F.E.A.R. PCZone Review


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
As they say in the review it was "R.E.A.L.L.Y. G.O.O.D." , The game got 90/100

[+] Excellent battle AI and supreme set-pieces, lots of jumps and shocks, if not true horror, and moments of utter FPS brilliance.

[-] Poor characterisation, and environments and levels that outstay their welcome.
That's cool I guess.
No complaints on repetitiveness... although the enviroment / level thing could be that complaint in disguise.
i didnt really like the level in the demo, i mean the gameplay is great but the level design wasnt really good
This game should be really good I think, just aslong as there is a decent story line to it and the levels aren't too repetitive. The release of this game will tie in nicely with my plans to upgrade my pc (7800gtx, 2gb ram, new mobo, new psu, new case :D)
Good news, lets hope it the maps aren't too mich like Doom 3. The whole time i was like "whens it gonna change level" and it neevr did :P.
I'm hyped about this game, especially after playing the SP demo after the disappointing MP demo I didn't expect much. :)

I’m looking forward to it, mostly the scary parts! ;)
I better start upgrading my PC for these new games!
DOOM3 got around that score to, it means SHITE!
I'll buy it just for the gun in the demo. :D
*Direwolf blows someone off their skeleton
i'm buying it for the atmosphere, and also in hopes that you get to shoot that little girl
I loved the MP and SP demos. WonderfuL! I can't wait to play the full game..
/holds premature ejaculation.
DigiQ8 said:
release date = Otc 18 = My 18th Birthday ^^

Cool! Just before my birthday on the 25th, gonna be 20!! Will try and get my sisters to get the game for me :D
duffers20 said:
Cool! Just before my birthday on the 25th, gonna be 20!! Will try and get my sisters to get the game for me :D
w0000t :D