Ever been arrested ?


  • Yes, I've been arrested

    Votes: 11 7.9%
  • I've had "just a chat" with police officers

    Votes: 40 28.6%
  • I've never been arrested

    Votes: 89 63.6%

  • Total voters

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Have you ever been arested or nearlly got jailled ?

The other day I nearlly got arrestd by an amercian undercover cop in a Mexican table dance for being underage. Good thing the guy was drunk as hell, he first asked for 20 USD but at the end I managed to escape.

And one time around Christmas they wanted to take me in for drinking in the street, it was damn close, thanksfully the dude let us go.
I'm posting this message from a prison computer, take a guess? Oh its lights out now. Cya

(j/k by the way....)
I have never done anything that I could get arrested for so no.
I've had a couple of encounters with coppers, but i'm a good guy so I never get arrested.
never been arrested in my life.. and wasen't planning on doing so ^^
No run-ins with the law yet.

I have no criminal record... but... :angel:
A cop searched me for drugs once because I was "running away" from him, I have never done any drugs and I don't plan to.
I got chased by the cops when I was street racing, I got away :D the other guy wasn't as lucky but he was driving a crazy russian saab car so I didn't care lol speaking of cops, I just got a speeding ticket 2 nights ago :flame:
nope neva had anyrunins....but i did attempt to have a starin match with one after i had a few drinks but ended up chickenin out
xLostx said:
I got chased by the cops when I was street racing, I got away :D the other guy wasn't as lucky but he was driving a crazy russian saab car so I didn't care lol speaking of cops, I just got a speeding ticket 2 nights ago :flame:
a cop chased you and you got away??

im 14...I havn't been in any trouble with cops or jail
four to the frickity teen!
I got thrown in the back of a cop car and had the cuffs slapped on.

Never taken to jail though, so I guess that's "just a chat."
DarkStar said:
I got thrown in the back of a cop car and had the cuffs slapped on.

Never taken to jail though, so I guess that's "just a chat."

I'm guessing they said "You are under arrest for/I'm arresting you for...." before they put the cuffs on...
Murray_H said:
I'm guessing they said "You are under arrest for/I'm arresting you for...." before they put the cuffs on...
Depends, if you're a drunk townie and you're just being a tit, they slap the cuffs on to stop you twocking anyone whilst you calm down a bit. It's a fine line between been cuffed and been sent to the drunken disorderly chamber though.

I wonder why some people feel the need to turn into a violent/annoying loudmouthed tit when they've had a few.
I was once walking from to the pub for lunch from work and a bunch of cops pulled up and began to arrest me, then asked what i had under my coat, I had my arm in plaster (had cut my hand up and torn my tendons so had to keep it like that) so they didn't arrest me, apparantly someone had just broken into an OAP home up ahead and they thought it was me.. only realised i couldn't have done an awful lot with my arm like that.. Then walking up further they finally caught the guy and they were escorting him right infront of me and my girlfriend was walking down to meet me and her face was a sight cause it looked like i was involved lol. yea thats probably the closest.. Had police visit the house before but yeah I'd done nothing wrong anyway so that was a waste of their time.. Did once sneak a lift home from a cop in a police van.. I was slightly drunk and cheekily asked for a lift and he let me hahaha. But didn't drive me to the door, made me walk the last few streets, damn him ;)
The Dark Elf said:
I was slightly drunk and cheekily asked for a lift and he let me hahaha. But didn't drive me to the door, made me walk the last few streets, damn him ;)

I see you've begged a ride from the police taxi service too ;) :P
bliink said:
I see you've begged a ride from the police taxi service too ;) :P
haha yep :D He was cool.. though he got a bit concerned when he noticed that strap hospitals put on you (long story as to why I'd just come from the hospital drunk lol)

Once got a free ride from a real taxi too, he said he felt sorry for me (it was freezing temperatures and I was in a really thin silk shirt.. I was too drunk to realise just how damn cold it was and how far I was planning on walking after having once again gone in the wrong direction lol)
Foxtrot said:
A cop searched me for drugs once because I was "running away" from him, I have never done any drugs and I don't plan to.
lol running away,you must have looked 'suspicious' :farmer:
The Dark Elf said:
haha yep :D He was cool.. though he got a bit concerned when he noticed that strap hospitals put on you (long story as to why I'd just come from the hospital drunk lol)

Once got a free ride from a real taxi too, he said he felt sorry for me (it was freezing temperatures and I was in a really thin silk shirt.. I was too drunk to realise just how damn cold it was and how far I was planning on walking after having once again gone in the wrong direction lol)
once again 15,000 posts,thats pretty amazing,you must be the top poster :)
The Dark Elf said:
haha yep :D He was cool.. though he got a bit concerned when he noticed that strap hospitals put on you (long story as to why I'd just come from the hospital drunk lol)

Once got a free ride from a real taxi too, he said he felt sorry for me (it was freezing temperatures and I was in a really thin silk shirt.. I was too drunk to realise just how damn cold it was and how far I was planning on walking after having once again gone in the wrong direction lol)

lol.. with me, the cops were out because a lady slipped in an absolutely massive thunderstorm and broke her ankle and the ambulance hadn't arrived yet; anyway, when they did get there, I asked the cop if i could scab a lift in their direction (it was still raining like hell) and since I'd given them a hand, they gladly obliged. :)
I can't believe I'm the only one who has been arrested so far. I was charged with being in the park after hours of all things but I posted my own bail before they even locked me up. That was the night I managed to sneak an ounce of pot thru the police station.
bliink said:
lol.. with me, the cops were out because a lady slipped in an absolutely massive thunderstorm and broke her ankle and the ambulance hadn't arrived yet; anyway, when they did get there, I asked the cop if i could scab a lift in their direction (it was still raining like hell) and since I'd given them a hand, they gladly obliged. :)

I'm a terrible person...My school boy inuendo just hasn't left me.
Have you ever been arested or nearlly got jailled ?

But one time (long ago) someone stole my bicycle... the cop promised he'd catch the thief...But he never did! ;(
I was arrested for prostituting myself.
I have done some bad things I’ve just never bin caught I always plan ahead………………….
bliink said:
lol.. with me, the cops were out because a lady slipped in an absolutely massive thunderstorm and broke her ankle and the ambulance hadn't arrived yet; anyway, when they did get there, I asked the cop if i could scab a lift in their direction (it was still raining like hell) and since I'd given them a hand, they gladly obliged. :)
awww, I thought it was gonna be a story involving commando's, gnomes, lots of booze and an innocent smile to get out of trouble :)
The Dark Elf said:
awww, I thought it was gonna be a story involving commando's, gnomes, lots of booze and an innocent smile to get out of trouble :)

no.. those ones don't involve me using the police as a taxi service (voluntarily anyway) :p
Never been arrested. Me and the law are good friends. :angel:
Once for aggrivated assualt, once for GBH. I got cautioned for speeding.
This one time, I detonated a bomb inside a bus full of Nuns. They had words afterwards, but nothing more was said really.
I have been arrested. But i was so young so they just drove me home. I havent been arrested in a while now..and i have had many chats with cops :)