Episode 2 - what it does/doesn't need.

I think the pulse rifle is fine how it is. It is very, very powerful, and making it more accurate would be ridiculous. Its only inaccurate when you go stupid with it, just fire off small burts and you'll mow anything down.
WHAT? IMO the pulse Rifle Suck ass. Its like BF2's LMGs "Spray and pray methods" Im sitting down here Holding down the trigger like an idiot hoping a bullet will come its way. Seriously In real life If a pulse rifle exsisted it would be super uber Lazer accurate. If a pulse rifle was as accurate like it is in Hl2 "in real life" a soldier would NOT survive it would not goo 200meters But an AK can go 300-400 meters, While a sniper Rifle like the M24 or L96a1 can go 1000 meters. The Pulse Rifle Deviates way TOO much, and Has absolutly No recoil. Using small Controlled bursts is just a waste of time because of the " Randomness"

How about a AK-101(5.56mm), AK-103(7.62mm), Ak104/105(5.56mm/5.45mm) these have kick ass ranges




It also come fully equiped with a 4x Scope, and 40mm Grenade Launcher
Samon said:
I think the pulse rifle is fine how it is. It is very, very powerful, and making it more accurate would be ridiculous. Its only inaccurate when you go stupid with it, just fire off small burts and you'll mow anything down.

Oh, is it now? I tried to do a head shot on a Combine soldier once, and the guy was about 5m away from me, the crosshairs were right on his head but the first shot went slightly to the right the second to the left and finaly the third shot hit the guy in the head. WTF?! I was shooting in a semi automatic fashion, I was very close, and it still fired all over the place. So no it's not fine. BTW the only reason I increased the ammo to 60 is to compesate for the accuracy issues and I know a real life assault rifle has only 30 rounds but it has much much better accuracy.
IMO, what Episode 2 needs:

1) some new weapons, not allot just a few like 1 or 2.

2) Some new enemys.

3) I've also had a Change of heart, When I say this I am Serious.....I think Alyx should die a horrid death like Gordon Killing her with his Crowbar, Smashing her Face.


What Episode 2 Does NOT need:

1) A stupid Romance, Gordon having a woman would slow him down, since I am him. Gordon should stay virgin, getting married to a woman, why that'd be just plain gay.

The same people that complain about the Pulse Rifle being inaccurate will probably say the same thing about any other potential assault rifle in a future episode. Chances are is that VALVe will never add a weapon that's easy to aim, has long range, holds a bunch of ammo, and kill in one or two shots. Such a weapon would be too powerful and make the other weapons practically useless. Each weapon requires a certain flaw in order to create a balanced arsenal.

With that said I found the Pulse Rifle easy to use and quite effective. Since I used it properly, it killed enemies very efficiently. However its low ammo amount manages to prevent the weapon from being overused. I find no problems with such an arrangement.
At least two new weapons. I agree, not stupid stuff like what we saw in Opposing Force. I actually liked the weapon selection in Half-Life 2. We got our pistols, we got our SMG thing, our powerful automatic combat rifle, our shotgun, our sniper weapon, etc. The Strider Buster is a good idea, but I heard it was something along the lines of, shooting a device that sticks to the underbelly and weakens it so you can knock it out with a single rocket or something. Eh... I was hoping it would be some sort of armor piercing rifle.

Can we find something out about the G-Man, for Christ's sake?

I really think they should improve the AI. I mean, the Combine soldiers just stand there taking fire and shoot at you until they need to reload. Lets spice them up a bit, eh?

Plenty of interaction with the cast.

I think it would be cool if they added little... tricks... you can do with stuff. Maybe stuff like, if you have a can of gasoline, you can poor it around and then shoot it or something when enemies walk over it or such other things. Meh.

Xen creatures we saw in Half-Life 1.
I also like how valve calls the HK USP match......"a 9mm pistol" ITs A FREAKIN' .45 CAL PISTOL, and how it holds 18 rounds is beyond me. Realistically its should be more powerfull than a 9mm but not as powerful as a .357 Magnum, while holding 13 rounds a clip. Valve also made the HK USP match extremely accurate but a SMG or a Assault rifle has that shity randomness pattern, In an assault rifle or SMG it requires no Skill what so ever, Being a veteran FPS gamer I am, Even though I like HL1/2 I found it to have quake style Run & Gun gameplay but only in the firefights.

I just wish the HL weapons had little more Skill involved, such as Recoil, power, Bullet drop, etc. but not too realistic that it become like Forgotten Hope....good mod.

Also I think Alyx should die a horrid death like Gordon Killing her with his Crowbar, Smashing her Face.
What Episode 2 needs:

1. Prerequisite Xen wildlife. Bullsquids and houndeyes, yes, ichthyosaurs, perhaps some new things or things we've seen before that we never fought or interacted with. In fact it'd be nice to have some creatures roaming around that we didn't have to fight at all...things like stukabats or chumtoads.

2. More exposition, and I mean real exposition. It's always fun to theorize every little nuance about the game, especially what this character meant or that incident symbolized, and come on here and discuss it to death, but just for once I'd really like one of the characters to start explaining something to me in clear, and very great, detail. At this point I don't even care what it'd be. I just want to hang around and listen to someone talk for ten minutes about stuff going on in the game world...a little downtime, y'know?

3. On that note I would love to see more exploratory gameplay. I don't mean open-ended or multiple pathway areas, but rather something where I can just be walking around looking at things in a bit of a relaxed atmosphere without having to run and gun or be worried about something leaping out at me. One or two sections like this would be nice, and they could be linear and not very long overall. I'm thinking, we heard a very long time ago before HL2 was released that parts of Xen had merged with Earth; combine this suggestion with suggestion #1 (Xen wildlife that doesn't attack you) and you've got a scene where you can discover how the Earth's changed in 20 years. Very short scene, linear, but it gives us some downtime and some information as well.

4. Definately more puzzles, and more CHALLENGING puzzles. Granted there's probably not too many puzzle-type things you can do in the wild aside from maybe "move that log to make a bridge," but a real brain teaser would be nice. We're Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist, and we're equipped with a physics gun...there should be some real mind-numbing puzzles going on.

5. Whoever made the suggestion of an NPC that teaches you things about the wild, like a ranger or a hunter, that's a good idea.

6. Xenotherus Myrmidon Rex: the antlion king. If you're going to have a billion antlions swarming around, and judging by the Ep:Two trailer we're now heading underground, at least give us the chance to blast this behemoth beast. Tired of friggin' antlions everywhere I go, dogging my steps. I want to stick it to their leader.

7. More synths. Maybe not necessarily the crab and the mortar synths, but just more examples of the Combine's forces. Synths have such cool designs and are such interesting "weapons" that we should see more of them.

8. You're walking through the forest, cresting a low hill into a valley that widens out. The area's spotted with tall evergreens, some felled, light's shimmering down through the leaves; a real magnificent vista. The area around you is ringed with plant life; ahead, the border of a denser area of forest; the trees are really grouped together there. Your destination is beyond that.

All of a sudden the ground quakes. Silence, then again. Boom, boom, coming closer. Suddenly a group of rebels burst forth from the tree line, scrabbling to get down into the valley and firing wildly over their shoulders. And then the trees catch fire. Boom, boom, sound's still coming. And then two of the flaming trees in the line are savagely shoved apart by massive arms. A single red eye gleams out from the shadow of the forest not but maybe two hundred yards away. With a roar the beast pushes through the trees and steps out into the semi-open clearing. Red eye. Blue carapace. And it's massive.

Oh sh*t. Gargantua. And it's coming this way.

What Episode Two does NOT need:

1. Goddamned zombies. That might seem strange coming from me of all people, but I'm sick of them. Everywhere I look, zombies. If you're going to give me zombies, either give them to me with DIFFERENT HOSTS, as in NOT HUMANS because headcrabs have the ability to zombify ANYTHING with a nervous system, or at least give me a gonarch. A big, lumbering gonarch. Hm, actually...that scene I described up there? Throw a gonarch in outta friggin' nowhere and have those two battle it out. That'd be awesome.

2. Lost in the forest areas. It might be fun for the first couple of minutes but if it starts to get like Ravenholm, e.g. "Where the hell am I and where am I going? Haven't I been here before?" that'll get annoying real fast.

3. Any redundant or off-the-wall weaponry. I'm kind of skeptical about the "strider buster" because it sounds like it's going to be a one-or-two-shot kill for these creatures, and while it's certainly plausible that it'd be something the resistance was working on I hope it's not a hand-held thing. Might come off as a bit cheesy, and where was this thing when I needed it in City 17? Also, no more sniper rifles or machine guns, further melee weapons are unnecessary, no sniper rifles, and I don't think we need anything else in the way of explosives. I also think the tau should remain a buggy-mounted weapon, but having the egon back might be nice.

4. Crashing. Yeah I realize this is more of a personal problem for anyone who had it but my game was crashing all to hell at the strangest times during the latter portion of the game. Perfectly fine up until I took the elevator up into the city in Lowlife...after that it was a crash a minute. I noticed DoD behaves the same way too, crashing at odd times or when certain commands are executed (like using the radio), but none of my other Source games or mods. Wonder what the difference is. Anyway some looking into would be nice in that area because I've heard more than a few people have experienced similar crashing problems.

5. I do not need to lose any of my weapons again. I am not Solid Snake and weapons should not be OSP. In the beginning of Half-Life 2 and Episode One it was understandable, but as I had all of my weapons at the end of Episode One I should not be missing them in EpTwo. I don't want any lamery like, "All your weapons fell out into the gorge when the train crashed" or some other nonsense. Just give me my guns from the start, it's getting ridiculous. Gordon ought to chain and lock his weapons to his HEV suit.

6. Adrian Shephard.
Wow. That is one awesome list. The ones I agree with the most are:
2, particularly the last part.
8. This would be awesome, and would help explain what happened to all the HL1 enemies.

And as for the ones that we dont need:
1! please!
3, and I take this to mean no AKs, Kalashnikovs, M24s or whatever. Molotov Cocktails would be cool if they worked with grenades similar to the way the crowbar/shock stick worked in HL2: DM.
Pro Adrian Shepard right here. Now that Gordon is no longer the errand boy, there is another ...
Darkside55 said:
but having the egon back might be nice.

Nice list Darkside

But please no egon. I always hated that weapon, especially in HLDM
Get rid of the static accuracy patterns, if you shoot a gun once that shot will be accurate, then it gets worse, it does not shoot as bad as the first, second, third, fourth... shots. It was ok back in the old days, but now compared to most other games out its just silly.
I want iron sights on all the fire arms. I've gotten so used to using the aim function in other games and it's frustrating that in HL it's missing. Oh yeah, and they should add a melee function on the guns, so you can whack the close enemies on the noggin.
What EP2 needs:

1) Maybe a G36K, or G36C either one

2) G3A3 I WANT A F**KING G3A3 That thing is a beast.

3) I will say it the first time NO F**KING ROMANCE, HL is about the killing, Also I think it would be cool if gordon Got headcrab'ed and became zombie, then GO all mad and Kill ALYX. Why? because She loves Gordon that Why I want her to die because she'll ruin the HL story.

4) More Xen Wildlife.

5) more info on the Gman, but dont give it away completely.


1) NO SH*ty ROMANCE, alyx should die by Gordon of course.

2) Little less zombie's, Headcrabs, Antlions etc, because its getting a little repetitive, I want something new.

SAMON SAYS: "stop being such an ennuiweener zoidberg!"
Crowbar-at-hand said:
I will say it the first time NO F**KING ROMANCE, HL is about the killing, Also I think it would be cool if gordon Got headcrab'ed and became zombie, then GO all mad and Kill ALYX. Why? because She loves Gordon that Why I want her to die because she'll ruin the HL story.

Jeez... that was a hell of a switch.
Don't be so hard on Crowbar; so far as I can tell he only really started "yelling" once you all started calling him a sicko or a pervert. Not to be rude, Crowbar, I'm trying to stick up for you here, but could you please tone it down a little? We get that you think
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Alyx should die a horrid death like Gordon Killing her with his Crowbar, Smashing her Face.
We know this from statements like
NO SH*ty ROMANCE, alyx should die by Gordon of course
NO F**KING ROMANCE, HL is about the killing, Also I think it would be cool if gordon Got headcrab'ed and became zombie, then GO all mad and Kill ALYX. Why? because She loves Gordon that Why I want her to die because she'll ruin the HL story.
Also I think Alyx should die a horrid death like Gordon Killing her with his Crowbar, Smashing her Face.
What Episode 2 Does NOT need:
1) A stupid Romance, Gordon having a woman would slow him down, since I am him. Gordon should stay virgin, getting married to a woman, why that'd be just plain gay.
So to sum up: People, stop antagonising Crowbar. Crowbar, get over your ex-girlfriend and play a hundred hours of Manhunt or maybe Postal 2.
I don't know , i don't see how xen wildlife would fit. I watch the ep2 teaser and i can't see a possibillity of a sudden xen wildlife habitat.

As much as i would like to see some of them , i doubt will see it happening.
Then again , we need more enemies to run-over than mini-striders and antlions , there needs to be a new blood.
Hyperion2010 said:
Striders with AI that doesnt suck, like the final one at the end of EP1.
Yes, it would appear the Combine left the more "special" Striders in charge of guarding C17 towards the meltdown.

I'm really looking forward and I trust Valve to make the right decisions - I don't want to sound like a fanboy, but they've done pretty well so far.
I just hope Alyx doesn't die. They did such a good job building her up in Ep1 that it'd seem a shame - it'd be a genuinely sad element so in that sense it'd be kind of clever, but even so. It would give me the sad.
I want more GMan - he's one of the best characters that has existed in computer gaming by a very long distance and I'd like to find out a little more about him. Not enough to ruin his intrigue, but more to whet my appetite, so to speak.

The wide-open spaces look very exciting - this looks like it'll put Source to the test.
Alyx is definitely needed/necessary but HL2: EP2 would need:

- A bit more length (probably been said already)
- I would like to see Kleiner/Eli Vance, but I'm not quite sure if that is needed.

Doesn't need:

- Stuff that break the game.
Darkside55 said:
What Episode 2 needs:

1. Prerequisite Xen wildlife. Bullsquids and houndeyes, yes, ichthyosaurs, perhaps some new things or things we've seen before that we never fought or interacted with. In fact it'd be nice to have some creatures roaming around that we didn't have to fight at all...things like stukabats or chumtoads.

2. More exposition, and I mean real exposition. It's always fun to theorize every little nuance about the game, especially what this character meant or that incident symbolized, and come on here and discuss it to death, but just for once I'd really like one of the characters to start explaining something to me in clear, and very great, detail. At this point I don't even care what it'd be. I just want to hang around and listen to someone talk for ten minutes about stuff going on in the game world...a little downtime, y'know?

3. On that note I would love to see more exploratory gameplay. I don't mean open-ended or multiple pathway areas, but rather something where I can just be walking around looking at things in a bit of a relaxed atmosphere without having to run and gun or be worried about something leaping out at me. One or two sections like this would be nice, and they could be linear and not very long overall. I'm thinking, we heard a very long time ago before HL2 was released that parts of Xen had merged with Earth; combine this suggestion with suggestion #1 (Xen wildlife that doesn't attack you) and you've got a scene where you can discover how the Earth's changed in 20 years. Very short scene, linear, but it gives us some downtime and some information as well.

4. Definately more puzzles, and more CHALLENGING puzzles. Granted there's probably not too many puzzle-type things you can do in the wild aside from maybe "move that log to make a bridge," but a real brain teaser would be nice. We're Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist, and we're equipped with a physics gun...there should be some real mind-numbing puzzles going on.

5. Whoever made the suggestion of an NPC that teaches you things about the wild, like a ranger or a hunter, that's a good idea.

6. Xenotherus Myrmidon Rex: the antlion king. If you're going to have a billion antlions swarming around, and judging by the Ep:Two trailer we're now heading underground, at least give us the chance to blast this behemoth beast. Tired of friggin' antlions everywhere I go, dogging my steps. I want to stick it to their leader.

7. More synths. Maybe not necessarily the crab and the mortar synths, but just more examples of the Combine's forces. Synths have such cool designs and are such interesting "weapons" that we should see more of them.

8. You're walking through the forest, cresting a low hill into a valley that widens out. The area's spotted with tall evergreens, some felled, light's shimmering down through the leaves; a real magnificent vista. The area around you is ringed with plant life; ahead, the border of a denser area of forest; the trees are really grouped together there. Your destination is beyond that.

All of a sudden the ground quakes. Silence, then again. Boom, boom, coming closer. Suddenly a group of rebels burst forth from the tree line, scrabbling to get down into the valley and firing wildly over their shoulders. And then the trees catch fire. Boom, boom, sound's still coming. And then two of the flaming trees in the line are savagely shoved apart by massive arms. A single red eye gleams out from the shadow of the forest not but maybe two hundred yards away. With a roar the beast pushes through the trees and steps out into the semi-open clearing. Red eye. Blue carapace. And it's massive.

Oh sh*t. Gargantua. And it's coming this way.

What Episode Two does NOT need:

1. Goddamned zombies. That might seem strange coming from me of all people, but I'm sick of them. Everywhere I look, zombies. If you're going to give me zombies, either give them to me with DIFFERENT HOSTS, as in NOT HUMANS because headcrabs have the ability to zombify ANYTHING with a nervous system, or at least give me a gonarch. A big, lumbering gonarch. Hm, actually...that scene I described up there? Throw a gonarch in outta friggin' nowhere and have those two battle it out. That'd be awesome.

2. Lost in the forest areas. It might be fun for the first couple of minutes but if it starts to get like Ravenholm, e.g. "Where the hell am I and where am I going? Haven't I been here before?" that'll get annoying real fast.

3. Any redundant or off-the-wall weaponry. I'm kind of skeptical about the "strider buster" because it sounds like it's going to be a one-or-two-shot kill for these creatures, and while it's certainly plausible that it'd be something the resistance was working on I hope it's not a hand-held thing. Might come off as a bit cheesy, and where was this thing when I needed it in City 17? Also, no more sniper rifles or machine guns, further melee weapons are unnecessary, no sniper rifles, and I don't think we need anything else in the way of explosives. I also think the tau should remain a buggy-mounted weapon, but having the egon back might be nice.

4. Crashing. Yeah I realize this is more of a personal problem for anyone who had it but my game was crashing all to hell at the strangest times during the latter portion of the game. Perfectly fine up until I took the elevator up into the city in Lowlife...after that it was a crash a minute. I noticed DoD behaves the same way too, crashing at odd times or when certain commands are executed (like using the radio), but none of my other Source games or mods. Wonder what the difference is. Anyway some looking into would be nice in that area because I've heard more than a few people have experienced similar crashing problems.

5. I do not need to lose any of my weapons again. I am not Solid Snake and weapons should not be OSP. In the beginning of Half-Life 2 and Episode One it was understandable, but as I had all of my weapons at the end of Episode One I should not be missing them in EpTwo. I don't want any lamery like, "All your weapons fell out into the gorge when the train crashed" or some other nonsense. Just give me my guns from the start, it's getting ridiculous. Gordon ought to chain and lock his weapons to his HEV suit.

6. Adrian Shephard.

Great stuff, but this is a must: In fact it'd be nice to have some creatures roaming around that we didn't have to fight at all...things like stukabats or chumtoads.

Truly superb addition to the wasteland.
Samon said:
Did you watch the Episode 2 teaser at all? :p
I just watched it again and the way Eli speaks with such defiance - damn the voice actors on HL2 are good. REALLY good.

Oh and what's the "Strider buster"?

Darkside55 said:
I don't want any lamery like, "All your weapons fell out into the gorge when the train crashed" or some other nonsense.
But, but... That makes perfect sense.
Strider buster is a kind of a sticky bomb to be attched to the underbelly of the Strider , draining it's energy thus making it destroyable in 1 or 2 rockets.

If i recall correctly , the strider buster will be in the form of ammo for the gravity gun.

The scene that's described with the garg sounds amazing but again i don't see it coming to life , i just don't how they are gonna put all those life-forms together. There's too much "big" enemies. We've got striders and what know? Bog Mommas , Gargs , Antlion king. Maybe one could be with us.

Going back to the scene , I would rather have the garg fight the antlion king and I doubt we're gonna encounter the antlion king in ep2 because there would be needed some huge hole down there.

Who knows , pherhaps they re-sized the antlion king.

I would like to see the Prowler , it looked cool in the concept arts. Maybe Valve adopted it to be a tree-swinging menace or something.
Cheers Tamer, that really helped. Doesn't sound all that great though, but that's just me.

And the antlion king is a bad idea - or at least the size is. It sounds impressive, but rubbish to fight. In any case, it sounds like a needless boss type character.
Thank you, Inyssius Grey......I guess you are right.

But em she was never my GF, because Its just em um a game, lol.. well any ways the pixels are not real.

About my decision about changing, well lets just say I saw the God showing me the light of lights, he revealed it to me, and it Illuminated my path, People do change you know.

She must die, Thats why I love HL1 better because its all about gordon, and I cant wait for BM:S.

I guess the real reason why i had "a Change of heart" is because, I guess is because of the fanboy-ism of alyx. I thought she was overrated, And the alyx so called "cuteness" is now fadding out, imo. Its lame now, and I think it should come to an End.

Alyx is the character VALVe is refering to that WILL die in one of these episodes, believe it or not. Here's proof---------> http://hl2unfunnytruth.ytmnd.com/
Hm, a sticky grenade. Well, that sounds cool. I wonder if you have to shoot it with the rockets or you can just shoot anywhere on the strider, since it's draining its energy.

Yeah, I figure they might not put the garg in there, or the gonarch, or even the antlion king...but I think they should. Considering that Half-Life had at least five big-bads, and latter installments have had so few, I think we're in need of a massive boss fight. And the problem is that the boss fights in Episode One were simply synths that we've fought time and time again, just placed in more...how shall we say, slightly more creative scenarios. A gunship fight where you're inside a hospital trying to fire out through planks, and a strider fight where you're running around a trainyard trying to get to a rocket launcher. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed those fights, but they weren't the type of boss fights like in Half-Life.

We need a new boss fight that requires either a massive amount of ammo to take the beast down, or a puzzle-type solution, or a combination of both. Example, the garg. The garg can be taken down with almost all the explosives you're carrying, if you'd saved them up through the game, but it can also be destroyed by any massive amount of damage inflicted by the environment--the power generators, an airstrike, etc. Example number two, the tentacle: couldn't be killed by conventional weaponry, required a lengthy puzzle segment to finally kill the creature and progress. We haven't had something like that in awhile; in fact I don't believe we had anything like that in HL2 at all. Final example, the Nihilanth. Nith had to be destroyed in a combination of those two formulas; you had to dispense with his crystals so that he wouldn't regain health, you had to weaken him enough so that his head opens and then use the bounce pads to fire into his cranium, and all the while you also had to watch out for minions AND the fact that he could teleport you to other places, adding a further puzzle element. We need a boss fight like that, not "run and hide from the synth until I get a good shot off." Again, loved the fights, but we need something GRAND.

Oh and el Chi, yeah, the "weapons falling" thing does sound like a perfect excuse...but couldn't he just walk down and get them? The resistance doesn't have an unlimited supply of weaponry here. Gordon can't afford to go dropping and/or losing weapons willy-nilly and expect someone else to pay for it. ALYX has never dropped her gun; even when she was captured, she had her pistol after the citadel exploded. What's Gordon's excuse?
^^ Agreed. We do need some big bad ass creatures in HL. Valve if you're reading this then you should know that the only thing we all seem to agree on is this:MORE XEN CREATURES!

BTW Darkside, I like your idea with putting creatures that don't attack you. They have to create the feeling that it's a functioning alien ecosystem, and not all creatures are predatory. IN HL2 the only living things that didn't attack you were the birds, well they should add more.
Sufferin-rebel said:
lol wonder if Barney will give you yet another Crowbar :D
If there is yet another scene where Barney gives you a crowbar, I think he should say something like, "Jeez, Gordon, I told you I don't have many of these things left. Why don't I just break a branch off one of these trees and you can use that instead? At least I won't have to worry about there being plenty more if you lose it."
Maybe a "Mauser Machinen Gewehr-3" that thing is F**king amazing, 100 rounds of 7.62x51 NATO (.308cal Winchester)
in a magazine, and a Rate of Fire going at: 1200-1400 rounds/min V0 820 m/s,Its old but its Great.Sill the fastest rate of fire for a Machine Gun, Compare to a AK that only goes 600 rounds/min. the MG-3 "Machinen Gewehr-3" is an Updated version of the MG-42 "Machinen Gewehr-42" a Machine Gun During WW2 of Nazi Germany, It fired a 7.92x57 Mauser Round, The common and main German Rifle Round during 1898-1945 after it was replaced by the 7.62x51 NATO round. The MG-42 during WW2 was Mostly often called the "Bone Saw" by American Soldiers because of the Sound it made when it fired of its rounds at such a Tremendous rate of Fire.
Small clarification: Crowbar, the USP Match does come in 9mm. Also, Darkside's list was brilliant. He pretty much summed up a bunch of points I wanted to make.

And Crowbar, that's a cool weapon, but dontcha think it would be a little unbalanced? Plus, we already have two fully-automatics, and there's no going prone in HL2. That thing would be waaaaaaay outta place.
Inyssius Grey said:
Don't be so hard on Crowbar; so far as I can tell he only really started "yelling" once you all started calling him a sicko or a pervert. Not to be rude, Crowbar, I'm trying to stick up for you here, but could you please tone it down a little? We get that you think We know this from statements like and and and
So to sum up: People, stop antagonising Crowbar. Crowbar, get over your ex-girlfriend and play a hundred hours of Manhunt or maybe Postal 2.

Oh, I wasn't trying to antagonize him, I was unaware of any times he got angry. I say the same things, though he's apparently already changed his views.
I just found out that the HK USP match comes in 3 tasty calibre's: 9x19-mm Luger/parabellum, .45cal USP, .40cal.....But mostly common in the .45cal USP just like the HK mk23 since most of Heckler & Koch's Pistols are mainly .45cal, Ive never seen them make a dedicated 9mm. Germanys last 9mm pistol(s) was the Walther P38, and the Luger P08, but then came the HK MK-23 Socom .45 cal pistol with a 12 round magazine. I love a .45caliber Pistol over a 9mm anyday because .45 would tear or shatter up a leg. http://remtek.com/arms/hk/civ/usp/match/usp45m.htm

They can use the MG-3 as a Stationary Machine Gun for the Rebels, but if its given to Rebel Troops then they should use it in a Crouched stationary position with Small bursts, and if you over use it (have exsessive fire) the Barrel will over heat and you have to either: 1) exchange barrels. 2) Wait a minute or two for it to cool down. Also re-coil will play a major role in it being not having prolonged fire sessions, or if you do keep fire you will quickly be looking at the sky or you will fall on your back(Ouch). So that weapon wont be abbused if they make it realistic and no run & gun.
But then it's getting too tactical! Surely you'll agree that HL2 is more of a run-and-gun game. That gun would fit right in in DoD or CoD, but it would stick out like a sore thumb in HL2.
DoD or COD? How does a modern HK MG fit right in to a World War 2 shooter?

Haha I am just kidding, acually the MG3 is based on the MG42