Evolution in American Schools.

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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I really feel bad for young americans students some times. I cant believe they teach ferry tells in schools in the xx century.

I really feel bad for young americans students some times. I can't believe they teach fairy tales in schools in the 21st century.
Fixed your post.

The video is not working for me, but I'm glad the school I went to taught evolution and didn't even mention creationism or intelligent design. If I wanted to listen to that bullshit I'd go to church.
Ferry tells? I know English isn't your first language mate but :LOL:
can't blame them really when 60% of the country believes it.
very very few schools teach intelligent design here

honestly, I wish that mine had, so that I could just get in epic arguments about it
Fixed your post.

The video is not working for me, but I'm glad the school I went to taught evolution and didn't even mention creationism or intelligent design. If I wanted to listen to that bullshit I'd go to church.

Same here.
they didn't teach it in my district.....you really only see it taught in some of the southern, more extreme conservative townships and regions of the country.
only in the core mid-west do they teach creationism in schools. just about everywhere else here they teach evolution, and ONLY evolution (even in a lot of Christian private schools science classes.)
Bloody Hell what a waste of money, we had a discussion about teaching creationism in class one day and even the religious students said they didn't want to hear about it in a science class. School is for real information church is for strange stories.
My school:

"Law of Mandel's genetics. Memorize it."

"Evolution is only a theory, we haven't proved it, nor do I believe in it, but memorize it anyway."

What the hell!? No scientific proof? Dinos lived with humans 6000 years ago? Bullsh*t Bullsh*t Bullsh*t

And evolution lead to pornography and abortion

Evolutionists have bad morals?

I'm going to destroy this place.
I'm going to be a bastard and call the thread title an oxymoron. :p
I read somewhere that half the schools and the US are not allowed to teach Evolution. Is this true?
My school:

"Law of Mandel's genetics. Memorize it."

"Evolution is only a theory, we haven't proved it, nor do I believe in it, but memorize it anyway."

Well at least the teachers you have who believe that shit still have the integrity to teach you actual science.

[edit] Although you should probably keep your eye on a science teacher who thinks "theory" means "hypothesis".
My biology teacher mentioned "the theory of evolution" exactly once all year. Im not even sure how thats possible considering the fact that biology would not exist without evolution. But yes, very sad indeed. I love biology too.

People that dont believe in evolution shouldnt be able to teach biology. It sounds bad, but honestly, teachers are in a very influential position. Would you let someone who didnt believe the American Revolution ever occured teach American History? Kids are going to accept what they learn in school as fact, I know I did when I was younger, and theres an evolutionary explanation for this too. Kids that challenged their parent's statements like "do not swim in the water because crocodiles will eat you," didnt last long (<- shameless Dawkins quote). Theists know this and thats why theyre trying to squeeze in every sticker that reminds kids that "evolution is a THEORY" they can in every biology book they can and get creationism taught side by side with evolution like a ****ing equivalent. What utter bullshit.

If kids were presented all of the amounts of scientific research and information against religious deities, like that which I have sought out, I couldnt imagine any of them retaining their precious faith.
I understood evolution before I was 10 yet at that point knew nothing about religion.

That should say something of a few of our schools if not my immediate family.

The irony? I went to a Catholic school in the first grade. All I remember is eating a wafer and getting my forehead touched with water.
Our bio teacher was a devout christian and gave out chickens to good students.

This is in a selective high school in the middle of the city.

Our previous science teacher was really really cool, but we think he died of a drug overdose and the school COVERED IT UP.

/EDIT By 'Devout Christian' I mean 'Did not see anything in evolution at all'

How could you've understood evolution by the age of 10? At 15, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all of it.
The only reason I'm not braindead is because my mom bought loads of science books and kids encyclopedias for me when I was barely able to walk. I read them all. I was very advanced in science up til about high school.
My school never mentioned creationsim either, and I'm ****ing glad. All they are is childerens stories for the less mentally mature.
I read somewhere that half the schools and the US are not allowed to teach Evolution. Is this true?

That's not true at all. I dont know of any public school in the united states that is "not allowed" to teach evolution. In fact, it is illegal to teach creationism or 'intelligent design' in most all schools in the country (with the notable exceptions of an obscure town in kansas and dover pensylvania, both of which have been overturned by now)

At that museum: just sad and sickening. He said it himself, he is targeting youth and feeding them bullshit with fancy animatronics so that they'll question everything they learn in school.
I seriously don't understand people sometimes. Evolution at the most basic level is simply the change in the alleles of a population over time from external pressure. It is not something that is even remotely debateable. It happens, period. It also, at the most basic level, has really nothing to do with religion. If you cannot at least believe evolution in that sense, you are a complete idiot.
Well at least the teachers you have who believe that shit still have the integrity to teach you actual science.

[edit] Although you should probably keep your eye on a science teacher who thinks "theory" means "hypothesis".
Yeah, maybe.

Although they probably only teach it because it comes out on the national standard examinations.
I'm still not happy that I was shown religious stuff in first school, without a choice involved. It wasn't as extreme as "God made the world, all else is wrong" but it was done casually so it actually sank in quite a bit. If anything though, my brothers showed quite a bit of hatred towards religion from the same thing. Heh.
very very few schools teach intelligent design here

honestly, I wish that mine had, so that I could just get in epic arguments about it

No wonder NC got hit by Nod in C&C3 :)

60% of Americans need to be shot, burned and the mass grave salted to prevent stupidity spreading. I mean, how can somebody be so ****ing stupid to believe this crap?
Do you expect to have your post taken seriously when you state that 60% of an entire nation should be violently murdered?
In France its ilegal to teach religion in public schools ( 95 % of schools in France)

I don't mind when religious people take the 6 days story as an interpretation of evolution, but when the take it literally is pathetic.
Yeah, do they honestly expect us to think that a pair of hands created everything in 6 days (well, the world in 6, the rest of the universe in a night)
Maybe God is one hell of a fast progamer? Are we living in a mod? No wonder life is full of bugs. I mean, no respawn ?
All schools in Sweden (public and private) must teach evolution and natural design as the explanation for origin and development of life on Earth.
My school said that we evolved from monkeys.
Then your school was lying.
very very few schools teach intelligent design here

honestly, I wish that mine had, so that I could just get in epic arguments about it

That would have been awesome, I only got to debate in my economics class.

They have no logical reason to be moral.

Get stuffed? There are so many things wrong with what that statement. Biggest load of crap I've heard with the whole religious beliefs v non religious belief argument. Sorry religious folks your morality is generated by fear, fear of rotting in an endless hell. My morality spawns from being a nice guy and wanting to live in a pleasant society. Not only that but everyone human is capable of doing/being good, driven by fear or not.
I've also never seen anything but evolution taught here or in any nearby schools. I don't know what some people are thinking, but it's not very prevalent in the northeast.
I was raised in a church going family, and I was taught the creationist ways in church. I went to public schools, and I was taught the evolutionist ways. I stopped going to church. then I started going to church again, but it wasn't for the religion, it was for the chicks.
Science is good at stealing any little faith left in humanity. When theres no hope left, theres no fear. Mankind will put itself in a mass hysteria over time. The earth will be nothing but a constant battleground, only until concentration camps are put into effect around the united states to simply "calm" the people and as soon as the captors get ill with power they will start to lose the sight of morality causing them to treat humans like objects. We can call it a holocaust.
What are you, some kinda [false] prophet?

Here's my vision of the future.

People fight because they disagree. People disagree about religion more than any other topic, ever. Religion therefore causes war. "Faith" in something intangible is merely gilded wishful thinking and a scapegoat.

I say when all religion is crushed wars will cease and there will be no excuses for fanatical people. Everyone can look forward to a generally pleasant time fighting disease and famine without having to worry about being blown up by "evil" people. We can call it "getting back to nature".