F*** the normal developpement process!

can we have some awards at the end of the year for best types of threads etc. this has to win something :eek:
Ha ha ha ha ha OMG!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha…..ha…… :E

OMFG! Imagine if this guy had ever got his hands on a copy of the alpha of the first half-life! :rolling: OMG, I’m just cracking up just thinking about it!
"f***ig he*** gordon looked way cooler fat, and why change the father christmas beard to a Stylish goatee! f***k wh*???" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Teehee, you sure are a funny man. So what you are basically saying is that they had 30 weapons in the "alpha" that were apparently "cool" (meaning that they worked and were mostly done) but Valve got lazy and cancelled them because they couldn't fine a hole in the year long delay to finish them, (eventhough they were apparently done, having trouble finding the logic? I sure have!) costing even more work. Are you planning to make sense any time soon?


E3 2003
- Techdemo: Promotional
- G-Man: Promotional
- Docks: Cut. But was it useful? It's a freaking boring dock!
- Traptown: In there, but altered; no more Combine.
- Tunnels: In there, but altered (slightly).
- Bugbait: In there, but changed.
- Barricade: Not there, but plenty of replacements in the game in Follow Freeman and Anticitizen One.
- Strider: Not there, but plenty of replacements in the game in Follow Freeman and Anticitizen One.
- Coast: In there but altered.
- Psyche: Promotional

So again, you are saying that Valve had these maps that were done (because after all, we saw them at E3) and went through all the effort to fully change them, but they are lazy SoB's?

E3 2004
- Fully in the game

Weapons/Enemies that were shown but cut:
- Flare gun: In there, but changed.
- Hydra: Cut. Didn't work and Valve backed that decision up good enough for me.
- OICW: Cut, it was basically the same gun as the SMG so it had no purpose. But I'm sure you feel that having a million guns in the game is good, eventhough they are all the same, right?

And before you start your dumb ramblings about the "alpha" again: Don't, it's irrelevant because what was in there was never shown to you officially. Valve doesn't have to justify those decisions.
Ever seen the wierd bird face creature in the doom3 techdemo's? with the horns? that was the design previous to the hellknight you see now

old one :

new one : http://www.combat-folk***/games/doom/pics/screens/10-11/doom3-scr-oct11.jpg

http://doom3.gamevision-network.de/uploads/gegner/arach.jpg this one got cut, was supposed to be one of the bosses.
this one got cut to.

farcry was originally named Xisle and was something about an alien race that came to an island, but they changed the story to some mutant thing and an evil scientist

Quake 3 had some characters, weapon models and levels published in magazines that did not made the final version.

almost every game has stuff cut just because they dont fit when playtesting, because some dude that test's the game thinks its a point they dont like, so they sit around the table in discussion with the dev if they should cut it or not. and how important it is,

really, stuff gets cut all the time.

but hey, I just wasted my time because you obviously still live in your 5 year old self and dress yourself in pink doll clothes (*shivers* to vision a teenage guy in pink doll clothes)
1.) Stop acting like a 12 year old.
2.) Retake the 5th Grade so you can learn something akin to proper grammar.
3.) Actaully read these peoples posts and realize that "hey, maybe I'm over-reacting..."
I've seen alot of idiots in my lifetime, but you're by far the biggest idiot i have ever seen
Sh** up BRODIEMAN2k4!!! Is it fun to shit on someone for no reason?

Ok ........nobody seems to get what I meant!

What valve cut is a big part and this is disapointing.....

But you can't understand cause you protect VALVe at 100% and all think HL2 is the best game ever.

VALVe rushed the game and that's it even if you think it's a normal game developpement...........

..And .....a game developpement DO NOT CUT THE HALF OF A GAME!!!

Only a big rush can do it..........can you just think 2 secs about my point?

There's undoubtedly a link between the pushed release date and the FACT that the game is not finished!!!!

VALVe can do a lot better! ..I can't believe that the company release HL2 cause it was completely release....I have enough respect for them!

Sorry for my English I usually don't speak it.
Doesn't matter if 1 billion are vs me. I know that I'm right.

HL2 sucks and I am sure that my reason is the good one.

It look too much as a big rush! The uncountable things cut and all the things that VALVe promess wasn't in the game. They just didn't had the time!!! It's probaly not fun to lie for VALVe...they was obligated.....no more cash, no more time.


BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
I've seen alot of idiots in my lifetime, but you're by far the biggest idiot i have ever seen

I can say the same thing for you.
Kage's guide to common sense on a forum:

1. Don't feed the troll.

Either that, or he's an arrogant and paranoid by nature.
KagePrototype said:
Kage's guide to common sense on a forum:

1. Don't feed the troll.

Roger that. Haha, by the points he's making, and his behaviour of ignoring common sense, I picture him as a little kid in a sailor costume with a big lollipop with his fingers in his ears singing 'lalalalalalalaa I can't hear you!' :D

No point in arguing with him, he's not open to it.


You are right.

You are 100% right, completely right. We are all fools!

Do you hear me? YOU ARE RIGHT.
PvtRyan said:

You are right.

You are 100% right, completely right. We are all fools!

Do you hear me? YOU ARE RIGHT.
I'd have to agree with you there, he's definitely right! God doesn't it feel nice to finally understand "the truth"? ;)

You are weird OMG.. relax.
Take a deep breath and go and play some Diablo 2 :S

Say what you want i'm not coming back to this thread :p

OH! and by the way... Youre a genious :thumbs: :dork:
EDIT: Removed flame.

35% does not equal 1/2. Half Life 2 does not suck. You are not right. And we are all out to kill you. All one billion of us.
Let's say you are right. Ok?

Now how whining is going to help any of the things you are complaning?
Ok, sorry all....I was just disapointed about the fact that HL2 is pore of weapons and that the game need some action and strong story.
OLO answer this.
If HL2 was rushed why in 2002 did gabe go and play HL2.
Say, its good..but would I really want to play it...
They redid the game like 2 times each time taking years to bring up new content. They cut out alot of weapons because it interutped the flow of the game.

Why would valve spend 3 years on the engine which is one huge piece of technology. Then spend another 3 years playing the game, saying...nooo we can do better and keep on doing it.

If gabe really wanted to he would of put another 40 million in it and another 4 years.

No valve didn't get to include everything they wanted.
If they did heh.... let just say this. I doubt alot of the people could play it. They wanted Image-based rendering(Which will be in HL3).

If valve took 6 years, they did not rush. You are full of shit and don't release that if you redo a game 2 times you did not rush. If you hate it then you hate it, and I know I can't change it. But you are to blind to see how much work went into the engine and how many times it takes to get it right and you cannot change our opinons because you present us with your opinons. The game had alot of action and a heavy story to me cuz I did not rush through it. I took my time and looked at all the signs, talked to people had some fun. I played on hard and had alot of fun. I loved the weapons of HL2. Quanity does not matter. Quality matters. Plus technically any physical object that the minipulator could use can technically be considered a weapon. Though I personally don't consider it that.

In HL2 they had time to do alot, your blnid to the fact that this is a fan base community. And the people that like the game like it because how fun it is to us. You do not have to think its fun. You can think they rushed. Now if you read anything THEY COULD HAVE CUT IT. They could have cut half the levels and half the weapons to get it out by Sep. 30th, 2003. Did they? Hell no they worked on it for another year. If they rushed they woudl of done that.
You my friend have only opinons. You have nothing more.

Just had to say something to his posts before, got bored x_X.
you keep screaming at us to see your point but you have refused to see ANY of the points stated that go against your argument. you need to realize that all the other posts have contradicted all of your views but you are too stuborn to realize it. so please admit that you are wrong about them rushing. im not saying you have to like the game, but it definitely wasnt rushed. i dont think the story was bad but thats just me. we are reading your views and analyzing them but you refuse to do the same and you post the same "im right and you are wrong!" post with nothing to back it up. PROOF has been posted that completely ****s over your argument but you have brought no proof to contradict anyone else. just exasurations like "30 weapons" when in fact it was closer to 2. if you want to give a compelling argument, post some proof with your stupid claims.
Valve really lied with many things that were in the videos, like the hydras, and blocking the doors.

They are abusing of us.... but what can we do?

Complaining won't change anything.

Valve should apologise fans for lying (i dunno if it's the correct word) .

But you won't change nothing. And me neither. So all of you stop saying that valve is the great one and that they didn't lied to us, and olograph, please shut up, that won't change anything.
Painkiller has 5 weapons but it is still ****ing excellent to me....As for complaining...Let me say the usual statement.

If you are so F*cking smart why don't you go make a game, make it have a sh*tload of cool stuff and innovation...Fun, good storyline.
Also: Funding from your pocket.

Also: Make it as good as half-life 2.
MigaS_tX said:
Valve really lied with many things that were in the videos, like the hydras, and blocking the doors.

They are abusing of us.... but what can we do?

Complaining won't change anything.

Valve should apologise fans for lying (i dunno if it's the correct word) .

But you won't change nothing. And me neither. So all of you stop saying that valve is the great one and that they didn't lied to us, and olograph, please shut up, that won't change anything.

rifk...They're not abusing us at all. I think the way the final game ended was a lil rushed, but still awsome. I don't believe they owe us anything.
pr0nking said:
rifk...They're not abusing us at all. I think the way the final game ended was a lil rushed, but still awsome. I don't believe they owe us anything.

I loved the game too.

BUT they showed some hydras and a door beeing blocked, so they owe us a little apologise. I think...

I mean, the hydras and the door thing was like " :eek: it's possible to do that!" and then it is not. Everyone talked about it, and then PUFF!
Anybody who says this game was rushed simply can't appreciate that thuosands of subtle and tiny decisions that Valve have made if you watch things.

They're all tiny little polishes that make the game what it is, pacing, level design, things like that. Great stuff.
But valve rox, there are many GREAT things in the game.

But it could rox more with some door blocks and hydras... :p
Olograph said:
I f*** you all....you are on the VALVe side at 100% and you can't realise taht VALVe is a fuc**** cheap and liar company....
Your command of the written word is aweinspiring.
MigaS_tX said:
But valve rox, there are many GREAT things in the game.

But it could rox more with some door blocks and hydras... :p

lol thats all you are complaining about? they dont need to apologize for not including 2 features that you really wanted.
MigaS_tX said:
Valve really lied with many things that were in the videos, like the hydras, and blocking the doors.

They are abusing of us.... but what can we do?

Complaining won't change anything.

Valve should apologise fans for lying (i dunno if it's the correct word) .

But you won't change nothing. And me neither. So all of you stop saying that valve is the great one and that they didn't lied to us, and olograph, please shut up, that won't change anything.
Well maybe they just won't show the game so early in its development? It won't ever ever ever change the fact that lots of good ideas have to be cut from games.

It's just unfortunate that so many game development virgins have found out how games are actually created. Olograph is your stereotype dev virgin crying and whinging he was raped by Valve now he's giving birth to a disgusting little demon child....:| You're the kind of people who spend months at a time bagging and abusing Peter Jackson for not including Tom Bombadil in the LOTR movies. GET A ****ING LIFE. It's extremely pathetic.

Also, pre-Half-Life 2 Valve was a company heavily criticsized by fans for not interacting, not showing anything and just being too quiet about everything. Personally i thought they should have kept doing that and they should probably re-institute that policy for big things.
And there was Olograph thinkin that hl2 would be just like the matrix, just plug in and away ya go for the rest of your life.
Really, hl2 is a fairly long game FPS wise and the sheer amount of detail in all of the levels isn't something that can be knocked up in one evening. I dont get what exactly you wanted left in, the leaked content deserved to be cut, most of the weapons were fairly bog standard weaponry while the cut enemies are more than taken care of by the fast zombies.

Yes, it would have been nice to play around with the techdemo areas, mainly the strider one (personally, i think the striders weren't used enough), but there was so much in the final release that wasnt in the leak.

As for the story, its exactly what it says on the tin, half-life 2, it takes gordon and throws him back into hell. If you're crticising this i wonder what you would do to pong or any of the other classics.

If the game was "rushed" what exactly would you predict to be the timeframe to get a whole fully functional game with that 35% more content, where you get a new weapon in every couple of maps and end up with a small army in your HEV suit. Lets say another year, 2 years maybe?
I know for a fact that i couldn't wait that long, i'd much rather have something to sink my teeth into now and look forward to expansions and follow ups than sit twiddling my thumbs as hl2 grows old and out dated.
course it was rushed, VALVe in my honest opinion (backed up by some factors that some folk know, if you dont know dont ask, if you do know then your naughty :p) were about 10% finished with the game at e3 2003, they plain and simple lied.
Olograph just apologized...

Let the thread die....

I really find it funny that so many people before HL2 was released saying "OMFG HL2 IS DONE RELEASE IT NOW ALREADY VALVE!!!"

then afterwards they say, "it was so rushed."
Umm, I've blocked doors plenty of times... I don't see where you get off saying you can't? Sure there really wasn't any levels that you could do it with but if you spawn some combine on the coast and barricade yourself in a house they will look for an alternate path around, and shoot through windows if they see you.
In one of his first few posts I swear I thought he would mention EA when talking about game development. haha
Warbie said:
Best thread ever \o/ :)
So true.
Olograph said:
I've been disappointed when I finished HL2.......****..... half of the scenes were cut ....it's the same for the guns and the story is really cheap and underdeveloped.

Seriously.......I think that the fact that there's a lot of missing things is because valve had a big rush to finish the game. It's not the normal development of a game as some stupid ass holes said!

Wake up in the alpha there were like 30 different weapons and they showed a lot of things in the official videos that they're not in the game... I'm sure that there's a link with the big delay of HL2, with how the game is now and with the shareholders of valve that forced gabe to release the game earlier!

They just had no time to realise all the ideas they had!

And just note that it's illegal to show a promotionnal video that do not represent the real content of a game.....but no one talked about it...

Idiot 101.
OMG I am so tired of hearing ppl whine... They need to make a fourm about complaining about HL2, so all of the noobs who didnt like the game but still decide to waste their time comming to a HL2 site and registering can all meet together and have loads of fun bashing the game. If you dont like the game, dont waste anymore time on it by comming here and fussing.
i think the rushed the release, like it not the game, but the release, they did it silently...well to me anyway

Edit: OMFG,cant add yourself to buddylist! :frown:
Dasparov said:
i think the rushed the release, like it not the game, but the release, they did it silently...well to me anyway

That could possibly be the most profound thing I've read all day. Now, to decipher it's meaning...