(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

Everyone here please promise me once you install Halflife2, PLAY IT ON THE HARDEST SETTING, THIS WILL ENSURE YOU PLAY HALFLIFE TO ITS FULLEST and YOU ALSO MAKE IT LAST LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!< DO IT GOSH DARN IT
damn! halflife2 fallout thread

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mchammer75040 said:
lol ok guinny make sure to quote everyone who has said the same. im not trying to be negative..i just dont want my fragile heart crushed, you feel me? :(

id love to feel you. :E
On monday we should make a thread called GOLD! and you can scream and spam and say the f word with no *'s and ten close it at the end of the day.
Some mod is gonna quote me and say Nice try n00b.
Hydra well you win, Congrats on having the best computer here, You are hailed the geek of the week :) just playing
FoB_Ed said:
I love goooollllld!

Either I'm high, or that's an actually funny use of an Austin Powers catch phrase. :laugh: Congrats, FoB_Ed :cheers:
D@Linkwent said:
Everyone here please promise me once you install Halflife2, PLAY IT ON THE HARDEST SETTING, THIS WILL ENSURE YOU PLAY HALFLIFE TO ITS FULLEST and YOU ALSO MAKE IT LAST LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!< DO IT GOSH DARN IT

I'm no good at FPS, I'd just get frustrated. I won't play it on easy, if that makes you feel any better. :angel:
Well..I Guess I should contibute to this thread so here it goes...

GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEE!!!! 11!!!!1!!!!

There....I feel better now.
D@Linkwent said:
Hydra well you win, Congrats on having the best computer here, You are hailed the geek of the week :) just playing

nah. theres guys here with comps just as good and if not better than mine. but thanks. :cheers:
this is the only thread not to get closed in days it seems like :P mods are really close happy here
hl2.net mods you need to put some freaking celebaration banner on the front page :D
This is why people get angry at Valve.

prime example.
people get really excited at an announcement by a Valve member/Valve.
Valve misses date, doesnt say anything, then admits a delay.
people who were so happy praising Valve, feel utterly slapped in the face. (merely because they got so damn happy, because they thought Valve would actually meet a deadline.. but those expectations are quite unrealistic in this case)

then people bitch about how they missed the date, and how Valve really need to invest in some decent PR, and perhaps have better scheduling/team communication.

Valve zealots rush in and insult the people saying crap about Valve, simply because they love Valve like a long lost puppy who sits defenslessly out in the rain on a cold night...

but in the end...
yea seriously the front page looks ****in boring for such a great announcement. put a picture at least!
mchammer75040 said:
hl2.net mods you need to put some freaking celebaration banner on the front page :D

Lets not be hasty, I'd start making one for when it comes out though... ;)

(Unless they have one from September of last year, :laugh:)
Hydra, Another Tech question, Did u choose the x800xt for the simple fact it runs haflife2 better than the Geforce 6800 Ultra or was it something else.......
D@Linkwent said:
Hydra, Another Tech question, Did u choose the x800xt for the simple fact it runs haflife2 better than the Geforce 6800 Ultra or was it something else.......

nah. just in the long run ati is better. especially cuz theyre rewriting their open gl code. and once thats done, itll blaze the 6800. :bounce:
Yeah, they need to decorate the Front page of Halflife2 with banners and party hats, maybe beers on the side who knows, Also confetty never hurt noone, unless scientiests were mistified over paper rain :)
Good old Family guy joke
I love the way that guys says...


... as if Hydra is part of his name.
I guess this is a good time to convert some people to Christianity? Eh? Maby Not... Ehh...
guinny said:
nah. just in the long run ati is better. especially cuz theyre rewriting their open gl code. and once thats done, itll blaze the 6800. :bounce:

your xtpe certainly is the top dog right now, but the 6800gt and x800pro are pretty much neck and neck in hl2. nvidias no slouch
Guinny, IN the long run The x800xt wont have Shader 2.0 so what do u mean in the long run its betteR?
I would laugh my ass off if they decided to say "Just kidding" about the gold statement.
D@Linkwent said:
Guinny, IN the long run The x800xt wont have Shader 2.0 so what do u mean in the long run its betteR?

because ps3.0 doesnt really bring any amazing performance to the table. the only reason ati's cards cant keep up in games is because of their poor open gl codepath.
abconners said:
I would laugh my ass off if they decided to say "Just kidding" about the gold statement.

I wouldn't, I'd be heartbroken. Gimme a hug.
Hydra fine back to that :) just playing. Anyone here play Starcraft or Soldier of Fortune 2?
Mr. Redundant said:
This is why people get angry at Valve.

prime example.
people get really excited at an announcement by a Valve member/Valve.
Valve misses date, doesnt say anything, then admits a delay.
people who were so happy praising Valve, feel utterly slapped in the face. (merely because they got so damn happy, because they thought Valve would actually meet a deadline.. but those expectations are quite unrealistic in this case)

then people bitch about how they missed the date, and how Valve really need to invest in some decent PR, and perhaps have better scheduling/team communication.

Valve zealots rush in and insult the people saying crap about Valve, simply because they love Valve like a long lost puppy who sits defenslessly out in the rain on a cold night...

but in the end...
Dude.. think positive! If they miss the date, you have have many accompanying you in the bitching.

How exciting!!!

Next 5 years are looking good *Cracks knuckles* :sniper: