Expired Milk


Mar 30, 2006
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Aww, sick, this morning, my mom told me that i had to finish some milk in the cupboard, i think there were like 4 small packets(You know the ones that hold milo packets, apple juice blah blah) i took one, it was some MOO MOO MILK brand and it was infalted. I took a straw and popped the hole and it deflated, i went to my room, come on steam and sipped the milk. SICK, IT WAS CHUNKY, SOUR AND BITTER AND TASTED LIKE VOMIT. I went to the kitchen sink and spat it out, it looked like vomit so I went to brush my teeth after that and told someone(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) about it...

anyone of you guys had bad milk before? Or even worse, share and comment.
This is a very interesting topic to say the least.

No, I look at the dates.
School milk, 62% of it's sour.
Bleh, the dates even lie sometimes on those little cartons.

I've gotten sour milk from school atleast 10 times already.
I drank a 1/2 pint of sour milk once. I was very drunk at the time.

But really, check the date.
I took a straw and popped the hole and it deflated, i went to my room, come on steam and sipped the milk.

just what the **** are you talking about!?
logged in on steam* and the while watching my monitor, sipped the milk from the carton.

This one had no date D: it was smudge off, you could see the black smudge
Rotten milk is one of the smelliest things I've ever smelled. I once left a small amount in my backpack (had to take it to the lab, we were doing an experiment). I forgot to take it out and when I found out what was stinking up my backpack, I was repulsed.
It Was You!!! You Did It, You Are Evil^milk!!!!!!
i did something similar a few years ago ;D

it was yoghurt though. started eating it while i was watching tv and did not even look at what i ate. i noticed that something was wrong when i was chewing the mildew (?) ...that was nasty. went to spill it right after this.
I've not had it before ... When I was a kid, I ruined a bowl of golden grahams by pouring milk over them that came out like cottage cheese and smelt absolutely rank. Ever since then, I sniff the bottle to check freshness.
I have drunk bad milk before about 2 years a go, it is horrid, everytime since I smell it before I pour it from the bottle, just to make sure, it has become a normal habit to smell the milk before I use it...
My mom tried to get to me to drink expired egg nog and I quickly ran away deep into my semantics about the dangers of her suggestion.
Went to my grandmothers house once, took the carton out of the fridge, opened it and took a big mouthful..... and yes, it tasted like I had just drank vomit. Spat it back in the carton and looked at the date and it was NOT expired... maybe it was somehow opened when she got it.... learned my lession... pour the milk into a glass first... that way you can tell if its chunky :P
Look at the dates :]

This one had no date D: it was smudge off, you could see the black smudge
Learn to read?

By the way, milk will spoil if left unrefrigerated for a period of time, so just because it hasn't "expired" doesn't mean it will be nice and fresh.
Milk in a cupboard?

Aren't you supposed to refrigerate that stuff?
They're European?

Well, we keep our milk in a refrigerator here. There are always like 4 milk cartons open and ready to be used. It's kind of russian roulette, but with vomit.
I've only tasted sour milk before, which isn't pleasant first thing in the morning.

I've never been drunk enough to drink curdy milk.

Also, I've found that cheap supermarket milk expires before the date! D:
This Is Not The Cartons You Buy, This Is Packeted Milk. Ill Take A Picture Soon! Its Not Meant To Be Refrigerated.
your mom should love you alot to force you to drink expired milk
In a packet? Do you have to add water to make this milk?
never tasted sour milk, can't say I want to either
I had spoiled ranch in my salad once.

Twas indeed sour and tasted like a thousand shits.
I don't like drinking milk that comes in anything from a milk carton/jug/bottle.
I bit into a tomatoe without looking once...Wish I had though.

It was purple.


My friend left chocolate milk in his locker for 1 month.. We looked at it and it was all creamy, looked like Yogurt...

Course we didn't dare touch it other then whipping it against the ground
We go through milk way too fast in this house for it to ever so sour.
This Is Not The Cartons You Buy, This Is Packeted Milk. Ill Take A Picture Soon! Its Not Meant To Be Refrigerated.

Just add water?

Because unless it's dry powdered milk, it has to be refrigerated.
I've bitten into three slices of bread, each with a huge chunk of mold on. I was starving, didn't even look at them and simply bit in and chewed. It could give sour milk a run for its money, I'm sure.