(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

i ran around naked outside screaming "HL2 GOING GOLD MONDAY WOOOO"

Gold - A final copy of the game has been accepted by the publisher, in this case Valves HL2 has been accepted by Vivendi Studios, and is now ready for mass production for distribution worldwide. :cheers:
I just wish i coulda skipped all the hype and froze myself Cryogenically so that this whole year delay seemed like a nice nap :p
D@Linkwent said:
I just wish i coulda skipped all the hype and froze myself Cryogenically so that this whole year delay seemed like a nice nap :p

:laugh: :laugh: I know what you mean. Although I did enjoy playing Doom 3.
page 20!!!!! this is so great, gold means its getting accepted for dulplication on MONDAY!!!
Hydra You personal question, I believe u just might have the best computer out of all of us, any reason in particular u went with AMD instead of Intel?
I wonder how Gabe knows HL2 is going gold on Monday. I mean, isn't that up to Vivendi to decide? What if there's one last bug in it like in HL?
The worst thing valve could do is like miss their damn GOLD DATE! How incredibly ****ed up would that be? I bet everyone here would freak. Like honestly, who misses gold dates.....lol.
D@Linkwent said:
Hydra You personal question, I believe u just might have the best computer out of all of us, any reason in particular u went with AMD instead of Intel?

for gaming these days, the amd 64bit cpus outperform intels.
How long do you think it will take to release it to steam after it goes gold? How long did doom3 take?
I love amd grabbed a cheap amd 2500+ barton and overclocked it to 3200+ @2.2ghz ! save yourself 100 bucks with barton for a nice budget gaming comp :)
YAY!!!!!! :cheers: Time to get those new parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D@Linkwent said:
Hydra You personal question, I believe u just might have the best computer out of all of us, any reason in particular u went with AMD instead of Intel?

Yes. AMD kicks intels ass in games. Go amd if your building a gaming computer.
aeroripper said:
We hafta get everyone in the fourm to post in this thread :-P
go and make copies of this thread, i bet you it will get delayed though.
ummno said:
How long do you think it will take to release it to steam after it goes gold? How long did doom3 take?

Doom 3 took about 3 weeks. I think something like July 14th was the announcement, and it was released on August 5. (Not sure about release actually, but around there).

Edit:So when should I be playing it? id or late sept.?
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haha that came from the official post rofl!!!!!! Mighty good news!
DigitalAssassin said:
Doom 3 took about 3 weeks. I think something like July 14th was the announcement, and it was released on August 5. (Not sure about release actually, but around there).
damn thats a long time
mchammer75040 said:
go and make copies of this thread, i bet you it will get delayed though.

im keeping this quote. and if your wrong, i will make a thread for everyone to laugh at you for it. deal?
it'll be this monday, we shant worry any at all, its gold time for half life 2....... and my pants....
mchammer75040 said:
go and make copies of this thread, i bet you it will get delayed though.

NO WAY MAN! i'm sure valve know very well what theyre doing, they dont want the community to be pissed off at them again!! :sniper:
es. AMD kicks intels ass in games. Go amd if your building a gaming computer.

i didn't believe this until i got an amd myself and god a 1.8ghz amd barton could kill a 3200+ intel easy. barton runs REALLY cool too get a few fans and you won't break 40c under load and with some artic silver 5.
The AMD 64 bit are kinda useless right now, unless windows comes out with 64 technology then the games wont take advantage of them also, So right now wouldnt a Intel 3.4 beat out anything that AMd has becuz they only go to 2.8 i believe?
[[LuCkY]] said:
Everyone take note: He didn't say what monday.

:laugh: I'm not going to judge Valve by their history. Unless they screw this up, that is.

EDIT: Until = Unless. :p
lol ok guinny make sure to quote everyone who has said the same. im not trying to be negative..i just dont want my fragile heart crushed, you feel me? :(
D@Linkwent said:
The AMD 64 bit are kinda useless right now, unless windows comes out with 64 technology then the games wont take advantage of them also, So right now wouldnt a Intel 3.4 beat out anything that AMd has becuz they only go to 2.8 i believe?

WRONG. AMDS do more instructions per cycle, so basically a amd 2ghz is equivalant to an intel 3ghz.