Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.

and oh , how did i forget:

Ep2 needs:

Dog captured by the Combine to appear as a (puzzel) mid-game boss in Ep3.
Tamer17 said:
and oh , how did i forget:

Ep2 needs:

Dog captured by the Combine to appear as a (puzzel) mid-game boss in Ep3.

So let me get this straight. Episode Two needs something that Episode Three will possibly that it needs as well but it's appearing in Three and...*Beep: Error referenced at x013300320430*
Pretty much , yes.

That boss fight should showcase an awesome AI and mostly non scripted events and you would need to figure a way to stop Dog and to immobolize it so it can be programmed back.
Dismembering\destroying Dog will result a game over screen.
Better yet all of them together. Garg vs Strider vs Antlion Guard vs tentacle vs Gonarch:naughty: :E That would be insane. I think there would be no survivors:laugh: .
Redneck said:
Better yet all of them together. Garg vs Strider vs Antlion Guard vs tentacle vs Gonarch:naughty: :E That would be insane. I think there would be no survivors:laugh: .
Six aliens enter, one alien leaves! Six aliens enter, one alien leaves!

I've always wanted to see a garg vs. strider fight. I'd pay Valve $20 for that alone. And I mean, y'know...alone. A five-to-ten minute fight between a garg and a strider, that's worth the cost of a full episode to me.
Redneck said:
Better yet all of them together. Garg vs Strider vs Antlion Guard vs tentacle vs Gonarch:naughty: :E That would be insane. I think there would be no survivors:laugh: .

Except for the Garg. Because Gargs rule.
In EP2, i want to play at least 1 chapter alone with Gordon, just to give me that 'exploring/adventure' feeling, like I had in Highway 17 and Route Canal. Also, some new enemies, and arctic landscapes! :D

And hell, i want some answers!!!
As long as they get rid of those poison headcrabs *shudders* Ill be happy. In episode 1 I kept pushing alyx through the doorway and let her kill them. lol
Zombie animals... [/drool]

And of course, a Garg vs. Strider fight. That would be awesome. I can just imagine the Garg snapping the Strider's leg in half.
Zombie animals... [/drool]

And of course, a Garg vs. Strider fight. That would be awesome. I can just imagine the Garg snapping the Strider's leg in half.

And it doing its sad moan.
I'll tell you wht Epi Two needs, the abilitie to drive through the Striders legs after strider busting' 'em.

I also want Mortar and Crab synths. Their not excalty new are they? But they weren't in Epi One.;(
(And killing a Crab Snyth could give us access to its minigun :naughty: )
Somehow, some way, VALVe... please find a way to bring Father Grigory back.

The gameplay with him in the end of Ravenholm was like the whole precursor to the Gordon/Alyx gameplay that was in ALL of Episode 1.

Other than that, new enemies, reskinned enemies and old enemies with new abilities, the Tentacle, fast zombies in the woods, zombine elites (why weren't they in ep1?), usable/seeablebeingusedbycombine sniper rifle (I just mean that if you won't let us use it, at least make a model for it), advisor pod rocket launcher fights (like against gunships), a vehicle with a turret on the back for the AI to use like the Warthog in Halo, fewer poison headcrabs but add a new type of headcrab, and last but not least... the Hydra. I know in RTB you guys said it wouldn't work for a fight, but even if you can't make a fight work, I want to SEE one in the game.

That is all. :O
I may have said this before. I don't remember.


Give me a ****ing gargantua. Give me a ****ing pet garg named HERSCHEL.
needs Some New Mother F**king Weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There were new weapons in Epi one, the flare, freindly rollermines,aylx,hopwire (sorta) etc.

It was appearing that you didn't get the reference.

Episode 2 needs more music.
i disagree on the ""lame ass gearbox weapons""

they were fun.. it wasnt lame .. its just ur personal opinion. and that doesnt make it lame
VALVe said in that recent interview they were more worried about G-Gun weapons, which I have to agree. They are so much moer origanal than some huge weapon.
Take Op4. How come none of the soldiers in Gordon's adventure were using the SAW? Because Gearbox is Gearbox, and we're past that stage. In Epi Two, if I saw a soldier carrying say...a AK-47 or a OICW I'd be totally WTF WHEN HAVE SOLDIERS USED THESE WEAPONS, which was my reaction in Op4. And VALVe don't do that.

Thats why Op4 guns are lame. They don't make scence!
I can't say I understand this "Gearbox is Gearbox" thing.

It was appearing that you didn't get the reference.

Episode 2 needs more music.

My bad :/

What would be nice is a rehaul of the weapons system. Instead of hauling like 20 weapons around with you, different weapons should become available/more effective/more plentiful with different levels. Have a couple of weapon slots, and rotate weapons. And then give me a damn kalashnikov.
like Simon says...Klashnikov the most cliche'd gun ever? why not play CS?

Id say I would rather have a gun that fills the gap between Assault rifle & sniper rifle, like the G3A3 or my beloved M-14!!!!!!!
hmmm... the big badass fight I think the strider'd be the first down, and the tentacle, and gargy would be all thats left :D (I want gargy on my side :( whouldn't that be the shit? fighting side, by side with a gargantua? :D)
It needs... uh... *looks around room*... eau de toilette. Well, yes. Naturally.

Less citizens or Alyx fighting alongside the player. Unless they improve the AI. Alyx has a good AI but I simply hate having someone at my heels all the time.

A Garg!!!!! Really badly!
What it does need:
1.More weapons....Strider Buster sounds all right.
2.A vehicle-the dune buggy was fun.
3.A advanced AI-if have played Half-Life 2 or Ep.1 on "Easy" the combine soldiers are retards.
4.More enemies-man just a Hunter,let's be serious.
5.More puzzles.

What doesn't need:
1.A boss fight-really is like we played again again Half-Life with a boss fight at the end-is completly out of fashion-this is my opinion...
2.A zombie level-as you know Ravenholm scared the s***t out of me,Lowlife was okay.