(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

WhiteDevil said:
I just noticed the little shadow in the bottom right corner of the new skin, what the heck is that?

Looks like a Combine with a rifle.
I just got an email from gabez0rz. I SWEAR ITZ REAL!!!!!1on1!!one!!!11


WhiteDevil said:
I just noticed the little shadow in the bottom right corner of the new skin, what the heck is that?

Wrong thread for that m8. I must say I hadn't seen that either.

I don't suppose I'm helping by quoting you... :laugh:
Malfunction said:
Looks like a Combine with a rifle.

its probably a female assassin. combine wouldn't stand with their hips out like that, unless they were gay taht is
...and the entire world skips a heartbeat as this is posted...

:cheers: :P :D :E :rolling: :bounce: :laugh: ;) :naughty: :eek:

Even if it was fake, do you think Valve would let it circulate for so long without making a statement?
-Viper- said:
...and the entire world skips a heartbeat as this is posted...

:cheers: :P :D :E :rolling: :bounce: :laugh: ;) :naughty: :eek:

Even if it was fake, do you think Valve would let it circulate for so long without making a statement?

ahhhh and your avatar reminds me how close we are to getting the SDK!
guinny, damn you, i drop the email topic and u gotta come and bring it back dont ya.
DigitalAssassin said:
Wrong thread for that m8. I must say I hadn't seen that either.

I don't suppose I'm helping by quoting you... :laugh:

Who cares, no moderator is crazy enough to go through all these posts. Please don't ban me, PLEASE!
You know, I hope Vivendi planned ahead and does what Activision did for Doom 3! They already had all the boxes, manuals, and other stuff done before it went gold.

So all that was left to do was manufacture the CDs, and ship them out to be put in the boxes. If that's the case, then even with a simultaneous worldwide release the game could be out in as little as two weeks, perhaps?
Ok, when I wake up in the morning, this thread better not be missing. I seriously didn't expect HL2 to make it until the holidays.
D@Linkwent said:
guinny, damn you, i drop the email topic and u gotta come and bring it back dont ya.

Dont be an idiot, he was just making laughs about it's primitive approach at trying to fool us.
blashphemy!! good night all cya in the morning!!!

GOOO HALF LIFE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Democritus said:
Ok, when I wake up in the morning, this thread better not be missing. I seriously didn't expect HL2 to make it until the holidays.
redrain85 said:
You know, I hope Vivendi planned ahead and does what Activision did for Doom 3! They already had all the boxes, manuals, and other stuff done before it went gold.

So all that was left to do was manufacture the CDs, and ship them out to be put in the boxes. If that's the case, then even with a simultaneous worldwide release the game could be out in as little as two weeks, perhaps?

i wouldn't put it past them. the only thing we know for sure is its going to be at least 2 weeks(since valve said thats how long the whole preload phase will take)
WhiteDevil said:
Who cares, no moderator is crazy enough to go through all these posts. Please don't ban me, PLEASE!

I expect a lot of the Mods are as happy to hear this news as we are, and really don't care how long this topic gets or what goes on in here... (to a point).

:cheers: I need to go to bed soon, I hope I see post 1000 first though. :p
Maybe we can start downloading off steam on monday as soon as it goes gold. A GUY CAN HOPE CAN'T HE?!
poseyjmac said:
i wouldn't put it past them. the only thing we know for sure is its going to be at least 2 weeks(since valve said thats how long the whole preload phase will take)

The servers were packed within hours of the start of the preload, with a lot of users unable to connect because of the sheer amount of traffic. It'll likely take longer than 2 weeks.
For anyone who smokes marijuana, i have the perfect way to enjoy halflife2, Get so high that your blown away the first time u play it, Then u wake up so burnt u forgot that experience and u play it sobar and u can relive that enjoyment twice,
Gah don't go to bed so early, we need 1000 posts!!!

Post random stuff!!!

Example: Can't wait for HL2 mapping! :cheese: :angel:
ALso i pray to the moderators to go through and read all this crap to mod :) PRAY FOR THEM AND PREY YOU wont be their next victom
D@Linkwent said:
For anyone who smokes marijuana, i have the perfect way to enjoy halflife2, Get so high that your blown away the first time u play it, Then u wake up so burnt u forgot that experience and u play it sobar and u can relive that enjoyment twice,

LMFAO, too bad ive never had memory loss due to any weed or beer.
D@Linkwent said:
For anyone who smokes marijuana, i have the perfect way to enjoy halflife2, Get so high that your blown away the first time u play it, Then u wake up so burnt u forgot that experience and u play it sobar and u can relive that enjoyment twice,

I'll save the pot for TFC Source, its going to be ****ing awesome.
DigitalAssassin said:
The servers were packed within hours of the start of the preload, with a lot of users unable to connect because of the sheer amount of traffic. It'll likely take longer than 2 weeks.

[brainwash]hey! valve is 100% reliable on their estimates![/brainwash]
what time is it foir you guys? FOr me it's like 3:00 in the morning...
sHm0zY, hey i never got to thank you for doing ur great behind the scenes preview of halflife2, You must be out of all of us most anxious since u actually got to play the damn thing while us have only drooled at its beauty from a bink video :)
I hope they tell us what is going to be in each different version and when they will be available so I know if I should preorder.
Well, I haven't posted in THIS thread yet, because I had to go change my underwear. Several times.