Episode 3 at E3 (Not)

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Excellent news.

I might risk sounding like a noob, but when is E3 held?
Yay! Thats so close. I thought we would here nothing until at least next year.
Is that image on the e3 page of Gordens suit, the first image of Ep3? The shaders look better.
Ill see this current footage, since it will be only early visions, but then I wont look at anything until the game eventually comes out.
Several videos, lots of information, weeks of hype.

That's great!
Ill see this current footage, since it will be only early visions, but then I wont look at anything until the game eventually comes out.

I think i'll do the same. Since it doesn't matter anyway as nearly everything shown in early footage never makes it to the final. Defiantly not making the same mistake as Episode 2, i knew way to much before i played it.
Well being this is the first look at the conclusion to my favorite game of all time, I'm very interested. Besdies they are probably just gonna show a small trailor or two.

More would be nice, but that will probably be the extent of it.
Expect a cryptic, unsatisfying teaser like the one we got for Duke Nukem Forever.
I hope we'll get videos, just like when they first shown HALF LIFE 2 at the E3
Well, I had no idea what to expect from the Half-Life 2 games because I didn't even look at them until about 3 months after Ep2 came out, lol. I was always (and still am) into CS:S, but the HL2 games are awesome. I'm really glad that they're at least announcing some footage.
This sounds awesome and I can't wait.

One day I'm going to E3.
Yeah I also doubt that it will be shown, as much as I want it to be.
My heart shot up there since I thought it was official. But it leapt down when I discovered it wasn't. :(
I think that EP3 and the second portal game will be seen at E3 in raw trailer form like
the trailer for EP2 that we got in the first HL2 episode
I seriously doubt we'll be seeing anything to do with Portal 2 for quite a while yet.
Hmmm, I doubt they'll be footage or in game footage, but you never know. Maybe a Valve release conjecture/estimate or an outline of whats to come i.e. Portal 2 & Ep 3. I doubt any major revelations will be unveiled, but fingers crossed, I canne wait! Here's hoping they do attend & give the fans something to talk about!
I doubt they will show it at all...

L4D will definately be there but probably not Episode 3 or Portal 2.
I don't see why Episode 3 won't be there. It's been in production since before Episode 2 and should have made relative progress by now. We could get a small trailer.
When the trailer for Ep3 plays, the whole congress of E3 will be



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