Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.


- A boss battle with Gonarch (sp?). A big testicle on spider legs ... now THAT was a boss! Imaging sneaking through the woods and coming to a HUGE spider-type lair. Could be awsome.

- New sniping weapon. Combine sniper rifle (with VERY limited ammo ala SOF2 bolt action rifle) would be great. The crossbow is a pretty poor sniping weapon, especially now that gravity effects the bolts flight. Sniping repelling soldiers with that thing sucked.

- More time fighting and exploring alone.

- A thrilling, high speed vehicle ride along some train tracks in the woods and over narrow bridges.

- More challenging puzzles. Not like Myst but a bit tougher and more satisfying to figure out.

Don't need:

"Defend the citizens" escort-type missions.
New Weapons. I don't begrudge Episode One's reuse of HL2's weapons, it made sense. However, we're out of City 17 now, and it isn't so much of a leap to imagine we'll come across new weapons. Whilst "it's not a simple expansion" is a maxim which the game should uphold, it needs to be adknowledged that - like it or not - Half-Life is a game in which you shoot things. If there is an excuse to give us something different to shoot with, use it. Oh and no Combine Sniper Rifle. I couldn't give two s**ts about a weapon i've used in every other FPS i've ever played when I can use the crossbow which is pretty much unique.

New Enemies: Whereas Expansions often give you lots of new weapons (bad) they often only give you only a pinch of new enemies to shoot (think about it. Do you expect more enemies from an expansion or a new game? Aren't the Episodes supposed to be the later?). Episode One is so far simply going down this route. We're in the wastes now, we need plenty of wildlife, and I'm getting sick of Antlions. Additionally, now that Citadel 17 is a smeer on the ground, the combine we face should be coming from elsewhere, and should have different members among their ranks, not just a nice new skin on the existing units.

New Characters: I can't remember if they said we'd meet the guys who are out in the woods, but I want to, and I want to stop meeting the same generic citizens. We need Gregori / Cubbage minor characters to stop the world from becoming to repeatative. And perhaps new costumes for the old friendly characters.

Doesn't need:
- Antlions (Just a damned shame we're going to get them. There better be some different antlions to fight this time).
- Super Grav Gun
- Escort Mission (Not that i'd believe we'd get one in the context of the mission. It made sense in Exit 17, it just turned out to be crap.)
- Alyx as Permanent Sidekick (will be cool to fight alongside her a bit, but Gordon needs some personal space you know?)

I'm personally looking forward to the game on the basis of what we've learnt already about it. The idea of some lengthy vehicle play sounds good to me, and the new twist on the Strider theme can only be good. It just needs that bit more variety and to cut back on ground we've already gone over a fair bit.
Valve really has a great chance now to add some really kicking xen creatures, and since we are appearently going into an antlion hive it would be great to see some antlion varients.

I'm thinking praying mantis like sentinels antlions, grubs nipping at your feet antlions, many pincered/sychted warrior antlions, ceiling hanging boulbous abdomened food storage antlions, and a giant antlion king/queen; if we have to fight them again might as well expand on them.

If Valve absolutely have to cater to their zombie fetish I sincerely hope they include some gonarchs and one of those big armored spiders with a giant hatchling spewing testicle thing. They could make the encounter awesome if they had the headcrab zombie legions raiding the antlion burrow or vice versa.

Also when it comes to new NPC characters I think it would rock to see some ex-Delta or Seals guys kicking ass and surviving in the forest. They could help you out in those especially dangerous areas and give you advice.
Valve is reading this thread and thinking... ah crap all this stuff is already in 80% of EP2. Time to scrap the project and start over and delay the release to Dec 2007.
nah, gabe is making them watch home videos of him as a child
What it does need:
Lots of Xen aliens, I'd love to see the Houndeye and Bullsquid again, plus some original ones.
A scene where you are chased by fast zombies, antlions, and any other fast creatures, racing away on your new vehicle.
More talking scenes to reveal the story.
A tragedy to show the emotion of the characters.
A couple of new characters.

What it doesn't need:
Dark long zombie level.
Antlion level.
A Breenslug appearance, I'd rather have him dead.
We already know there is a tragedy, maybe not death but tragedy nonetheless that happens to Alyx. From the trailer when the Vortigaunt is holding her.
I know she does'nt die because In the PC gamer Interview w/ valve, they said That alyx manages to survive (but it is unknown how).

Valve said:
"She's at gordon's side for most in ep1, though she's seen less in ep2, her Role remains important, and her character continue's to enjoy a deeper level of development Than any other in the game-including Gordon himself" So dont worry, She will be just fine.

Oh yeah In PC GAMER thay say the One who dies is Dr.Wally Breen
bbson_john said:
I think Alyx really need a new outfit.

also Eli, possibly Kleiner, and Barney isn't going to have much of a use for that CP outfit anymore
mossman already got a jacket (to go with the same sweater, though)

also: screw breenslugs
I want totally human breen to show up in the woods with amnesia
jimmyjam said:
also: screw breenslugs
I want totally human breen to show up in the woods with amnesia

Ha ha
Breen: Who am I? What am I doing here...? Who are you?*crowbar hit in the head*
Is that you mommy?:P
i think they should evolve on alyx's emotions and funny moments... her personality brings the game to a whole new level
exactly redneck

"uhhhhhh ruler of earth? I have no idea what you're talking about. I've....got to go now"
Breen: "Who are you, How did you in here? The man I just saw, I'am all but certain it was.....GORDON FREEMAN."
How about the introduction of Gordon's brother, John Freeman? This pice of literature seems to indicate that he's way more badass than Gordon. Plus he powerwalks.

On a serious note, if I were making ep2, I'd have a sort of Loch Ness monster, Jaws-y scene with the ichthyosaur. Some area where you get thrown from a boat and have to swim a distance, all the while hearing a giant fish growling and swimming closer and closer ... something like that. It would fit with that panicked, inadequately-armed fleeing construct of hl2 gameplay. Ol' Fishface will always have a special place in my heart <3
Nice post thar, Samon. ;)

What Episode 2 needs:

-A little more info on what's going on with Mossman. A 2nd transmission or something.

-A very nice view of the citadel in ruins from the forest area. Like in the teaser, but I want the smoke to move.

-More Xen aliens. I don't want new ones...I want to bring back some of the originals! Not a Garg..it just doesn't fit the forest setting. Houndeyes look veeeeery nice on the Source engine, and would be great to have. Also Bullsquids.

-Vortigaunt. Interactions. And. Battles.

-More cool scripted sequences like when you fall through the Citadel with the van. That was an awesome FPS experience. I'd like more of that, except much longer.

-Weapons. But just one, the Tau Cannon. That's all I want.

What Episode 2 doesn't need:

-Zombies. They seem to be scarce in the trailer and that is a GOOD thing.

-A part of the game based solely on Antlions. Hey, I don't mind going through an Antlion Cave in one chapter.. but I don't want it to be the whole chapter.
More physical interaction. I want to be able to pick up a stick, a pipe, a rock or any other debris lying around, and be able to wield it, also if say for example you're wielding a wooden plank, and after a few swings and hits with it, it'll break apart forcing you to find a new weapon, or a rock missing its target and getting shattered against a wall, a pipe getting bent after hitting "hard surfaces" too many times.. etc... I hope you get the point :)

Just imagine beeing able to pick up that rusty bike in City17 with both your hands and thrashing it in the face of a combine.

Go away all silly machineguns and rocket launchers.

Oh, and if Alyx dies I won't buy EP2!


Less Projectile weapons and other weird "I win you die" weapons, more hand to hand weapons, thrown weapons etc.
A non-linear area/level, i.e a forest or a mluntain where you can get lost, and have to trek around to find the correct way
Zombielized Xen/Earth wildlife
Human bandits/thugs trying to get through the day, robbing bypassers etc, bit like Mad Max?
Alyx alive
Physical interaction with NPCs
Beeing able to tear down "weak objects" i.e a locked door shouldn't stop you if you had an explosive or similar. (Sure the room doesnt need to lead anywhere, but it would remove abit of the Linear-level feeling)
Several ways around an obstacle instead of just one "universal way" i.e unplugging the powercable/pressing teh button to lover the forcefield gets very very boring after having done it 211 times.

Will add more.
nosen said:
More physical interaction. I want to be able to pick up a stick, a pipe, a rock or any other debris lying around, and be able to wield it, also if say for example you're wielding a wooden plank, and after a few swings and hits with it, it'll break apart forcing you to find a new weapon, or a rock missing its target and getting shattered against a wall, a pipe getting bent after hitting "hard surfaces" too many times.. etc... I hope you get the point :)

Just imagine beeing able to pick up that rusty bike in City17 with both your hands and thrashing it in the face of a combine.
That seems alittle too different from HL2. That would definately be a must for HL3 though :)
nosen said:
it'll break apart forcing you to find a new weapon
nosen said:
where you can get lost, and have to trek around to find the correct way
nosen said:
Human bandits/thugs trying to get through the day, robbing bypassers etc, bit like Mad Max?
nosen said:
Several ways around an obstacle instead of just one "universal way" i.e unplugging the powercable/pressing teh button to lover the forcefield gets very very boring after having done it 211 times.
:laugh: ^Win!
What EP2 Needs:
1. Bring back more Xen wildlife to populate the forest areas.

2. A reminder that Breen hasn't been forgotten.

What EP2 Doesn't Need:
1. A massive barrage of new weapons.

Meh, kinda short but good enough.
What EP2 needs:

1) Combine propraganda(idk how to spell it right) telling me On how dangerious I(Gordon) am and must be caught like Breen speeches.

2) More interaction with NPC's, i.e: The ongoing Love interest, More wise cracks from Barney, MORE KLIENER AND LAMAR COMEDY!!!!

3) Put in GORDON FROHMAN!!!!!!!!

4) More Gman etc.

5) Dr.Breen, Come on.....you just gotta love his absolutly Suburb Grammar, he just has lots of Character.

6) HK G3-A3 7.62x51 NATO assault Rifle, and a AK-47 7.62x39 Russian Assault Rifle.....You just need them, because No matter what time it is, It could be the year 2390 you will still see a AK-47.

7) More Xen Wildlife

What it does NOT need:

1) Antlions


3) little less Headcrabs because they dont taste like crab.

4) Zombie's
I personally think Combine propaganda will never appear again. The time to make humans collaborate with the Universial Union has past, since it's bloody unlikely Breen's human form survived (which was necessary to put a human face to the Overwatch's occupation). At this time, humanity's total extinction is probably in the works.

I also don't think real-life assault weapons will be needed as the Pulse Rifle already exists to serve that functional niche. However I like Headcrabs and Zombies, as they are standard HL enemies. :D
I, too, would like to see more old Combine propaganda. I don't want another dark, spooky Headcrab level; I want more interaction between NPCs, I want to see at least one other rebel Metrocop, and I would love to see D0G in combat more.
More aliens wouldn't be too bad, but I personally hated the Bullsquid. Some of those other Synths in the Citadel, maybe...
I want to hear some speeches directed to the humans - "Resistance is futile" :borg:
99.vikram said:
I want to hear some speeches directed to the humans - "Resistance is futile" :borg:

that is too old. We want something new. I mean the whole style of HL2 in Ep:2 will change, a lot.
Me and Samon both fink it needs an ak47 dunt it? That would be rly kool!
Needs more of the cut content (IE locations, some of which we will get, Kraken, Antlion hive, "wasteland" etc.). Maybe also an ak47. Striders with AI that doesnt suck, like the final one at the end of EP1. I'll take my HL2 strider any day, they are 1000 times more fun to take down.

Aside from the ak47, NO MORE WEAPONS, there are already too many that are too similar.
Ya it does need a AK-47 (DO not use the CSS model Valve). One thing that Half Life 2 really lacked in my opinion was a good Assult rifle, the Energy rifle was ok but it was inaccurate and didnt carry enough ammo.
What? The AK, the most cliched and generic weapon ever? And you want to see it in EP2? Insane!
Samon said:
What? The AK, the most cliched and generic weapon ever? And you want to see it in EP2? Insane!

I agree. No AK please.
I think this has been mentioned before somewhere but what self respecting rebel doesn't have molotov cocktails? I would love it if they put them in.

And I agree, they should put another assault rifle in the game, either that or make that damn pulse rifle better. It's not too difficult, all they have to do is make it more accurate when in full auto and let it carry more ammo. The ammo part I managed to fix by myself using a script, now it has 60 rounds not 30, but the accuracy part is tricky. I haven't found any script that allows you to modify that.
^^Fine, how about the Automat Kilashinkov 101?

^Even if you were able to fix all of its problems it just does not have that Assult rifle feel, probably because its a energy rifle.
Redneck said:
I think this has been mentioned before somewhere but what self respecting rebel doesn't have molotov cocktails? I would love it if they put them in.

And I agree, they should put another assault rifle in the game, either that or make that damn pulse rifle better. It's not too difficult, all they have to do is make it more accurate when in full auto and let it carry more ammo. The ammo part I managed to fix by myself using a script, now it has 60 rounds not 30, but the accuracy part is tricky. I haven't found any script that allows you to modify that.

The Pulserifle already is to powerful. Why make it even stronger by increasing the accuracy and let it carry more ammo? What’s wrong with the accuracy by the way?

And molotov cocktails would have been nice in City17, but not in the forests and wastelands.