(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

Battle Pope said:
whats the record, like 20 pages?

Depends on the posts-per-page. But many hundred posts, that's for sure.

EDIT: 719, from the news from valve thread. That's incredible, the news-only thread is longer than everything else
Any plans on keeping this Thread alive until haflife2 is on our laps covering my petruding buldge...........
can someone post the letter in here? the site went down =/
D@Linkwent said:
I got 99 problems but Halflife2 coming out in 2005 aignt one of em :)

if you havin preload problems i feel bad for you son, i got 99 problems but the release date aint one! HIT ME!
OCybrManO said:
You know, Valve employees have families. They probably take the weekend off.

I doubt valve's taken a weekend off in months.

DiSTuRbEd said:
Vivendi has the disk, in order to it to go "gold" Vivendi has to test it and make sure it all works out.

Very good point. They probably turned in release candidate 2 or 3 to Vivendi today, with both parties expecting it to pass, after a rigorous weekend of testing by Vivendi.


Ok, I'm trying, but it's so surreal, and they've been wrong so many times, it's hard to actually believe them. I'll try again.


that was a little better, but I didn't really buy into the "whoot" part. I'll go work on it...
no way i've seen threads here way over 20 pages back when the first delay happened and the leaked alpha
They need to make a video of the g-man and gordon breakdancing on a disco in source

with Hl2 gold printed everywhere... OR ... we can let them concentrate on getting it out and someone else can do that :-P
If this is fake, I will track down and brutally murder the person who faked it!
Think about all of those people who are going to wake up to this news!
Gabe said one line, that ended the long wait, and triggered the life of a new and fresh journey, as we all leave the memories of half-life, and all it has brought to us over the past 6 years, behind, and travel forward, with half-life 2. May God bless you all, and Valve.

Feel free to spread that quote...i rather like it. :)
Hydra Very nice, that actually Rhymed as apposed to my quick decision to be the first one to make a 99problems joke :)
guinny said:
Gabe said one line, that ended the long wait, and triggered the life of a new and fresh journey, as we all leave the memories of half-life, and all it has brought to us over the past 6 years, behind, and travel forward, with half-life 2. May God bless you all, and Valve.

I like it better at that size. :laugh:
Holy feck, page 17 in such a short time. This sure as hell owns schmozy's thread. :D

EDIT: 18!
DigitalAssassin said:
I like it better at that size. :laugh:

i just made it big so people read it lol, otherwise itd just get lost in this haven of celebration posts.
sorry for being a noob but..

can somebody explain what "going gold" means? lol, sry for bein a noob but i just dont get it. Thanks.

Holy ****! I still can't believe it.

Somebody pinch me please. (I'm gay(as in happy))
Shouldn't the partay be, like, once the official gold announcement has been made... or is this just a pre-party... :P
whoa hold the phone. i just refreshed and im still the last post. DONT YOU DARE GET LAZY ON ME PEOPLE. WAKE THE **** UP AND POST DAMMIT!!!

edit- nevermind, by the time i wrote this post, 4 more posts came up, and now with this edit, another 4 posts..... :| :rolling:
I e-mailed a Gamespy editor, and he said he is working on confirming it, and he is hoping to post the news before other news sites :P
guinny said:
Gabe said one line, that ended the long wait, and triggered the life of a new and fresh journey, as we all leave the memories of half-life, and all it has brought to us over the past 6 years, behind, and travel forward, with half-life 2. May God bless you all, and Valve.

Feel free to spread that quote...i rather like it. :)
that brought a trear to my eye!


but thats awesome
DamonZex, it basically means that Valve gives Vivendi a master disc for mass production.
hahah it'd be funny if gabe replied back

"oh wait sorry... man we are all really ripped here right now, doug dropped his car keys and i said "man, i'm gonna post saying hl2 is going gold monday man... we're gonna laugh the whole universe about it"

*all sit around computer screen giggling for a 1\2 hour about it
doom3 was nice, but it seems like such an afterthought now that hl2 is going gold soon.
DamonZex said:
can somebody explain what "going gold" means? lol, sry for bein a noob but i just dont get it. Thanks.


They're going to send the finished disk to the publisher (Vivendi I think) because they've finished making the game and need to start making copies of it. :cheers:
Letters said:
Shouldn't the partay be, like, once the official gold announcement has been made... or is this just a pre-party... :P
This is the before party, we'll have the real party on monday...I can just imagine how hectic it's going to be :laugh:

I feel bad for the mods :(
Anyone care to tell that poor gentlemen what "going gold" means and why we are all going ape shit about it :)
aight.. after reading this in the news post and letting out some excitement there, i gotta say i'll stay conservative and wait for this gold announcement til i really go cra-zee ;)
D@Linkwent said:
Anyone care to tell that poor gentlemen what "going gold" means and why we are all going ape shit about it :)
It means its done! BABY! :cheers:
D@Linkwent said:
Anyone care to tell that poor gentlemen what "going gold" means and why we are all going ape shit about it :)

Done and done. Although I didn't articulate myself very well. :p