Ever taken drugs?

Ever taken non-prescription drugs?

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Tr0n said:
If we didn't have drugs in the first place this wouldn't be happening...now would it?
I agree entirely.
Are you saying that prohibition is making things better? Its making drugs go away? If so, refer to the heroin post where this issue is clearly addressed and debunked. If you have read it then all i can say is that i was right when i said people would ignore the points.
Reaktor4 said:
Maybe you could give an alternative explanation as to why these people do it then?

Maybe you could give me an explanation as to why illegal drug use and stealing to gain possession of drugs is a legal and good thing?
Smoked some weed when I was younger. Only a couple of times. Did nothing for me (apart from 'monging me out'). Not touched it or anything else since and will not ever again. My opinion is that ppl should be happy with life as it is and shouldn't need to seek false happyness through mind altering shit.
The Dark Elf said:
lol, now your really struggling to make a point :)

You've never heard of someone who smokes, has no cigs, then robbing someone for theirs? Happens all the time, often little old ladies are the targets.
Cant say i have, although im sure it happens in some very rare cases. Now, if 20 cigarettes cost £100, do you think that would decrease or increase robberies?
Oh so you agree with corruption?You agree with the mafia and gangs who use them?
MadHatter said:
Maybe you could give me an explanation as to why illegal drug use and stealing to gain possession of drugs is a legal and good thing?
I said that?
I tried a bit of weed once, just to see what it was like, that was a hell of a night. We all got really hyper and paranoid and I threw a matress on the campfire which just happened to have my friend's cellphone battery on it and he punched me in the face.

Did I mention we were also drinking? :rolleyes:

Needless to say I was shouting munchies the following morning.
Reaktor4 said:
Cant say i have, although im sure it happens in some very rare cases. Now, if 20 cigarettes cost £100, do you think that would decrease or increase robberies?

Ahh so the price of something determins how damaging it is to the human body.

Didn't know that.....
Tr0n said:
Oh so you agree with corruption?You agree with the mafia and gangs who use them?
NO. How clear do i have to make myself? I said that prohibition gives control of drugs to criminals, makes them rich etc. One of the advantages to legalisation is cheap, clean, legal drugs that leave criminals with no profit margin and therefore little incentive to sell drugs. Why would anyone buy from them if illegal drugs were legal?
Reaktor4 said:
Cant say i have, although im sure it happens in some very rare cases. Now, if 20 cigarettes cost £100, do you think that would decrease or increase robberies?

It would decrese the amount of people who smoke, thats for sure. Most of the smokers I know wouldn't steal or cigaretters beyond taking one from a friend. Now, even less wouldn't ahve started smoking in the first place if they cost that much money. My friend actually stopped smoking as much because he went to uni and can't afford it any more.
I've smoked weed twice. The last time I did was with somke friends, and we had hydroponic pot. Best stuff around. Called White Widow or something like that. It was really fun, hard to describe my expirience. I think I smoked about 5 bowls(sp?) of the stuff myself. Which was probably overkill considering thats the first time I've smoked pot in the last 2 years. So I was gone, completely wasted. I remember bits and pieces of it. But it was lots of fun.
Reaktor4 said:
NO. How clear do i have to make myself? I said that prohibition gives control of drugs to criminals, makes them rich etc. One of the advantages to legalisation is cheap, clean, legal drugs that leave criminals with no profit margin and therefore little incentive to sell drugs. Why would anyone buy from them if illegal drugs were legal?
They would be still selling them...all they would have to do is setup shops to sell them. :dozey:
Farrowlesparrow said:
It would decrese the amount of people who smoke, thats for sure. Most of the smokers I know wouldn't steal or cigaretters beyond taking one from a friend. Now, even less wouldn't ahve started smoking in the first place if they cost that much money. My friend actually stopped smoking as much because he went to uni and can't afford it any more.
So why do the prohibitionist countries have more drug users?
Tr0n said:
They would be still selling them...all they would have to do is setup shops to sell them. :dozey:
Would it be worth it, considering the profit they make would be divided by at least 100?
enough of those. I regret it and I've stopped ages ago. Just smoked a little bit of weed in Amsterdam but that doesn't count. Yes, also some harder stuff. What experiences you wanna hear ;)
Reaktor4 said:
Would it be worth it, considering the profit they make would be divided by at least 100?
Yes it would...cause money is money.They are very good at making and selling drugs...they can't and won't stop rather it be legal or not.
Reaktor4 said:
So why do the prohibitionist countries have more drug users?

Could you explain that a little more. and give some examples. I don't want to waste any more time arguing with you if you are picking things out of the air.
MadHatter said:
If I recall correctly, yes. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have said that illegal drugs, and stealing is legal? And that its a good thing? Quote please.
Anyway... iirc, i said that prohibitionists often twist words to try to make it sound like reformists are saying that drugs are good, and completely non harmful etc, because its easier to argue against. That seems to be what youre doing. Correct me if im wrong and did indeed say what you claim.
Reaktor4 said:
I have said that illegal drugs, and stealing is legal? And that its a good thing? Quote please.
Anyway... iirc, i said that prohibitionists often twist words to try to make it sound like reformists are saying that drugs are good, and completely non harmful etc, because its easier to argue against. That seems to be what youre doing. Correct me if im wrong and did indeed say what you claim.

I state to be corrected if I'm wrong and I'm told to correct the same person if they're wrong. :(
MadHatter said:
I state to be corrected if I'm wrong and I'm told to correct the same person if they're wrong. :(
Quote me saying what you claim i said.
Reaktor4 said:
Quote me saying what you claim i said.

Why? Obviously I was wrong and I said correct me if I was wrong. Re-read my post if you must.

Also, what's the jist of your argument?
I'd like to point out that alchohol is a drug, and one of the worst that there is.
MadHatter said:
Why? Obviously I was wrong and I said correct me if I was wrong. Re-read my post if you must.
It didnt really make sense to be honest.. Is english not your first language?
Also, what's the jist of your argument?
Prohibiton maximises harm to drug users and society. It makes gangs rich and creates criminals, in more ways than one. I could be wrong about this but iirc, most murders in america are a direct (some would say indirect but whatever) cause of prohibition. Most crime is anyway. It persecutes innocent people. It has created a culture where people are being brainwashed 24/7 and unsurprisingly quite a lot of people believe this bs.
Also, it just doesnt work as the figures clearly show.
No, drugs are bad ,

it fuks you up, and makes people fuks u up without knowing
The Dark Elf said:
Because its not news worthy when its legal
That doesnt make sense.
Edit: Well that alone does make sense, but i dont see the relevance with what you were replying to
Reaktor4 said:
It didnt really make sense to be honest.. Is english not your first language?

MadHatter said:
If I recall correctly, yes. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Looks like English to me.

Prohibiton maximises harm to drug users and society. It makes gangs rich and creates criminals, in more ways than one. I could be wrong about this but iirc, most murders in america are a direct (some would say indirect but whatever) cause of prohibition. Most crime is anyway. It persecutes innocent people. It has created a culture where people are being brainwashed 24/7 and unsurprisingly quite a lot of people believe this bs.
Also, it just doesnt work as the figures clearly show.

So you argue that legalizing everything would help decrease drug and crime issues?
Reaktor4 said:
That doesnt make sense.
Edit: Well that alone does make sense, but i dont see the relevance with what you were replying to
With your last comment, now you do.
Legalizing everything would make things worse or things would stay the same. Take Amsterdam, for example; every knows it's drug central and a lot of Europe blames their drug problems on Amsterdam.

People want what they can't have. If you legalize maurijuana, then people would move on to cocain and e-pills. If you legalize those, then something else would become the 'big thing'. Also, if you legalize cocain or marijuana, then you'd have THRICE the amount of auto accidents, chemically impaired incidents, and so forth. You'd have people going to work and getting high while they're on duty. Sure, there may be a rule that prohibits them from doing so, but that doesn't mean everybody will obey the rules.
Yes, alcohol is drugs, and you'd be hypocrite to deny that.

And Mad Hatter, you're talking nonsense. You know jack shit.
I ones smoked a joint.. and got really stoned.. it was rather fun.. but I did for the soul purpose of experiencing being stoned.. I never did any other drugs what so ever after that
PvtRyan said:
Yes, alcohol is drugs, and you'd be hypocrite to deny that.
Yup, and alcohol is legal.. and look at the amount of deaths, fights, illnesses and addiction related trouble is linked to booze.

So legal or not, drugs are a bad idea.
The Dark Elf said:
Yup, and alcohol is legal.. and look at the amount of deaths, fights, illnesses and addiction related trouble is linked to booze.

Yes, thus my point in my previous post. Thank you.
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