of ammo meant it was used for certain times, and thus generally never used it, because I kept expecting set "Sniper Sections" if you will.
Although I should have used the Crossbow more, but I felt the rarity of ammo meant it was used for certain times, and thus generally never used it, because I kept expecting set "Sniper Sections" if you will.

Same with stuff like the Magnum for me. I've learnt just to get them out and fire.
The first time I played Hl2, I refused to leave an area until I had full ammo for every weapon - and that meant I had to backtrack every 5 minutes. God, it was painful. It was a learning experience though, and episode 1 was a lot more enjoyable.
Yep, I and my brother got HL² a year ago or two, and he'd insist on NOT using magnum, crossbow or secondary grenades- And you can imagine the quickloads, if he didn't manage to lob some grenades in a sniperposition ;) Only because you had only ****ing 3 ar2-grens instead of a healthy 5. I mean, running around with a sechsed-üp mp7 with a five grenades at your disposal...It's just a proportion to the ten fraggrenades an the 10 m203 grenades you had in HL1. But I hope they will at least once let you use a sniper rifle, or fire a flaregun, or introduce UNmounted pulse-machineguns :D
I think it would be fun to use a flaregun or a flamethrower in future HL games/epsiodes. I don't think a sniper rifle is completely necessary though.
Ooo, I love the idea of using a flamethrower! Lots of descruction forseen if they put that in :rolling:

Other than that, having the crossbow was nice, but I think there needs to be another weapon with a scope.

Finally, although the AI is superb, I think it could deffinately be better. One of the best examples of AI I have seen is F.E.A.R. (the way those guys take cover and flank is amazing and challenging!). I guess the thing that was missing is the Combine's interaction with the environment, cause there isnt a whole lot of it.
Anything that's fun should be used in a game. Even if the FEAR AI was scripted, it was fun for a while
(before I learnt that soldiers are attracted to my light like insects, waiting to be killed).

For the same reason, I think per-pixel lighting is a waste of resources, when there are alternate solutions.
I like that idea! Why get more new weapons when you can just remove some from the game? A lot of weapons is fun though, so I'm not complaining. Anyone who's ever played Ratchet and Clank will agree that having more guns gives you more creative options in obliterating enemies.

And I quite liked the idea of no crowbar in Ep. 1's early stages. It was a challenge, a little something out of the comfort zone to keep us on edge. It wasn't easy in some parts, and it wasn't practicle either, but does it have to be? I like the crowbar, and if there's a need I feel for butting things with guns, I play Halo.

i agree but your saying in HL2 not to be able to butt things with your crowbar? obviously this would be haloish if they added that, but honestly how sweet would that be, to be able to crack and a zombie/zombine over the face with the butt of your shotty? pretty sweet in my opinion, but then again this is HL2, so well probably never be able to do that. alas, i can always dream.
I think it would be fun to use a flaregun or a flamethrower in future HL games/epsiodes. I don't think a sniper rifle is completely necessary though.

also, i agree a flamethrower would be sweet, but that would take away from the sweet sweet feeling you get when you shoot a barrel as a zombie walks by and they get engulfed in flame. flamethrower would be \o/, but would ruin the fun.
For those expecting new weapons, it's worth pointing out that every single HL2 weapon (minus the bugbait) can be seen at some point in the gameplay movies. Hopefully Valve will be giving us some new toys in weapon slot 6 (and perhaps 7, which IIRC makes a noise when you press it though 8 - 0 don't), but don't count on it, even if they've supposedly said we'll get new weapons.
what it needs.

Ichyosaur underwater Area, Houndeye, Bullsquid, Garg, Tentacle or hydra, new weapons, a little more Blood and gore.

New abillties of the NPC's.

Make zombies Revive once their dead, if they permamently dead.
Bullsquid can move his tongue to new limits and grab you.
Combines shall think more tactical instead of using brute force.
Dog must have a fighting abillity, Not scripted ones.

what it does not need.

Allot of boring zombies.
Too many antlions.
No Overpowered Grav gun.
why the hell should zombies ressurect? No, thats dumb

Bullsquid don't have a tongue to fight with, you are thinking barancles. And no. If they didn't move before, it doesn't make sense to move them now.

and the grav gun was not overpowered. It was fun.

Learn 2 game design, seriously
what episode 2 really needs:

-let alyx finally die, SHES JUST SO ANNOYING!!! i want an action\science fiction-game not a godamn lovestory ....., i know most of you guys fell in love with that piece of whatever.. but just accept it, shes just the quote-bitch and nothing more! (i know anyway they will let alyx mysteriously survive, thats at least what i expect.. and it drives me nuts)

-no more wanabe-movielike-talk of the characters, its just annoying and badly acted by the voice actors.. sry.

-also let breen, dr mossman, eli and that churchman die, or at least i dont wana see those anymore.. they annoy me.

-please let us actually hear gordons footsteps to give you the feeling of actually touching the ground.

-let characters not be able to push you away , so dam annoying...

-put in some good indoor levels with some good mapdesign, only walking outside is abit boring sometimes.. especially when the only thing ur doing is shooting those antlions or driving those tiring vehicles.

-let none of the vehicles come back, if i want a bad racing game i go buy one for 2 dollars in some internetshop...

-correct all the graphics mistakes that appear by decreasing\increasing distance to corpses and certain obstacles.

-i WANT TO SEE SOME ALIENS FINALLY ! AND NO, NOT ZOMBIES, ANT LIONS OR CRAPPY BARNACLES!!!! give us some new aliens and bring back bullsquids, houndeyes and gargantulas. i actually love the idea of that antlion nest - best idea valve had in a long time, looks very intriguing. i also like those armored houndeyes, its a pretty cool idea.

-let the vortigaunts FIGHTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!1 i want to see some big scale battle between humans and vortigaunts and i would also like to fight vortigaunts again , but not necessary though.

-i want to see a gargantula smashing down a ****ing strider and killing a hoplessly outnumbered combine army... a real big fight so between wildlife and combine forces.

-delete dog, hes getting annoying..how can a robot designed by a single guy be so strong to mess with a ****ing army equiped by an advanced alienrace ?? - tell me!

-i would like some new weapons maybe, not too many but some cool new weapons wich are actually FUN to use. there was such a gun with a green spyglass in the old hl2 videos... i wana see that gun, and the flares for the plasma gun.

-please no more ZOMBIES! if there are here and there some.. ok but no ****ing level where ur fighting nothing else for hours. i hated all zombie levels so far and i will hate them again, valve just isnt good at scaring people.

-enhance gordons walking speed and jump height, delete the forward jump... i wana do a jump myself not having it automatically. eventually delete that stupid run button, its so boring.. also divide the suit power, using the light should not infect the time you can stay under water. Also make the flashlight last 2 minutes longer.

oh well thats alot of stuff, i bet i forgot half of what i wanted to say, but have fun flaming me :naughty:
It looks like you hate Half-Life, eber. Your points are really stupid, sorry.
It looks like you hate Half-Life, eber. Your points are really stupid, sorry.

so you say only cos im of a diffrent opinion than u im stupid ?...... uh btw, i LOVE half-life, i just hate the crap they made out of it later what is now known as half-life 2 and episode 1 ;)
He didn't say you were stupid, just the points you were trying to make were. I, however am calling you stupid because you don't seem to be able to read. And yeah, it does seem you want to change everything that makes half-life half-life. "no zombies, no voice acting, no characters, no outdoor levels", blah blah blah.
..badly acted by the voice actors.. sry.

you must be playing the german version, for its voice acting is really bad.

the original voice acting is top notch. :thumbs:


i think e2 needs:

- even more interaction with the npcs. right now, the npcs interact with YOU a lot, but you cannot actually interact with THEM, this feels wrong.
the npcs, and the emotional element they bring into the game, really define hl2.

- a living alyx to interact with (no, not what you think ;))

- less antlions. i mean, antlions are fun, they make funky buzzing noises and everything. but they shouldn't spawn indefinitely. really gets annyoing.

- biozeminades. they are a must-have.

by the way, hi again hl2 forums - it's been a while :)
Eber, you are a retard. You were a retard back in June 2004 and you still are now. Take your trolling bullshit elsewhere.
Seconded. Dude, you want to make it from Half-Life 2 into friggin' Generic-FPS-#325087.
I don't flame people on forums when their opinions differ from mine but Eber, you are a meat-head-frat-boy if you're serious, you are an uber-retard if you think you're trolling. There must be a law to prevent idiots like you playing games or accesing internet.

And for all internet trolls out there: "Get a girlfriend asap."
He didn't say you were stupid, just the points you were trying to make were. I, however am calling you stupid because you don't seem to be able to read. And yeah, it does seem you want to change everything that makes half-life half-life. "no zombies, no voice acting, no characters, no outdoor levels", blah blah blah.

you cannot read smartie, i want to make it more like half-life again, you probably didnt even play half-life so who am i telling this :thumbs:

you must be playing the german version, for its voice acting is really bad.

the original voice acting is top notch.

no im playing the american version, my point was that it sounds too faked, like faked emotions.... i feel like a child from the kindergarten going to a puppettheatre.

Eber, you are a retard. You were a retard back in June 2004 and you still are now. Take your trolling bullshit elsewhere.

i love you too baby ;)

I don't flame people on forums when their opinions differ from mine but Eber, you are a meat-head-frat-boy if you're serious, you are an uber-retard if you think you're trolling. There must be a law to prevent idiots like you playing games or accesing internet.

too bad, well ur soo smart to accuse me like that... oh i see ur from turkey, i heard the smartest people of europe live there.. anyway.

And for all internet trolls out there: "Get a girlfriend asap."

true true, c'mon stop loving that alyxbitch and get a girlfriend dudes :\, i mean a REAL girlfriend you know ? so i dont wana see you with mossman next time ;)
As I said before, I don't like flaming people on internet, and I felt bad for calling you retard. I wanted to apologize to you but reading "-delete dog, hes getting annoying.." and "its just annoying and badly acted by the voice actors.. " over and over I can't help thinking you are a retard. So sorry. Please give me something other than compliments to my country so I can apologize. Please.
:P ...the above was funny

Bad acting...djeezes, HL2 and Ep1 leave the competition way behind. And how I love the fact that he wants more interiour -hallway-corridor levels...Hope he doesn't buy EP2 or otherwise he'll be very very dissapointed.

But what do I want...Mmm

I guess whaterver Valve gives me... I was never dissapointed and expectations where always extremely high. I don't doubt that they'll pull it of again.
I do hope the mood will be like 'the empire strikes back' as previouslly stated in another tread. Hectic, overpowered and panic...those are my keywords for Ep2.

But as stated before...I don't care what I want. Im sure Valve allready knows ;)
-let alyx finally die, SHES JUST SO ANNOYING!!!

-no more wanabe-movielike-talk of the characters, its just annoying and badly acted by the voice actors.. sry.

-also let breen, dr mossman, eli and that churchman die, or at least i dont wana see those anymore.. they annoy me.

-put in some good indoor levels with some good mapdesign, only walking outside is abit boring sometimes.. especially when the only thing ur doing is shooting those antlions or driving those tiring vehicles.

-let none of the vehicles come back, if i want a bad racing game i go buy one for 2 dollars in some internetshop...

-give us some new aliens.

-i want to see a gargantula smashing down a ****ing strider and killing a hoplessly outnumbered combine army... a real big fight so between wildlife and combine forces.

-delete dog, hes getting annoying..how can a robot designed by a single guy be so strong to mess with a ****ing army equiped by an advanced alienrace ?? - tell me!

-please no more ZOMBIES!

-let characters not be able to push you away , so dam annoying...

-please let us actually hear gordons footsteps to give you the feeling of actually touching the ground.

-bring back bullsquids, houndeyes and gargantulas. i actually love the idea of that antlion nest, looks very intriguing. i also like those armored houndeyes, its a pretty cool idea.

-i would like some new weapons maybe, not too many but some cool new weapons
These I agree with... :sniper:
-correct all the graphics mistakes that appear by decreasing\increasing distance to corpses and certain obstacles.

^NO ???? i actually thought one would agree with me at least at that point.
-correct all the graphics mistakes that appear by decreasing\increasing distance to corpses and certain obstacles.

^NO ???? i actually thought one would agree with me at least at that point.
My mistake. I meant to put that in the second quote box.
Eber doesn't hate Half-Life. Eber hates Half-Life 2, but apparently he loves Half-Life 1. Look at his list.

  • 1. No developed characters (Alyx, Dog, Breen, Mossman, Eli, Grigori), and less lines of dialogue.

    2. Indoor maps.

    3. No vehicles.

    4. Bring back old aliens.
That's HL1 he's describing. Eber, go back and play HL:Source. Play HL:Source FOREVER. You will remain blissfully happy while the rest of the world goes on playing their "stupid fake romance movie."
-please let us actually hear gordons footsteps to give you the feeling of actually touching the ground.

You can hear his footsteps, wtf are you talking about.
O rly? I didn't notice there weren't any footsteps...Must be pretty irating...Dunno, the stuff with the entities not being visable in the distance is something VALVe has already been thinking about...I thought they had an advantage by their new rendering technology...Anyway, I think ep1 was not the best game ever made by VALVe, in an overall sense. I mean, it got no awards. And that dissapoints me, cause I haven't seen a VALVe-game that is not abs0lutly kewl. Yap.
Anyhoo, back to topic, weapons would be nice though...I was always irated by the thought of not being able to see a flargun model ingame, or snipermodel ingame, or what-have-thou ingame, for example the flares in ep1. They could have been a good weapon, if you carried them as, say three pieces of ammo, and with proper anims. I sometimes dream SMod would cover that...*sigh* As well as that woodaxe in the trailers, I loath not being able to swing that thing and behead combine foes, only because we've gotta focus on that crowbar. No offense, the crowbar is a symbol, but why put that axemodel into the game if we're only able to let it float a bit in mid-air and toss it somewhere. K, you can still toss it with the ggun, but there's no ggun ammo better than the sink^^ So, too bad it's kinda unneccesary, unless of course props could be used in a condemned: spaminal oranges fashioned way...I mean, carrying it as a temporary melee weapon, there's isn't even explicit need for anims, just letting the player know that the axe can be dangerous if you nod your mouse up and down and up and down...and that for no appearent reason there's someone hostile standing RIGHT in your axe's way...*choppy!*^^ (I do apologize for this awfully long post, I'll deliver vaseline for your bleeding eyes)
The fun of unusable props, you get to experiment it with the gravity gun.
I would go for a axe with anims, stuff not properly done won't get lots positive reviews. So what if Ep.1 didn't get a award (yet?), it's still good and entertaining.

I do agree about the sniper though.
1. No developed characters (Alyx, Dog, Breen, Mossman, Eli, Grigori), and less lines of dialogue.

lol, no stupid cliche characters i would say :cheese: , oh and you misunderstod me at that second point. i do want dialogues, but they shouldnt be about characters.. it seems like in hl2 the characters are more worth than the story and the happenings itself.

You can hear his footsteps, wtf are you talking about.

cool that you have hypersensitive ears to hear his footsteps, i for one hear nothing.
its also very strange that you only hear footsteps on very certain textures, and they are so calm that u have to get ur ear to the soundboxes to hear it..
lol, no stupid cliche characters i would say :cheese: , oh and you misunderstod me at that second point. i do want dialogues, but they shouldnt be about characters.. it seems like in hl2 the characters are more worth than the story and the happenings itself.
I fail to see any of the cliches. Please describe how you feel the characters are cliched.

Also, the characters in HL2 ARE the story. It's important to show these people and listen to them talk about what's going on, what your objectives are, see how things affect them...seriously what story would you get if you took out everyone in HL2? Think about it.
i do want dialogues, but they shouldnt be about characters.. it seems like in hl2 the characters are more worth than the story and the happenings itself.

Do you want them to just spout storyline at you? I hate it when games do that!
Doc Kleiner is a cliché, that's for certain and Colonel Cubbage, but apart from them most the characters are pretty multi-dimensional and original, not to mention beautifully executed.