Ever taken drugs?

Ever taken non-prescription drugs?

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May 13, 2003
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Ever taken any non-prescription drugs? Which? Describe your experiences.

Well atleast not besides my one or two beers every few months.
no, and dont intend to... i dont want to **** up my brain or anything. If i did trip out badly, i dont know what i'd do, i might hurt myself. I've wanted to smoke weed before but never got hold of any, so i havent, and that's fine by me.
Onions said:
Ever taken any non-prescription drugs? Which? Describe your experiences.
Yes, and not proud of it neither. But nothing hard, im happy to say.. Just typical stupidity of being young.
I've taken pretty much every narcotic known to man (and a few known only to animals). Except heroin.

Some good, some bad. I'm not "proud" of it, but it helps define who I am, therefore it's part of my life and I don't regret it. It's been many years now, though.
yes, but as "fun" as people say it is... its never worth it.
Yes once, it's a nice escape from reality. Everyone likes to escape in their own ways, alcohol, computer games, marijuana....
Smoked a lot of weed for about a year/year and a half. Gave that shit up though, it wasn't helping me in any way. Still thoroughly enjoyable though. Nothing else really.
I sat myself down a year back a tried to make rough estimate of the ammount of drugs i´ve done...
result.. I smoked between 6 to 7 kilos of hash, tried ecstacy twice, Coke between 10-15 times, free base once,Speed 20-30 times.

clean for 5 years now :cheers:
i used to smoke bongs but i dont any more coz it doesnt effect me the way it used to now it just makes me paraniod, guess i used upmy tolerence for it :( ...doesnt matter alcohol is good and sometimes a good hit of X :p
I've never done drugs ( as I know of ) and don't intend to either. I just don't see the point. I quit smoking ( tobacco ) nearly two months ago for the same reason. There's just no point in doing it.
I once shared a joint with other people, didn't feel a thing. My gf did, had a really bad trip after it... So since then a big nono for me and my wife
bliink said:
what do you mean?
What i mean is, the percentage of people who believe that 'drugs are bad/evil/whatever' because of totally made up or exaggerated stories and shit they hear in the media and 100 years of lies from governments, is a bit surprising. The worst thing about it is that even when you completely destroy all of their weak arguments, and they know it, they still absolutely refuse to change their minds. Thats not true 100% of the time, but damn near it. Ive only seen prohibitionists admitting they were wrong a couple of times. Mostly they will just talk shit.

I mean look at this http://www.drugprevent.demon.co.uk/cann.html
These assholes are using excuses like "cannabis makes boys more feminine" ffs. And people believe it. :frown:
Never mix weed with alcohol + an empty stomach. Made that mistake twice before, ended up zonked outside sleeping in the rain for half the night on one occasion. Funny thing was, I knew there was a cosy bed inside but couldn't be arsed to move! The place I went in my mind that night will stay with me forever... and that was just weed ffs!
Reaktor4 said:
What i mean is, the percentage of people who believe that 'drugs are bad/evil/whatever' because of totally made up or exaggerated stories and shit they hear in the media and 100 years of lies from governments, is a bit surprising. The worst thing about it is that even when you completely destroy all of their weak arguments, and they know it, they still absolutely refuse to change their minds. Thats not true 100% of the time, but damn near it. Ive only seen prohibitionists admitting they were wrong a couple of times. Mostly they will just talk shit.

I agree, but I've seen it(participated) for myself... so I know what I'm talking about
Reaktor4 said:
What i mean is, the percentage of people who believe that 'drugs are bad/evil/whatever' because of totally made up or exaggerated stories and shit they hear in the media and 100 years of lies from governments, is a bit surprising. The worst thing about it is that even when you completely destroy all of their weak arguments, and they know it, they still absolutely refuse to change their minds. Thats not true 100% of the time, but damn near it. Ive only seen prohibitionists admitting they were wrong a couple of times. Mostly they will just talk shit.

I mean look at this http://www.drugprevent.demon.co.uk/cann.html
These assholes are using excuses like "cannabis makes boys more feminine" ffs. And people believe it. :frown:
A lot of people learn from experience. I know there bad cause of trying them. I was stupid and I'll not do it again.. anywhere near as bad as that anyway.

And a lot of the stories aren't exaggerated neither, its just hard to believe some of them until you've found yourself in the same situation. Thats when you wish you'd listened.
In my opinion is just weakness to give into it.
Tr0n said:
In my opinion is just weakness to give into it.

not just that.. I mean, its not like theres a fight to give into with everyone..
bliink said:
I agree, but I've seen it(participated) for myself... so I know what I'm talking about
Doesnt sound like it tbh when you say things like using drugs is never worth it. Thats a bit of a blanket statement.
Tr0n said:
In my opinion is just weakness to give into it.
It's not so much weakness.. maybe at the start but after its addiction, your body comes to depend on it as much as your mind. And even if its weakness to begin with, the amount of peer presure some people are forced into over it, for someone young, thats a heck of a lot of willpower needed to get away from it, which most adults dont have.
Reaktor4 said:
Doesnt sound like it tbh when you say things like using drugs is never worth it. Thats a bit of a blanket statement.

eg.. 'party drugs' = more party fun.
not worth it when you look back at yourself
not worth it when you do stuff you wish you never did
not worth it when you spend a little while completely off your brain
not worth it.
The Dark Elf said:
A lot of people learn from experience. I know there bad cause of trying them. I was stupid and I'll not do it again.. anywhere near as bad as that anyway.

And a lot of the stories aren't exaggerated neither, its just hard to believe some of them until you've found yourself in the same situation. Thats when you wish you'd listened.
I would go as far as to say that almost ALL of them are exaggerated. How many of them have you actually looked into? Me, quite a lot, as i have been debating this issue and learning about drugs (mostly illegal ones) for years.
Like my aunt once said....I rather have complete control of my mind than lose it.Drinking or doing drugs...
Reaktor4 said:
I would go as far as to say that almost ALL of them are exaggerated. How many of them have you actually looked into? Me, quite a lot, as i have been debating this issue and learning about drugs (mostly illegal ones) for years.
Learning is different from experiencing it.. I could go out and learn about skydiving, doesn't mean I'd ever have a clue what it really feels like.
the only real bad experience ive ever with em is when i was smoking bongs and watching event horizon and had a power blackout and i was then only person home, that was pretty full on
Reaktor4 you don't want people to talk about things which they don't know about...So don't call Bliink a liar, because you have no idea what she has done in her life. From the sounds of it, I suspect she did take the drugs and I also know she isn't one to just lie for the sake of it.

Give it a rest before you cause more trouble.
The Dark Elf said:
Learning is different from experiencing it.. I could go out and learn about skydiving, doesn't mean I'd ever have a clue what it really feels like.
The difference is i have actually used various drugs.
Do you remember leah betts, probably the most famous example of what im talking about, btw (without using google of course)?
Reaktor4 said:
What i mean is, the percentage of people who believe that 'drugs are bad/evil/whatever' because of totally made up or exaggerated stories and shit they hear in the media and 100 years of lies from governments, is a bit surprising. The worst thing about it is that even when you completely destroy all of their weak arguments, and they know it, they still absolutely refuse to change their minds. Thats not true 100% of the time, but damn near it. Ive only seen prohibitionists admitting they were wrong a couple of times. Mostly they will just talk shit.

I mean look at this http://www.drugprevent.demon.co.uk/cann.html
These assholes are using excuses like "cannabis makes boys more feminine" ffs. And people believe it. :frown:

Which part is made up or exaggerated, when they show pictures of teenagers who end up dying after one pill of E or Crack or whatever? No, they aren't, people are effected different ways by different drugs, but all people need to know is that they are very bad and they should remain illegal, no matter what idiots like you think. Hard drugs isn't like alcohol, where if you don't take too much, you just become light headed and a little dizzy, hard drugs, you go from absolutely fine to wacko land in a single pill.

I have never smoked, i drink the equivalent to 1 pint of beer every 3 - 4 months and i have never considered taking any drugs.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Reaktor4 you don't want people to talk about things which they don't know about...So don't call Bliink a liar, because you have no idea what she has done in her life. From the sounds of it, I suspect she did take the drugs and I also know she isn't one to just lie for the sake of it.

Give it a rest before you cause more trouble.
I didnt call bliink a liar.
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