Eve: Dominion trailer (it pwns).

I've got a lvl 4 World's Collide over in Metropolis I'm gonna farm for the week if any of you want to join in and get some cash.
Well i dunno, it sounded like you where doing something wrong so was just throwing some ideas out there!
I probably am, Stormy. I mean, people say Raven is easy street, and I'm working the whole time hahaha.

Eejit, I just might join ya. Just got done with Exhumers III. Well, depending how far away you are lol. I'm sitting in Aunia.
If anything dude its probly just a skill issue, beef up your cap skills.. there is one for recharge rate + cap amount and also beef up your shield skills.

I'm guessing you have fit it with mining laz0rs or something har har har.
...I'm not supposed to use Miner II's? SHIT.

Also, I'm pretty proud of my shield skills *since I needed them for the Drake* but the cap skills...hmm..*checks EVEMon*

OK, Energy Management *the one that gives you +5% cap capacity* is at 3 while Energy Systems Op *which is the recharge time* is at 5. Maybe I should get management up to 4....
Do so... And you have CCC's on too I guess?
Sure do!

*edit* here is what I have.

[Raven, Lvl 4 Raven w/ Dmg Mod]
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Invulnerability Field II
X-Large Shield Booster II
Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier
Ballistic Deflection Field II
Heat Dissipation Field II
Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier

'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Wrath Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Wrath Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Wrath Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Wrath Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Wrath Cruise Missile
'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Wrath Cruise Missile
E50 Prototype Energy Vampire
E50 Prototype Energy Vampire

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead II x5
And your struggling with that ?? :S wtf lol

Well you have a 200km range, so take advantage of that a bit more.
I have a 150km range for shooting, but targeting is at 82.5km.

The way I usually win is warp in at like 50km or so, then just start running away.
Yea...? Thats how your ment to do it... unless your pro like me and have a domi that can perma run 2 Large armor reps....
All you people with your battleships, and your money.

All I need is my Rifter.
Yea...? Thats how your ment to do it... unless your pro like me and have a domi that can perma run 2 Large armor reps....

Fkn Domi's. But no, I warp in and just sit there hahaha. Workin' pretty good thus far, but my 115 m/s or whatever pretty much lets them catch up real fast :p
Your raven should be silly badass, just got to get a bit of practice in.
Ya, I'd rather not solo anyway, just because my DPS is pretty crap.

I'm going to work towards getting my Jump Clone tonight. I'm at 7.5 Standing *I think* right now, so getting to 8 shouldn't be too difficult.


I'm currently planning on going for some general Gunnery skills, since I'm pretty much all Missiles....anything else you guys can think I need off this?
yeah, I haven't done much of anything Gunnery. Gotta work on getting all the books still. Hybrid Turrets would be what I should go for, rite?
Man EVE has such an insane amount of skills etc.. Damn I wish CCP would make a single-player open-ended space-RPG ala the X-series, only with EVE universe instead, EVE Universe is IMO far cooler than the X-universe.
I tried playing the X-games, didn't quite interest me, yet this does. WTF IS WRONG WITH ME?
How much fun would you say you can have these days if you don't wanna join a player-corp and simply interact a lot with NPCs?
Eh, depends on your personality. I wouldn't enjoy it much myself, but it's grand for some.
How much fun would you say you can have these days if you don't wanna join a player-corp and simply interact a lot with NPCs?
I tried doing a lot of this during my free trial, recently. It was fine at first, but once you've played enough to realise that agents all spout more or less the same lines and missions no matter who or where they are in the universe, it becomes much less compelling.

At first I had the mistaken impression that missions were unique to each agent, or at least to each NPC corp but I guess that's not really workable due to the immense number of them. You do get some minor variation between factions.
Well, the game becomes 100 times more fun instantly when you play with other people.
Then you will have plenty of people to shoot at.
Protip: when your security clearance drops below -8 it's a bitch to get it up to -2 so you can go back to highsec. Don't pirate unless you're ready for a npc grind to get it up when needed (also, that's what she said).

Flying caps makes you a pimp. My Moros has spinnerz.
Bah, moros got a bit of a nerfage on the drones which sucked. I wanted to fit one like a thorax and hunt people in belts but its not going to happen now.
\o/ Epic, got into tri :) This is going to be fun.

New alliance is winsauce!
Like a lot of other people have stated Eve looks very compelling but is very difficult to get into. I've tried the free trial 2-3 times and each time I got further, but once my skills started taking +4 days to level up I became bored.

I really want to get involved in these huge 0.0 battles. Even if I'm just a small fighter that will contribute little to the fight. I just want to be there.

I heard Corps. are always on the lookout for tacklers. I'd have no problem starting from the bottom and becoming a tackler and work my way to the top. What is a tackler and how do I go about becoming one?
Another screen shot from last night.


Pretty good fun fight even tho I only managed to get on one killmail. Sounds like I should have organised my overview by distance rather then name as thats how FC was calling.

We had headed out to a local system to jump bridge with the titan out into pure blind, Mostly Harmless wanted to take down a pos of ours but where where scared of a hot drop. Finaly after about half an hour of waiting they dropped a nighoggur onto our pos and in return we jumped around 120 battle ships on his head. He lasted no more then 30seconds.

From there we headed towards one of their large pos's, mostly harmless and TFC were they with a pretty decent sniper battle ship gang but we where able to get in close with some ninja warp ins and do a crap ton of damage.

They ran and hid and left us to destroy a large and medium pos and put a 3rd into reinforce.


Tackling is really good fun, bascily you get in a nice fast small ship and fit a "warp disruptor" mod, this mod when activated onto a target ship stops them from being able to warp and then your buddies are able to kill his ass.

Another job, esp when in the smaller faster ships, is to be a scout for the rest of the fleet. This is a, checking if the system ahead is clear, or b, finding targets to shoot.
Like a lot of other people have stated Eve looks very compelling but is very difficult to get into. I've tried the free trial 2-3 times and each time I got further, but once my skills started taking +4 days to level up I became bored.

I really want to get involved in these huge 0.0 battles. Even if I'm just a small fighter that will contribute little to the fight. I just want to be there.

I heard Corps. are always on the lookout for tacklers. I'd have no problem starting from the bottom and becoming a tackler and work my way to the top. What is a tackler and how do I go about becoming one?

You roll minmatar and buy a rifter. It's cheap and it's one of the best T1 frigates out there. Makes for an excellent tackler.
Alright well... I'm going to give this trial another shot... maybe Steam integration will motivate me.
It is good, join a big alliance. IT or NC or somthing and you will see what eve is all about.