Ever taken drugs?

Ever taken non-prescription drugs?

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Reaktor4 said:
They take the crap and active ingredients out in equal amounts. Whatever smoke at the edge of the bubbles happens to stick to the water is what they take out.


Yeah but because it's passed through water and has more moisture in it, you need less active ingrediant to get stoned. So less shit, same effect. Then again smoking a bong you take huge breaths so you get stoned like **** anyway.
we11er said:
Yeah but because it's passed through water and has more moisture in it, you need less active ingrediant to get stoned.
What the **** are you talking about?
we11er said:
Absorption is aided by moisture.
In the stomach or through the skin, maybe. But even then the thing youre trying to absorb has to be soluble in water. Thc is not.
In the lungs! The alveoli are covered in water, it's the only way we can absorb enough oxygen to survive. THC isn't soluble in water, but it still gets through the alveoli because of other chemicals it is bound to (lipids, proteins etc), and others that are in the layer of moisture in the lungs.
If people take drugs (on purpose) and die then all I have left is to laugh...
Frank said:
If people take drugs (on purpose) and die then all I have left is to laugh...

Laughing is going a bit far - everyone makes mistakes.
Frank said:
If people take drugs (on purpose) and die then all I have left is to laugh...

I'd love for everybody to be able to take all the drugs they want and kill themselves off too, but the problem is... they'd be killing off many other people who are innocent and don't have any relation to the drugs too, so that's unacceptable.
My best friend of 10 years almost completly lost his septum from coke, I've lost another friend to pills. I have seen the disease of addiction and watched many of my friends stuggle though it.

I have also watched some brilliant pieces of filmwork directed by people under the influence of various drugs. The same goes for many composers of music, and for many who create in all the arts. How many discoveries or inventions have a direct relation to drugs in some way?

Drugs are some of the worst things that have ever happened to man... and some of the best. It is when it become excessive that it becomes a problem like everything else.

I've had alcohol, nicotine, weed, special k, pills, coke, mushrooms, opium, "heroin" (apparently cut into a pill), couple types of speed, among other things. I am completly and totally addicted to cigarettes, everything thing else I control.
we11er said:
In the lungs! The alveoli are covered in water, it's the only way we can absorb enough oxygen to survive. THC isn't soluble in water, but it still gets through the alveoli because of other chemicals it is bound to (lipids, proteins etc), and others that are in the layer of moisture in the lungs.
Youre talking about putting excess water into your lungs though, im pretty sure that can be harmful. And even if it did have such a big effect, which i doubt but then im not a biologist, it probably wouldnt make up for the amount of thc lost in the filter. If you can give sources backing you up id like to see them.
I've smoked weed a few times but only enough to get me buzzing. I played Super Mario 3 on the SNES while high and it was one of the funniest things I've done ever.

I've never felt the urge to take drugs though, especially anything 'worse' than weed. I just did it a few times with friends I could trust and that was it.
No, I haven't done that. And I'm not planning to do it :thumbs:
No non-perscription drugs (Well, there was that roll-your-own full of grass. No, not weed, I'm talking lawn clippings. I doubt it actually had any effect.), but I once found out what happens if you take too many puffs on an asthma inhaler...
My brother cuts up grass and puts it in little bags labelled "weed". One time I told him it wasn't really green and he'd have to dry it out, then I caught him putting it in the microwave.
Bad^Hat said:
My brother cuts up grass and puts it in little bags labelled "weed". One time I told him it wasn't really green and he'd have to dry it out, then I caught him putting it in the microwave.


This other time he put a fish finger in the microwave for 10 minutes.

Jesus, I should make a thread about the stuff my brother has done.
Eh, I can't remember any more at the moment =/
Reaktor4 said:
Youre talking about putting excess water into your lungs though, im pretty sure that can be harmful. And even if it did have such a big effect, which i doubt but then im not a biologist, it probably wouldnt make up for the amount of thc lost in the filter. If you can give sources backing you up id like to see them.

Excess water in the lungs? It's not like you're inhaling liquid, it's extra just water vapour like in the shower or anything like that.

The fact is, smoking out of a bong is smoother, more enjoyable, and you don't get any less stoned than smoking a spliff. That's my experience anyway.
Hey sorry to drag this bad boy back up; some things you guys might wanna know.

Almost every government funded and independant research carried out in the last 30 years has come up with the conclusion that cannabis is not harmful.
* It has been proven not to cause cancer (unless smoked with something that duz, ie joints) and has infact shown signs of strengthening the lungs and decreasing damage done by tobbaco.
* It has been proven not to cause a-motivational syndrome "amotivational syndrome may lead to cannabis, not the reverse".
* Memory loss, intelligence, cognitive reasoning are reduced during intoxication, but return to normal after. You can disagree all you want, search the net, the studies are there. Loads. Indian Hemp commission. US federal government's 1974 Jamaican study, 1968 UK Royal Commission 'Wooton Report', a $2m paid for by the US government done in I think 1994. A lot basically. And each one comes up - cannabis is not a harmful drug. If done in great excess maybe, but over a long time. One study had people smoking a 5 joints a day for 50 years. Guess wat. Nothing wrong with them.

"Cannabis is safer than asprin."

Also did you know cannabis is a cheaper, safer, better quality alternative or alternative indgrediant to modern; plastic, rope, cloth, oil, petrol, diesal, paper, wood, fags and booze (safer than booze n fags, yes, but better? matter of opinion)

Yes folks. Cannabis can be used as a biomass energy source that produces NO greenhouse emmissions. Oh, and an oil substitute too... but far less polluting. It can fuel cars, cleanly - you can even make a car's chasis out of hemp. Fact is you can make a lot of things cheaper, safer, and better quality by using hemp.

Cheaper? What is this?! Hey,a great idea! Why not sell everyone the crap expensive shit and make hemp illegal. Yeh! Imagine if the world's oil companies were put out of buisness by weed - which they could. Cos did u know hemp can grow on every continent on this planet except the poles and so who would be making the profits the oil, plastic, timber tycoons used to be? Erm... the countries. The third world's a big place, they rekon if they legalised hemp internationally and started using it for what it's for (they did in WW2 "hemp for victory" because the other supplies were running low, they returned quickly after victory to 'reefer madness' - cannabis is so really bad) then by the end of our lifetimes we'll see the third world debt vanish.

Oh yeh and cannabis is the most theroputically active plant in the world. Works for MS, nausea, migraine, chronic pain, insomnia, depression, eating disorders, glaucoma, epilepsy, paraplegia, addictions and even as a preventative for others. Search the web, pretty much the whole medical world agree, and so do all the studies carried out.

Bit annoying how 'junkies', as some people call us, get arrested and fill up jail space (70% in america) for doing nothing more than having weed. And how the planet's still getting polluted. And how many people are starving - I forgot, sorry, cannabis seed is more nutritious than rice, and it can be grown everywhere remember... i see an answer here. And how loads of people have to take synthetic crap medicine when cannabis can help then out a lot better and much more safely.

Really annoying when you think that it all boils down to money.

Just my opinion.
But seeing as my opinion seems to be the only one I can find substantial evidence for, I find it the most convincing.
Onions said:
Ever taken drugs?

Forgive me, thread starter, but what you are in desperate need of is a dose of re·al·i·ty. If you want to do drugs, do drugs, but don't you come here asking strangers to validate your predilection or talk you out of it.LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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