(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

Quit ruining the fun :( No fake e-mails from Gabe :frown:
Mr. Redundant , i dont think u understood me, i didnt drop weight i gained all that weight, but congrats to you too if u dropped weight, its the hardest thing to do mentally and physically, Keep up the good work as well :)
I Highly Doubt Valve Would Respond To A Fan Rather Than A Forum On Such An Error Like This One.
Guys its real get over it. He's loving watching u guys freak out over his excuse for a faked email.
guinny did u ever answer my question about is it smart to upgrade from a 9800pro to x800xt, ?
D@Linkwent said:
guinny did u ever answer my question about is it smart to upgrade from a 9800pro to x800xt, ?

yes....and i said yes it is if u have the money.
DigitalAssassin said:
1. He was BSing you.
2. You're BSing us.
3. Everyone's BSing everyone.

4. VALVe's got TWO minutes to make a public anouncement and clean this up.

Yes. THis is the classic problem with Valve's way of announcing things. Annoucement through official channels, plz.
Anyone wanna make bets on what page this thread will stop on?! :P
D@Linkwent said:
Mr. Redundant , i dont think u understood me, i didnt drop weight i gained all that weight, but congrats to you too if u dropped weight, its the hardest thing to do mentally and physically, Keep up the good work as well :)

I didnt misunderstand you at all, I congratulated you, then said that I too have been going to gym, however I dropped weight (fat) I gained muscle, but thats obvious with weight resistance training

I went from 300lbs (bad I know, depressive stage) to 275lbs (mad weight loss though.. I look completely different), and I can bench myself plus 40lbs.

thats progress for 6 months.
His post was just deleted, no need to worry.

Back to the celebration :cheers:
chimpmunk said:
From : Gabe Newell <[email protected]>
Sent : Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:22 AM
To : "ctarkin" <[email protected]>
Subject : GOLD?

No, it's 100% fake.

-----Original Message-----
Hello Gabe, I've just read the thread in hl2fallout about HL2 going gold on monday.
As a hardcore fan I must ask: IS THIS REAL?

Thanks for the kickass game
Chris 'tarkin'
Reply With Quote

Liar! That's not in the Valve Info thread! :frown:
guinny said:
yes....and i said yes it is if u have the money.

guinny, you're going to run hl2 at 1600x1200 4x 8x right? since its what your card was born to do??!
Don't listen to all these idiots "it's not fake omg guys". They actually get a kick out of watching you get all fussed about it. How sad...
redrain85 said:
Liar! That's not in the Valve Info thread! :frown:
it got deleted... so it was probably fake, scared the shit out of me...
otomo said:
Anyone wanna make bets on what page this thread will stop on?! :P

I have the forum set to 30 posts per page, but I'm going to say post 1000, or when the thread gets locked. :cheers:
Mr. Redundant, oh ok thanks man, well i hope to see us in the future surrounded by tons of gurls who love us just for our muscles which is why i started working out in the first place, so i dont have to try to **** gurls who look like barbie dolls, They look good but they are dumb as a stump :),
Heh, there is always somebody who enjoys the sadness of others.. well F you email faker!
poseyjmac said:
guinny, you're going to run hl2 at 1600x1200 4x 8x right? since its what your card was born to do??!

1600x1200 with 8x 16x :cheers:
Half life 2!!! WOW WOW OWO do you guys realize ...

*runs screaming like a little schoolgirl* Ha aaa haaAHAHaaahaAAaaAAAa
GUYS that email is fake, i cant believe its even addressed right now, The only thing u have to know about it is its fake and there would be no way somone could get a response from Gabe that fast, So case closed, NO MORE FAKE EMAIL TALK.
i can't wait to get beaten with sticks by the combine for throwing trash at them in trainstation.
Man, just checked the news page and seeing the screenshot of the forum post made me...just...mist up a bit. Sorry, sorry. Got to keep it together. It's been one long damn year, in all seriousness. I feel like I've just been released from jail.
I just noticed the little shadow in the bottom right corner of the new skin, what the heck is that?
guinny, Im guessing you dont have kazaa right? with only 74gigs on that sexy speedy harddrive i wouldnt dare waste it on porn now would you... :), seriously tho i realized every computer i put kazaa it ****ed it up so i hope u learn from me and never put that crazy program on ur comp.Its fAr tooo sexy
WhiteDevil said:
I just noticed the little shadow in the bottom right corner of the new skin, what the heck is that?
It appears to be the female assassin.