Eve: Dominion trailer (it pwns).


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score

Please watch in HD and full-screen. I have already seen many of the features on the test server. The voices telling commands is kinda like how the game really is in large battles. It was done in a way to sound like Teamspeak. :) The Dominion site is also online: http://www.eveonline.com/Dominion/index.html
  1. Space is MUCH more dark now. It's as if you feel lonely and your only salvation for light is the Sun.
  2. NPC pirates and CONCORD police do radio chatter. Sounds epic.
  3. The sovereignty system to claim space in lawless areas which is demonstrated here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDuK63_NeS0 You gained levels of SOV by how long your POS (Player Owned Structure) was up. Now it's done with a SOV claim unit which is modular and you can change characteristics of your space. So the end game of Eve has been over-hauled with many epic battles, back stabbing, and drama will ensue shortly. This can be viewed here: http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png Colored area's are alliances. It so happens to be that Stormy and I are part of RAZOR in the upper portion.
  4. Titans, the biggest ship in the game in which I have seen: http://www.xfire.com/video/160d53/ They now have more health but don't kill entire fleets anymore with a click of a button. Now you can only kill 1 target with a SHOOP DA WHOOP LAZA.
  5. Planets looks radically different. No more do they look like blobs but ACTUAL planets and are rather HUGE now.
  6. Lawless space is boring because you were in a rather large alliance. My corp was part of a alliance which was part of another alliance that comprised of Russians. In fact I was near where the trailer took place in Branch. Nobody goes into 0.0 or else they will be killed rather quickly unless you are part of the alliance. This will hopefully be changed with Dominion.
  7. The mail system, in-game browser, all over-hauled.
  8. A couple of large ships have been nerfed. Like the Mothership class ships are not Motherships anymore. Now they are Super Carriers so there will be a Mothership in the future.
  9. New factions ships, epic pirate arcs, and other improvements.

Remember, this is all in preparation for Incarna to walk in stations and interacting with planets. It will be like Sim City or SPORE in fact with planetary interaction. As for me, I'm still playing and I have not payed for at least 4 months. I buy game cards with in-game money and people sell them for my in-game money. :)
I'm part of RAZOR?

And also motherships have had a massive buff imho. No nurf?? fighter bombers? more ehp and cheaper??
I'm part of RAZOR?

And also motherships have had a massive buff imho. No nurf?? fighter bombers? more ehp and cheaper??
Yes Mr. HUZZAH. Another pet of RAZOR. RAZOR is actually like the Persian empire of Eve. :p There are no fighter bombers just yet. They need to tweak those more they mentioned.

Also yes, it is fun 6three once you understand how to play the game. Very much fun when you go in the large battles with 500 people on each side. Well it's kinda fun. It gets so laggy it's like a slide show.
Stop smoking crack hool!

We are the pet of no one. Probly why we keep getting pwned!
Stop smoking crack hool!

We are the pet of no one. Probably why we keep getting pwned!
Well since leaving UNIT, a renter corp of RAZOR, we are looking to maybe war dec people and looking for another alliance. We recently went down to M-O though. That was pretty hilarious watching nobody come and fight us or dock up. If people didn't read intel, they were blown up on the gate. :D
Can I join your corp then rob them?
I really want to like EvE. But I don't. Like 6Three I never had any fun with the game. And I tried. I played 4 or 5 trials over the years.

Usually I go through the cycle of

- "OMG new expansion looks awesome! Maybe I'll finally like it"
- Buy one month subscription
- Okay, I'm really gonna try this time, this is gonna be awesome
- Two weeks later, "mehhhhh"

Rinse and repeat for each expansion.
I quit after I got the Domi... Warp-in to the mission, engage drones, go afk, come back after 30min and go get the salvager. I should have never focused on PVE, everyone kept saying to me that PVP was teh shit.

Usually I go through the cycle of

- "OMG new expansion looks awesome! Maybe I'll finally like it"
- Buy one month subscription
- Okay, I'm really gonna try this time, this is gonna be awesome
- Two weeks later, "mehhhhh"

Rinse and repeat for each expansion.
Same here..

I'd be more interested in EVE if it was more like say FreeSpace 2 when it came to the actual battles, with proper direct control with joysticks etc.
with proper direct control with joysticks etc.

A lot of people say that but in all honesty I dont think that kind of control mechanic would work very well. It sounds great in theory but when your trying to micro manage weapons and 4/5 other modules, cap, range all wile listening to your FC Its just far to much to be doing.
A lot of people say that but in all honesty I dont think that kind of control mechanic would work very well. It sounds great in theory but when your trying to micro manage weapons and 4/5 other modules, cap, range all wile listening to your FC Its just far to much to be doing.

I guess it is for ordinary people, but not for simmers like me.

I used to fly everything from WW2 sims(IL-2 series) to modern jet(Falcon 4.0 and LOMAC), in which case management of electronics and weapons and flying, all this whilst communicating with your wingmen and other subjects is standard.

Falcon 4.0: Allied Force for example simulates an entire Korean(Or Baltic) conflict, dynamic campaign, which makes flying a real bitch because one second you might be expecting a very calm patrol over friendly airspace, only to get blitzed by a bunch of North Korean interceptors in advance of a NK bombing mission.

And let me tell you, managing the electronics in an F-16 is no easy task.

But, yes, I guess it would be too hard for the common gamer.
Also aren't all the ships in EVE Online big capital ships?(I think the smallest class are frigates or something) If so it makes sense that you're telling the ship what to do rather than directly controlling it like a fighter plane.

4000 shuttles and a dooms day! What fun!
To be honest I'd love to start playing EVE Online but I'm very fearful of how much time it'd start consuming.
Before leaving this thread I would like to point this out. I think Goonswarm (who want to destroy the game) explain the game the best: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3210674 What is sort of happening right now in the game is a build up of troubling times ahead.

In the past it was a gold rush to explore the vastness on 0.0/null-sec/lawless space and declare X Alliance owns this space. Over time alliances fought, alliances crumbled, and the most successful alliances became coalitions. Eve in fact right now is impossible to gain any SOV for your alliance. There are very few alliances doing battle, it's just really black VS white right now.

Dominion will hopefully change all this. It could mean that alliances can finally claim land as their own. It also opens up doors for a Cold War in Eve. Starting around November I noticed people moving around and putting their cards in interesting areas.

Like Goonswarm that you keep on hearing is no fat, rich and stale. They are very much becoming lazy. Now AAA and former BOB people who they destroyed are coming back. It's expected that AAA and former BOB will launch a war on Goonswarm and possibly a massive war will start with allies. The interesting part though is if Dominion works, former allies will be your enemies. People who you mis-treated or laughed at in the past may come to haunt you.

*It's just very cool because everybody is in a waiting mood right now. We don't know how Dominion will pan out but once people start gain land, people are gonna push back.
Eve just sounds like a game that's a lot more fun to hear about than it is to actually play.
OK, fook it. I bought the game. EvE is one of the one day deals on Steam at the moment: $/€4,95 for the game plus a month playing time. I will try and make a serious effort to like the game this time around. When is that new expansion coming out?
There are guides out there for trying PvP with a completely new or very new character if you want to try that stuff early. I think the Goonswarm and Tusker forums have some.
There are guides out there for trying PvP with a completely new or very new character if you want to try that stuff early. I think the Goonswarm and Tusker forums have some.

I will probably first go explore a bit. Mine an asteroid, kill a pirate, stuff like that. Get my bearings. I will most likely get wtfpwnd when I start with PvP first.
I will probably first go explore a bit. Mine an asteroid, kill a pirate, stuff like that. Get my bearings. I will most likely get wtfpwnd when I start with PvP first.

Every time I PvP'd I got raped. I sucked at it lol.

For some reason, I've been wanting to get back into the game. Since my char has over 1b worth of goods, I could easily start paying for the service through ISK..but....the game just bored me towards the end :(

EvE is a very "marmite" type game, if you like it you will love it and play for years. If you dont then... well at least you tried.

I'll get my characters back into the hl2.net channel, not been on much the last month or so but should hopfly start getting into it again once dominion hits :)
I'll probably just muck around a bit. Unless someone can persuade me to keep playing ;)
Got further in the tutorial than ever. :) I really paid attention this time, that certainly helped. Also lots of friendly players in the help channel. Started of with the mining tutorial missions first. Get some ISK's going. It isn't the most of exciting of games, but it certainly looks good.
It will look a hell'a lot better next week!

Try not to mine to much tho because its a really boring part of the game. Its good for cash but boring in practise. Maybe try and get going on a few pew pew missions to get the hang of some combat.

Try and get into a corp as quick as possible as well, what makes eve intresting is the interaction with other players, maybe go try and scam some people and steal all their shit.
Sounds good. How do I go about doing that?

Ha thats a good question. Well the same as you would in real life.. Build up trust with someone convince them to give you something, take.. block!
It will look a hell'a lot better next week!

Try not to mine to much tho because its a really boring part of the game. Its good for cash but boring in practise. Maybe try and get going on a few pew pew missions to get the hang of some combat.

I mined for 3 months straight :(
New menu for Dominon with apocalypse impending music:


Plus Pitz will probably join my corp with Gordonfreeman 911. Going to where Atlas resides in 0.0. :thumbs:
What's the two biggest corps in the EVE Universe now? After the Batz-war?
Its pretty hard to say Gargantou, There are a lot of big alliances with thousands of members. I imagen that goons, IT (BoB) the northern collision are defo up there.
Really have the urge to re-sub but i deleted all my characters to stop me re-subbing in the first place. :(