Explosion in Oslo

Why would terrorists target Oslo? I wonder if Islamic immigration is to blame.
Why not? That's the fundamental principal behind terrorism; bomb whoever and wherever the hell you please.
Apparently it's because of the recent terrorism charge against Mullah Krekar, founder of the Kurdish Islamist group Ansar al-Islam.

Terrorism is rarely random. It might be at an unexpected place and time, but nobody just "bombs whoever".
"In the same week Norwegian prosecutors filed a terrorism charge against Mullah Krekar, the founder of the Kurdish Ansar al-Islam, who faces accusations of threatening former MP Erna Solberg with death. He responded that "Norway will pay a heavy price for my death. If, for example, Erna Solberg deports me and I die as a result, she will suffer the same fate."

Guess that explains it then. Poor Osblow.
Looks like they had it coming.
Bomb confirmed by government.

It has not been confirmed who was behind it though.

Norwegian Journalists are speculating on it being related to their military activity in Afghanistan or Libya.
Who the hell bombs Norway?

From the sound of it only a couple of people died, could have been a lot worse!
I hate to break this to you, but you're not in the dog thread anymore...

Come to think of it, you're actually right. Thank you for helping me come to my senses. I should've came to this thread with a more serious attitude.

No, but seriously, poor Norway. I'm just glad it didn't turn out worse.


All right I'm done.
Who the hell bombs Norway?

From the sound of it only a couple of people died, could have been a lot worse!
Well, let's list potential reasons:

  • Norwegian military activity in Afghanistan
  • Norwegian military activity in Libya
  • Norwegian OED(Olje- og energidepartementet/Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) helping certain governments in Africa make use of their oil deposits.
Norwegian police told Norwegian Dagbladet that they suspect OED was the main target of the bombing.
My money is on followers of mullah Krekar. Either that or it's Ghadaffi.
Serves them right for unleashing The Thing on Kurt Russell.

And yeah, that's the only thing I could think of that involved Norwegians. Not my fault they never do anything interesting.
More info coming.

Norwegian State Television being broadcast on Swedish State Television channel over here.

A man (supposedly) dressed as police opened fire towards people at a Workers' Youth League camp.

The Workers' Youth League camp was due to receive a visit from former leader of Norway, Gro Harlem Brundtland.

Police do not want to confirm if anyone has been killed at the camp.

What they are saying is that the shooter is probably not a part of the attack, but a sole nutter who got 'triggered' by the attack in Oslo.

Edit: Witnesses at the summer camp are saying at least five people have been shot, no info on whether they are dead or merely injured.
Jesus, that's awful... I really hope this isn't the beginning of a string of events.
The shooting at the summer camp is now confirmed.

The man was dressed as a police officer, told the teens and personnel he was there for a routine mission after the terrorist attack.

Opened fire, five definitely hit.

Norway's special deployment force (Sorta like something between SWAT and military special forces) are being deployed to the summer camp that is located on an island.
Serves them right for unleashing The Thing on Kurt Russell.

It's not our fault Kurt Russell doesn't understand norwegian, we told them to get away!

It's hard to tell if the shooting is part of the attack, or if its just a reaction to it.
Any Norwegian/English news sites streaming any of this?
Receiving new reports!

Four people dead at island, person still shooting.

People are actually attempting to flee the island via swimming in desperation.

This is ****ed up!

Edit: Getting reports now that police have landed on the island.
A correction by media over here: The former PM of Norway was visiting another camp and not the one where the shooting occurred.

Edit: The shooter has apparently been arrested, alive.

Edit 2: Current death toll update from Oslo is 7 people.
Witnesses from island are now saying there are a lot of bodies, between 25 and 30.

This is not surprising giving that this is an island that is host to several hundred people.

The EMTs are unable to enter the island currently because police have to search the area for explosive devices.


Photo of some of the corpses on the island.

Bloody hell...
These attacks on Norway are Oslo as these terrorists can go.
For some reason I hear Oslo and I just think Roswell New Mexico for some reason.

Man this shit is terrible. What the **** at the Summer Camp shit. That is chilling.


Doesn't it piss anyone else the **** off that the first thing many people think about when they see disasters like this... is how it will affect the market? How it will affect gold? I ask this because I was reading the Market section of the wikipedia page on the incident.

"A bunch of children murdered? Oh dear... how will this affect my portfolio?"
Disturbing image in spoiler, click on your own risk.



Edit: From what I understand, this is the actual shooter we see on the right in blue uniform. Not sure though.

To the top left, you can see a guy recently shot, bottom left you can see another one obviously scared shitless...

Current official death toll for the island shooting is 10, though that number may rise.

Edit 2: "The foreign minister has also confirmed that the man arrested following the shooting on the island is Caucasian.", "Acting Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim in Oslo says the shooter had also been spotted in the capital prior to the explosions.", "According to David Berry, from the department of Political Studies at Swansea University, on NRK in the last few minutes they interviewed the head of police in Oslo and he stated that the gunman was NOT wearing a police uniform, rather a blue jumper which had a Norwegian police badge or sign on it. He also confirmed that the suspect had never worked for the police."

Garantou, would it be too ****ing hard to spoiler that shit? There are ****ing kids browsing these forums.
Garantou, would it be too ****ing hard to spoiler that shit? There are ****ing kids browsing these forums.

Think of the childrens!

But seriously, this is so ****ed up, I can't imagine how scared most Norwegians must be right now. Are there any more people suspected of being involved? Seems a bit much for only one person
Garantou, would it be too ****ing hard to spoiler that shit? There are ****ing kids browsing these forums.

I apologize that I did not think of it prior to your post and I apologize to anyone who saw the image and wished they had been given the choice of viewing it.

I apologize that I did not think of it prior to your post and I apologize to anyone who saw the image and wished they had been given the choice of viewing it.
Sorry for being a dick there.

It seems that this shooter was probably the bomber as well. Sounds like Norways version of Timothy McVeigh.
Sorry for being a dick there.

It seems that this shooter was probably the bomber as well. Sounds like Norways version of Timothy McVeigh.
It's perfectly fine, I don't like being forced to view disturbing images myself.

I just forgot that the spoiler-tool was there, but that's no excuse, if that was the case I should just have linked the image, rather than posted it.
I do, but it seems like a lot to rig a car, detonate it, flee to this island and go on a shooting spree all alone.

It sounds a little unrealistic for one man to do all of these things by himself, yes, but we've seen it happen before in other situations.
mhm...rip to all the Victim.s

wake up Europe!

What, you think police around the world are not going to crack down on extremism when they see it? You can't just "wake up" and crack down on a muslim population if it was muslim extremists. The town I live in, in TEXAS of all places, has a large muslim population and I have two Madrasah's not too far from me. As far as I'm aware, there were never any shootings or bombings around here related to the muslim population. And if there were extremists that the police knew about, you could damn well expect them to work to stop it.

You think Norway authorities refuse to check certain potential leads on information of violent extremists because they might be muslims? Bullshit. The fact of the matter probably is, this was an unexpected attack and rooting around in and flogging the muslim community would not have done anything to stop it.

So I really fail to see where your "wake up Europe" comment comes in. It seems almost like people like you expect countries to ban Islam. And you know what that makes you when you do? No better than the Islamists you speak about who are so radical as to forbid any other religion but Islam.