(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

The.Spiral said:
...but this makes more sense!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

An atom boms might go off and we wouldn't give any shit, because HL2 is almost GOLD, yeah.

Give it a couple of days and thousands of posts for the hype to settle.
:) OKay what does this mean? We will see Half Life 2 soon like in 2 weeks?
*Heavenly Music Plays*

The time has come :thumbs:

I'm still in shock :rolling:
OMG OMG I just saw the anouncement time to slam a beer! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :
heh I came in here expecting some noob post like "when is this game going gold?"
lazicsavo said:
An atom boms might go off and we wouldn't give any shit, because HL2 is almost GOLD, yeah.

Give it a couple of days and thousands of posts for the hype to settle.

I meant that partying makes more sense!!!
hahha your right fuzzy... man i can't keepup everytime i reply i have to scroll way UP ^^^^ from the replies haha

This thread should be stickied :-P
Who gives a crap, even if it doesn't go gold on monday, it will go gold the same week.
Valve isnt just going gold. WE are going gold with it on monday.
CreedoG said:
I guess gabe assumes they're gonna work their tails off all weekend, and it'll be magically ready monday morning. Just like they were gonna work their tails off all summer 2003 and have it ready by 9/30/2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off all fall and have it holiday season 2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off and have it ready summer 2004, just like they are gonna work their tales off this summer, and have it fall 2004, and now monday.

Guys, seriously. Please don't get your hopes up till you're playing it. Most likely, they'll at least be a couple of days behind, and nothing will be announced on monday. I mean, they even missed their self-proclaimed hl2 preloading dates 3 or 4 times. And not to mention the cs:source dates, the hl1 dates, the tf2 dates.

I think at this point, it's pretty irresponsible for Gabe to make this "announcement". Please, oh lord, will they someday learn that "When it's done" is all they can viably say?
You know, Valve employees have families. They probably take the weekend off. You don't say "we're going Gold on Monday" if you have a few days of work that might get delayed... you say "next week" or "sooner than you think."

When they go back to the office on Monday they'll just do something minor (if needed), print a master disc, give it to Vivendi, and CELEBRATE! :bounce:
im very surprised that everyone stuck to this thread instead of making 6000000. we only had one or two incidents so far. mods must be in shock.
OCybrManO said:
You know, Valve employees have families. They probably take the weekend off.

When they go back to the office on Monday they'll just do something minor (if needed), print a master disc, give it to Vivendi, and CELEBRATE! :bounce:

Vivendi has the disk, in order to it to go "gold" Vivendi has to test it and make sure it all works out.

And let me continue... OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

I feel like I'm in heaven!
Some people are right... we shouldn't get too excited yet... we can get REALLY excited once its officially confirmed as GOLD and being redistributed :-P

vivendi better not screw this one up
guinny said:
im very surprised that everyone stuck to this thread instead of making 6000000. we only had one or two incidents so far. mods must be in shock.

lol, this thread is several hundred posts long after only a few minutes, we're trying to set a record here. :laugh:
Be-vishead said:
Don't believe the hype and lies!
lmfao... i like this post. just because it's so counter to most everything else in this thread. :)
If it doesnt go gold monday, i will insert a carnivorous leech into my brain.
Kewl....think im guna call in sick for work,can't sleep now thx alot Gabe:D
It keeps going and going and going......

*suits come knocking on my door and energizer bunny proceeds to murder me with drumstick

and going and going.....
DigitalAssassin said:
lol, this thread is several hundred posts long after only a few minutes, we're trying to set a record here. :laugh:

Let's do it.... :bounce: :bounce:
OMG, we're averaging like 4-5 posts per minute. :O

I wonder how long this will keep up. I hope this all says as one thread.
I'm dying to see how long this thread will be in the morning :P Each and every one of our near 17,000 members is going to post in here :)