Ever taken drugs?

Ever taken non-prescription drugs?

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I was a serious drug addict for at least 7 years. Started with cigs and alcohol at 16 and worked up to heroin and cocaine at 18. That lasted until I was 35. Bottom line, Marijuana is low on the scale. Should be done at home and don't do anything complicated or you run the chance of hurting yourself or someone else. Alcohol is down right deadly except in moderation. If you drink more everyday you have a problem. Heroin, Coke, X, Pills, Speed and crank should be avoided at all cost. These will seriously affect your thinking much less your physical health. Here's the shocker, cigarettes are the most addictive. I've been off hard drugs and alcohol for 10 years now but I just stopped smoking 3 weeks ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. 29 years of smoking! It was a bitch to stop. The key is moderation if you want to use anything addictive. That goes for food, drugs, and even pc games! Don't use drugs, life is great if you just stop and experience the new! Not preaching, just a heads up.
heheh how is this possible: "Yes, but not by choice "

"alright you're going to smoke this joint and you're going to like it or you're a dead man!"

I voted yes ...but no one forced me at gun point :)
MadHatter said:
Oh dear I feel threatened.
I wasnt trying to make you feel threatened.
Is this an admission that im in fact right, then? And that i was right when i said you couldnt actually prove me wrong on any of the points (i know you cant because i have thouroughly researched this subject and generally wont say anything without knowing that its true) and would just ignore them and make excuses?
MadHatter said:
What did I initially post then?
I told you i only glanced at it, and was replying to other posts at the same time. But iirc you were saying basically the opposite of what the edit said.
It would be nice if a mod could take a look..
MadHatter said:
A. Do you have to mock me?
B. I know many people who've gotten into accidents because they, or the driver, was high.
C. I've seen plenty of people walk into work under the influence of something.
D. This is not just about marijuana.
E. Marijuana and conaine and are mind altering drugs. Severity may vary, but principle is the same.
F. I did not say every person who smokes a cigarette or sips some beer will become a crackhead.
G. One of my friends was stoned and racing on e-pills and he beat the crap out of his girl because he thought she was someone else. But oh no, I'm just making that up, aren't I?
H. If you think marijuana does not impair your driving skills then.... Well, I don't know what to tell you.
I. Exactly, druggies come to Amsterdam to acquire marijuana and then go where ever. Amsterdam's like your stop-and-go place for marijuana users.

A: Erm... nuffin do with me :)
B: Sure it happens, but much more people in general are injured or killed when the driver is stoned. (again if you think legalising cannabis won't help this, look at the number of users in Amersterdam - if we use logic it's clear that legalising basically reduces the number of users). And un4tunatley I've lost some friends to drink driving, so I oppose driving under the influence of anything.
C: Yeah, and I've seen plenty of people come in pissed. I don't see how legalising it would change that. Wearing a cap is legal, doesn't mean I wear one to work, I use weed to relax, not to work on. Some people give cannabis users a bad name, un4tunatly.
D: The argument here, although involving other drugs, is primarily about cannabis use.
E: And beer isn't? And no, being high on other drugs is a totally different experience to being stoned. It's like comparing being asleep to being drunk.
F: You didn't but I believe he was making a point, one that you missed. Weed does not necessarily lead to harder drugs. Just as beer and fags are drugs, doesn't mean if you touch them you'll start weed, then start coke, then heroin.
G: That's really bad. It must have been f**king aweful. But you must understand, weed will not make a person do that. And if you legalised pills it is believed the number of users would go down, and the quality would go up - meaning there would be fewer of these very unfortunate incidents.
H: Weed does affect driving, although I wouldn't like to say if it makes you 'worse' than wen you're pissed, cuz I'd never do it.
I: No it isn't. I just call my dealer.
Reaktor4 said:
I wasnt trying to make you feel threatened.
Is this an admission that im in fact right, then? And that i was right when i said you couldnt actually prove me wrong on any of the points (i know you cant because i have thouroughly researched this subject and generally wont say anything without knowing that its true) and would just ignore them and make excuses?

Reaktor4 said:
I told you i only glanced at it, and was replying to other posts at the same time. But iirc you were saying basically the opposite of what the edit said.
It would be nice if a mod could take a look..

You can keep thinking I edited something like it's some conspiracy theory. Have fun.
IX00 said:
I was a serious drug addict for at least 7 years. Started with cigs and alcohol at 16 and worked up to heroin and cocaine at 18. That lasted until I was 35. Bottom line, Marijuana is low on the scale. Should be done at home and don't do anything complicated or you run the chance of hurting yourself or someone else. Alcohol is down right deadly except in moderation. If you drink more everyday you have a problem. Heroin, Coke, X, Pills, Speed and crank should be avoided at all cost. These will seriously affect your thinking much less your physical health. Here's the shocker, cigarettes are the most addictive. I've been off hard drugs and alcohol for 10 years now but I just stopped smoking 3 weeks ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. 29 years of smoking! It was a bitch to stop. The key is moderation if you want to use anything addictive. That goes for food, drugs, and even pc games! Don't use drugs, life is great if you just stop and experience the new! Not preaching, just a heads up.

Well said.
Unfortunatley I enjoy a socialble smoke (weed) with my friends too much to just stop. Just like I enjoy a pint down the local once or twice a week.

But seriously, well done to you. :cheers: <-- not too sure bout the moral this forum is giving us with such disgraceful smilies :D
MadHatter said:
A. Do you have to mock me?
B. I know many people who've gotten into accidents because they, or the driver, was high.
C. I've seen plenty of people walk into work under the influence of something.
D. This is not just about marijuana.
E. Marijuana and conaine and are mind altering drugs. Severity may vary, but principle is the same.
F. I did not say every person who smokes a cigarette or sips some beer will become a crackhead.
G. One of my friends was stoned and racing on e-pills and he beat the crap out of his girl because he thought she was someone else. But oh no, I'm just making that up, aren't I?
H. If you think marijuana does not impair your driving skills then.... Well, I don't know what to tell you.
I. Exactly, druggies come to Amsterdam to acquire marijuana and then go where ever. Amsterdam's like your stop-and-go place for marijuana users.

A: If you're making ridiculous statements, then it is my duty.

B: Who's fault is that? The drug's or the drivers'? I can get drunk and drive, I can get high on morphine and drive, I can take prescription drugs and drive. I can drink a few liters of water in a short period and die. They're all stupid.

C: I haven't. So what are you trying to prove? That it's possible to get under the influence of something and go to work? I never disputed that, never seen it though.

D: Then why are you criticizing my country for "legalizing" (which I repeat, they are not) marihuana while the drugs that cause drug problems are illegal here as well?

E: Mind altering yes, like alcohol, tabacco, f*ck even Prozac.
But no one dies because of marihuana, nor is it addictive like cocaine. No one is in rehabilitation for marihuana.

F: Yes you did. You said someone on lighter drugs will move on to something heavier. Thus, when you begin drinking or smoking, you end up OD'ing in an alley on heroine.

G: What exactly are you trying to prove here? That you move on to heavier drugs? That marihuana makes you violent? If it's the former: doesn't that have something to do with the fact that those e-pills were available for him to use, or that he would have done it without being high? If the latter: don't you suppose it were those pills? Or the combination of multiple drugs? And wasn't it HIS fault?

H: I didn't say that. But tell me, have you ever seen a high person that isn't able to stand on his own legs, or that starts talking to a tree, or apologizing to a bike? Fact is, alcohol can f*ck you up a lot more, but in both cases, you're a retard getting behind the wheel, whether it be drunk or high, or on some prescription medicines.

I: It's only legal to carry around 3 grams of weed in public, or something of that magnitude anyway. So the people who stock in weed here (requires you to go to multiple coffeeshops anyway, cause they'll only sell you so much) are being illegal. So what does that have to do with the "legality" of marihuana here?
Reaktor4 said:

No problem. Like I said, good show. I stuck my nose into a discussion I don't have full knowledge of. I just don't agree with it on a moral and logical sense.
About the original topic, I've smoked a lot of weed in my day, did a little bit of shrooms (worst experience of my entire life), and I did coke a couple of times many years ago.

Now to the debate part of this post. People that want to keep drugs illegal always use the argument that if drugs didn't exist we wouldn't have the problems with drugs so they should remain illegal. If you think about it for a second you realize how irrational that is. Drugs are bad, yes, but they are out there. Sending someone to jail for possession of these drugs isn't going to stop the problem, it is only going to make it worse. What do you think these people do as soon as they get out of jail? They do more drugs. And now that they have a felony in their name and they aren't used to the real world they will probably start to sell drugs to make a living and support their drug habit. Does this help anyone in anyway?

I also love how hypocritical our government is. Many people in our legislation have done drugs. Bush, who says that drugs should be kept illegal and people should be send to prison for them, has done a lot of coke in his day. His excuse is he was young and dumb, where is our excuse when we have to face a judge?

I am against legalizing most drugs with the exception of marijuana. However, I am against sending drug users to jail, they need help, not punishment.

Can anyone here that is against legalizing marijuana name one good reason why? If one good reason is given I will debate this with people as I've done many drug debates in the past, including at least one on this board.
PvtRyan said:
A: If you're making ridiculous statements, then it is my duty.

B: Who's fault is that? The drug's or the drivers'? I can get drunk and drive, I can get high on morphine and drive, I can take prescription drugs and drive. I can drink a few liters of water in a short period and die. They're all stupid.

C: I haven't. So what are you trying to prove? That it's possible to get under the influence of something and go to work? I never disputed that, never seen it though.

D: Then why are you criticizing my country for "legalizing" (which I repeat, they are not) marihuana while the drugs that cause drug problems are illegal here as well?

E: Mind altering yes, like alcohol, tabacco, f*ck even Prozac.
But no one dies because of marihuana, nor is it addictive like cocaine. No one is in rehabilitation for marihuana.

F: Yes you did. You said someone on lighter drugs will move on to something heavier. Thus, when you begin drinking or smoking, you end up OD'ing in an alley on heroine.

G: What exactly are you trying to prove here? That you move on to heavier drugs? That marihuana makes you violent? If it's the former: doesn't that have something to do with the fact that those e-pills were available for him to use, or that he would have done it without being high? If the latter: don't you suppose it were those pills? Or the combination of multiple drugs? And wasn't it HIS fault?

H: I didn't say that. But tell me, have you ever seen a high person that isn't able to stand on his own legs, or that starts talking to a tree, or apologizing to a bike? Fact is, alcohol can f*ck you up a lot more, but in both cases, you're a retard getting behind the wheel, whether it be drunk or high, or on some prescription medicines.

I: It's only legal to carry around 3 grams of weed in public, or something of that magnitude anyway. So the people who stock in weed here (requires you to go to multiple coffeeshops anyway, cause they'll only sell you so much) are being illegal. So what does that have to do with the "legality" of marihuana here?

MadHatter said:
One minute I'm told that alcohol is the greatest killer and it's legal. Next I'm told that all these other drugs should be legalized and everybody would skip down the street and drug problems would just magically decrease to a millimeter.

You simply aren't looking at the facts given to you, or listening to others points of view.

The fact you're resorting to 'moo' and changing the subject back to the 'did I edit' bit proves you are realising that legalising weed WOULD help problems, would decrease the prejudice that weed smokers get, and stop drug money funding things like terrorism. Let the government control and sell it, they'd get a whole lot of tax and it'd be a much smaller problem.
burner69 said:
You simply aren't looking at the facts given to you, or listening to others points of view.

The fact you're resorting to 'moo' and changing the subject back to the 'did I edit' bit proves you are realising that legalising weed WOULD help problems, would decrease the prejudice that weed smokers get, and stop drug money funding things like terrorism. Let the government control and sell it, they'd get a whole lot of tax and it'd be a much smaller problem.
Disagree completely with adding a large amount of tax to the price. That keeps profit margins open to the criminals, and makes selling the drug worthwhile to them. Thats happening right now with cigarettes and alcohol for that very reason, but the scale of the problem is tiny in comparison to the illegal drug market.
No Limit said:
Can anyone here that is against legalizing marijuana name one good reason why? If one good reason is given I will debate this with people as I've done many drug debates in the past, including at least one on this board.
tick... tock.... *tumbleweed goes by*
MadHatter said:
No problem. Like I said, good show. I stuck my nose into a discussion I don't have full knowledge of. I just don't agree with it on a moral and logical sense.

Just out of interest. Logic is based on fact, yeah? So look at the statistics given and tell me it wouldn't be logical to make weed legal.

Moral? What morals does being high break? Laughing at things, talking very deeply with your mates, enjoying music(and having great sex by the way) what morals does that break.

Or is it just the moral of "drugs are bad". Regardless of individual types. Shit I'm never drinking again. :rolleyes:
Reaktor4 said:
Disagree completely with adding a large amount of tax to the price. That keeps profit margins open to the criminals, and makes selling the drug worthwhile to them. Thats happening right now with cigarettes and alcohol for that very reason, but the scale of the problem is tiny in comparison to the illegal drug market.

Well then don't tax it. You get enough from cigs to cover a lot of things - did you know that in the UK the tax on fags covers the cost of smoke related problems FIVE times over.

I don't see why adding a bit of tax to what would be much higher quality weed would stop people buying it. I for one would much rather get it from a shop, even if it did involve paying a little more a) because it would be better quality and b) because I wouldn't feel like such a criminal just for wanting to smoke cannabis.
burner69 said:
You simply aren't looking at the facts given to you, or listening to others points of view.

The fact you're resorting to 'moo' and changing the subject back to the 'did I edit' bit proves you are realising that legalising weed WOULD help problems, would decrease the prejudice that weed smokers get, and stop drug money funding things like terrorism. Let the government control and sell it, they'd get a whole lot of tax and it'd be a much smaller problem.

Actually, no. I'm not agreeing at all to that. Americans' mentalities are much different about drugs than other countries. I still strongly resent weed being legalized.

What am I doing when I say, "Moo..." is that I have nothing left to contribute to the main subject and I don't care anymore because I'm dry of arguments. Yup, I'm cornered and bested in an argument that I will not agree to.

Next time you might be right, but not this time.
Reaktor4 said:
It makes the white women sleep with negroes.

I guess I was just having a discussion with some immature adolescents judging by this comment.
MadHatter said:
Actually, no. I'm not agreeing at all to that. Americans' mentalities are much different about drugs than other countries. I still strongly resent weed being legalized.

What am I doing when I say, "Moo..." is that I have nothing left to contribute to the main subject and I don't care anymore because I'm dry of arguments. Yup, I'm cornered and bested in an argument that I will not agree to.

Next time you might be right, but not this time.

Surely when there is nothing left to say on an issue, the side who had the last say is 'right' if there is such a term. Making your final statement hypocritical bollocks.

And you're still saying that we should legalise cannabis because you don't like it, regardless of the obvious positive effects it would have for both users, and non users, and indeed society.

If any problem was proven to decrease if it was legalised, surely it should be bloody legalised.
MadHatter said:
Next time you might be right, but not this time.
Then prove us wrong with FACTS. Not anecdotes, not morals, not uninformed opinion.
MadHatter said:
I guess I was just having a discussion with some immature adolescents judging by this comment.
The funny thing is, if this was ~70 years ago, you prohibitionists would be using what harry anslinger said as part of your 'argument'. You know it, i know it.
MadHatter said:
I guess I was just having a discussion with some immature adolescents judging by this comment.

You didn't even read that link earlier did you?

It was making a point that anti-pot views came from some idiot who basically linked them to black people, saying it should be illegal because black people took it, which made them sing and dance and made white women sleep with them.

Rather than mindlessly shrugging off our argument without reading the information given, which you clearly are doing, try looking at what's been shown, and making an opinion yourself rather than letting the 'norm' speak 4 u.
burner69 said:
Surely when there is nothing left to say on an issue, the side who had the last say is 'right' if there is such a term. Making your final statement hypocritical bollocks.

And you're still saying that we should legalise cannabis because you don't like it, regardless of the obvious positive effects it would have for both users, and non users, and indeed society.

If any problem was proven to decrease if it was legalised, surely it should be bloody legalised.

Never said I thought marijauna should be legalized.
I think we can all agree that anything above class C drugs is bad yes? Something like marijuana is OK to 'play' with I think - I loved chilling out with a J, but long term? No way. Try it, enjoy it, but realise that it doesn't help you in any way. That's my oppinion. Youngsters want to experiment, you can't change that.

As for alcohol, well, I think a little 'freedom' (i.e. letting go for a while) is OK. I like getting pissed simply so I get let go of my inhibitions, social constraints etc. I enjoy myself much more, it actually bonds you and your friends together.

Having said that, there are obvious negative sides to alcohol - it turns some people into raving loons who just want to fight and cause trouble. It can also lead to alcoholism.

So what's the dilemma? Some people drink, they enjoy themselves, and there are no negative side effects. On the other hand, some people drink and all hell breaks loose. Not much we can do about it really - more policing and restrictions for youths I guess.

Not sure what else to say.
burner69 said:
You didn't even read that link earlier did you?

It was making a point that anti-pot views came from some idiot who basically linked them to black people, saying it should be illegal because black people took it, which made them sing and dance and made white women sleep with them.

Rather than mindlessly shrugging off our argument without reading the information given, which you clearly are doing, try looking at what's been shown, and making an opinion yourself rather than letting the 'norm' speak 4 u.

I speak for myself and my opinions and I whole-heartedly disapprove of the legalization of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, etc.

I'm shrugging off your arguments because my arguments apparently aren't getting though.
Reaktor4 said:
The funny thing is, if this was ~70 years ago, you prohibitionists would be using what harry anslinger said as part of your 'argument'. You know it, i know it.

Yeah, i know. I'm such an evil soab for not agreeing with the legalization of drugs.
is it just me or has there been a sharp increase in people preaching their idea of morality which is based on their religious beliefs?

why do people care what other people do in their personal lives? It's the rise of the Right, and it scares me
we11er said:
Hehe, pulling out the Flame Warriors links now - good move.
With luck he'll take the hint because he's getting personal now and is gonna end up with a warning.

Be best for him to back down before he gets out of hand and before I close the thread.
The Dark Elf said:
Just not managed to do that with regular nicotine yet.. soon though.. soon.

You and me both.

By the way, who here supports/does not support medical marijuana?

Decriminilization of marijuana?
The Dark Elf said:



eg: your getting boring now, give up, your wrong, you vs the rest of the world, you lost.
Reaktor4 said:
This is exactly what i predicted. If you want to have some credibility, simply go to the heroin post, and debunk each point one by one.
Bet you cant.
Reaktor4 said:
Then prove us wrong with FACTS. Not anecdotes, not morals, not uninformed opinion.
MadHatter said:
I speak for myself and my opinions and I whole-heartedly disapprove of the legalization of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, etc.

I'm shrugging off your arguments because my arguments apparently aren't getting though.

Typo; sorry, I meant to say "illegalising".

Your arguments haven't been getting through because you haven't made anything other than you opinion known. We have made an effort to show facts.

Weed is not 'good', but I enjoy it. The point we have been conveying is that smoking is, in our opinions, more enjoyable than drink. It is a FACT that alcohol is more damamging to health. And we have shown that whether you agree with smoking it or not, legalisation will decrease useage and make it easier for the problems related to it's use to be dealt with.

And as for dark elfs links.... erm... hypocrit? (oh no I've used a big word!!) It seems that all our arguments have fallen on deaf ears. We have answered back to your points on the negative sides of drugs, you have failed to answer back on anything we have debated on with anything other than your own opinions.

At least we made the effort to put statistics with our debate. If you can't find anything to prove that legalisation would be a bad thing, then there is nothing for us to listen to... how can we be 'deaf' to things that aren't being said?
burner69 said:
And as for dark elfs links.... erm... hypocrit? (oh no I've used a big word!!) It seems that all our arguments have fallen on deaf ears. We have answered back to your points on the negative sides of drugs, you have failed to answer back on anything we have debated on with anything other than your own opinions.

Ahh, you must have failed to see the pages before the one you started posting in. Don't worry, just hit the back button and you should find them.
burner69 said:
Typo; sorry, I meant to say "illegalising".

Your arguments haven't been getting through because you haven't made anything other than you opinion known. We have made an effort to show facts.

Weed is not 'good', but I enjoy it. The point we have been conveying is that smoking is, in our opinions, more enjoyable than drink. It is a FACT that alcohol is more damamging to health. And we have shown that whether you agree with smoking it or not, legalisation will decrease useage and make it easier for the problems related to it's use to be dealt with.

And as for dark elfs links.... erm... hypocrit? (oh no I've used a big word!!) It seems that all our arguments have fallen on deaf ears. We have answered back to your points on the negative sides of drugs, you have failed to answer back on anything we have debated on with anything other than your own opinions.

At least we made the effort to put statistics with our debate. If you can't find anything to prove that legalisation would be a bad thing, then there is nothing for us to listen to... how can we be 'deaf' to things that aren't being said?
Seconded. But this is what ALWAYS happens when you argue with prohibitionists. For some reason they are unreasonable.
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