(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

ummm gonna go streaking now to celebrate the gold oh halflife2!!!! Anybody want to join?

lol i went into my NS steam servers telling everyone its going gold :-P

Everyone is like "hl2? what?" haha
D@Linkwent said:
Everyone just relax, take a second to calm yourself and just read this, Everyone knows Halflife2 will be the next best thing since Sliced bread, but dont make it more than what it is.

Its a video game which has only one purpose and thats to entertain. So please just let it be just that and stop making it a hobby or some kind of sick pleasure.

I also believe if you guys hype this up anymore than its almost impossible to live up to it. Halfife2 can only achieve so much. I beg when you first get Halflife2 Please just play it for how it is, Forget everything you know and just enjoy, Dont put any more thought into it than u have to. If you let all of the hype build up and you finally play the game you might be slightly dissapointed, Fable might do this to you too. SO RElax and Enjoy the show because its finally coming, All of your patience has payed off.

Dude these kinds of comments need at least 500 posts, otherwise you'll get flamed like hell.
i was so freakin excited i was about to call my friend up , but its 1:48 am here so i decided against it. I visited this forum multiple times a day for everyday since i joined just looking for somthing new. I may actually miss the anticipation as odd as that may sound.
D@Linkwent said:
Everyone just relax, take a second to calm yourself and just read this, Everyone knows Halflife2 will be the next best thing since Sliced bread, but dont make it more than what it is.

Its a video game which has only one purpose and thats to entertain. So please just let it be just that and stop making it a hobby or some kind of sick pleasure.

I also believe if you guys hype this up anymore than its almost impossible to live up to it. Halfife2 can only achieve so much. I beg when you first get Halflife2 Please just play it for how it is, Forget everything you know and just enjoy, Dont put any more thought into it than u have to. If you let all of the hype build up and you finally play the game you might be slightly dissapointed, Fable might do this to you too. SO RElax and Enjoy the show because its finally coming, All of your patience has payed off.

STFU NOOB LOLOLOLOLOLLOl no seriously so...lol i want to be hyped let me be! this is my life OMFG *stabs himself. HOLY SHIT WHAT IF THEY RELEASE IT ON STEAM EARLY OMFGOXXORS AHHH *throws himself out the window.
Well...all I want to know is the CE friggin contents, and if you can buy it over steam.
D@Linkwent said:
Everyone just relax, take a second to calm yourself and just read this, Everyone knows Halflife2 will be the next best thing since Sliced bread, but dont make it more than what it is.

Its a video game which has only one purpose and thats to entertain. So please just let it be just that and stop making it a hobby or some kind of sick pleasure.

I also believe if you guys hype this up anymore than its almost impossible to live up to it. Halfife2 can only achieve so much. I beg when you first get Halflife2 Please just play it for how it is, Forget everything you know and just enjoy, Dont put any more thought into it than u have to. If you let all of the hype build up and you finally play the game you might be slightly dissapointed, Fable might do this to you too. SO RElax and Enjoy the show because its finally coming, All of your patience has payed off.

I speak for pretty much everyone on this one - STFU NOOB!!!
remember though valve said the NEXT COUPLE WEEKS for preloading. and since there will be a simultaenous release, that pretty much says no one will be playing it early on steam unless you're talking in terms of hours.
Wait, we have to be in the matrix and this is all just our dreams coming through. Don't worry, Agent Smith will come by and delay stuff.
ill be back tomarrow to find this forum filles up with like 200 pages and also to fibd out this whole thing was one big joke
guinny said:
I speak for pretty much everyone on this one - STFU NOOB!!!

i agree. if anyone wants to be a square, go somewhere else , because we are celebrating here

This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever read on my computer screen.
Yea it makes sense now... they are gonna preload the rest of the game while its being copied in distribution so by the time it hits store shelves steam will have preloaded everything a day or two before and just waiting for a key
Enjoy this news while it lasts, I don't give two shtz what anyone says (it'll be delayed, not out yet, bla bla bla).

I don't know about you, but I haven't been this excited about anything since September of last year. (Erm... don't take that the wrong way.)
Visit the AOL IM chat Halflife2Gold
its a kegger

although, im still in shock thats its actually comming out in less than a month.! :bounce:
I guess gabe assumes they're gonna work their tails off all weekend, and it'll be magically ready monday morning. Just like they were gonna work their tails off all summer 2003 and have it ready by 9/30/2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off all fall and have it holiday season 2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off and have it ready summer 2004, just like they are gonna work their tales off this summer, and have it fall 2004, and now monday.

Guys, seriously. Please don't get your hopes up till you're playing it. Most likely, they'll at least be a couple of days behind, and nothing will be announced on monday. I mean, they even missed their self-proclaimed hl2 preloading dates 3 or 4 times. And not to mention the cs:source dates, the hl1 dates, the tf2 dates.

I think at this point, it's pretty irresponsible for Gabe to make this "announcement". Please, oh lord, will they someday learn that "When it's done" is all they can viably say?

Anyway, I digress. The scariest part of the whole situation is that Condition Zero went gold SIX MONTHS BEFORE IT HIT STORE SHEVLES. So please, just wait till you see the box on the shelf. Anything Gabe says, well, is just less than fact.
The.Spiral said:
But he's right, though... :|

If you wait for something this long, there is no way people will think rationally. HL2 might suck but right now we are popping the champain and crying.
Ive been around this forum since the early stages, I just finally came out of my rock and wanted to pour my heart out to someone out there who actually understands what I am saying, Im not in no way flaming anyone or "dissing" im just making sure everyone enjoys halflife2 as much as i will, even tho ill probably be so HIGH!!!!!! never mind that, please dont OVER HYPE THIS PRODUCT so that it wont deliver as much enjoyment as it deserves or should.
No Time For Moderating, No Time For Worrying About Flames, Just ****ing Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha stupid party poopers.


I R SO HAPPEEEEEE I COULD MISPELLLL!!! first, i would like to thank valve...and that's about it kthnxbai
Congratulations to VALVe for completing what promises to be a really good game!
CreedoG said:
I guess gabe assumes they're gonna work their tails off all weekend, and it'll be magically ready monday morning. Just like they were gonna work their tails off all summer 2003 and have it ready by 9/30/2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off all fall and have it holiday season 2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off and have it ready summer 2004, just like they are gonna work their tales off this summer, and have it fall 2004, and now monday.

Guys, seriously. Please don't get your hopes up till you're playing it. Most likely, they'll at least be a couple of days behind, and nothing will be announced on monday. I mean, they even missed their self-proclaimed hl2 preloading dates 3 or 4 times. And not to mention the cs:source dates, the hl1 dates, the tf2 dates.

I think at this point, it's pretty irresponsible for Gabe to make this "announcement". Please, oh lord, will they someday learn that "When it's done" is all they can viably say?

Anyway, I digress. The scariest part of the whole situation is that Condition Zero went gold SIX MONTHS BEFORE IT HIT STORE SHEVLES. So please, just wait till you see the box on the shelf. Anything Gabe says, well, is just less than fact.

Ahhh, kill all those rational noobs, kill them all (open another thread for the rational HL2 fans, for right now all you got is crazy guys with a GOLD date.


poseyjmac said:
i agree. if anyone wants to be a square, go somewhere else , because we are celebrating here
celebrating eh? let's bring in some beers!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lazicsavo said:
If you wait for something this long, there is no way people will think rationally. HL2 might suck but right now we are popping the champain and crying.

...but this makes more sense!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
D@Linkwent said:
Ive been around this forum since the early stages, I just finally came out of my rock and wanted to pour my heart out to someone out there who actually understands what I am saying, Im not in no way flaming anyone or "dissing" im just making sure everyone enjoys halflife2 as much as i will, even tho ill probably be so HIGH!!!!!! never mind that, please dont OVER HYPE THIS PRODUCT so that it wont deliver as much enjoyment as it deserves or should.

Then don't say anything right now. Just wait a couple of days to let the hype settle down.

You are doing the equivalent of driving a car 65 mph then throwing it in reverse. Let use be excited.
Party what, the game was gonna go gOld, Everyone knew this, What difference does it make that know we know. The game was coming regardless of this forum or not, lets discuss how we might enjoy this game to its fullest, are u guys gonna tell ur parents to go away for the weekend while u blast the surround sound as loud as possible while u sit in ur underwear smoking a cigar? I wanna know, Post ur ideas
yea it does seem REALLY early for monday them to me all done with the CS:S beta bug fixes... all the other million details that hafta be wrapped up before handing it over for duplication...... BUT, i'm sure it will be by the end of next week at the very latest
CreedoG said:
I guess gabe assumes they're gonna work their tails off all weekend, and it'll be magically ready monday morning. Just like they were gonna work their tails off all summer 2003 and have it ready by 9/30/2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off all fall and have it holiday season 2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off and have it ready summer 2004, just like they are gonna work their tales off this summer, and have it fall 2004, and now monday.

Guys, seriously. Please don't get your hopes up till you're playing it. Most likely, they'll at least be a couple of days behind, and nothing will be announced on monday. I mean, they even missed their self-proclaimed hl2 preloading dates 3 or 4 times. And not to mention the cs:source dates, the hl1 dates, the tf2 dates.

I think at this point, it's pretty irresponsible for Gabe to make this "announcement". Please, oh lord, will they someday learn that "When it's done" is all they can viably say?

Anyway, I digress. The scariest part of the whole situation is that Condition Zero went gold SIX MONTHS BEFORE IT HIT STORE SHEVLES. So please, just wait till you see the box on the shelf. Anything Gabe says, well, is just less than fact.

CreedoG said:
I guess gabe assumes they're gonna work their tails off all weekend, and it'll be magically ready monday morning. Just like they were gonna work their tails off all summer 2003 and have it ready by 9/30/2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off all fall and have it holiday season 2003.. just like they were gonna work their tails off and have it ready summer 2004, just like they are gonna work their tales off this summer, and have it fall 2004, and now monday.

Guys, seriously. Please don't get your hopes up till you're playing it. Most likely, they'll at least be a couple of days behind, and nothing will be announced on monday. I mean, they even missed their self-proclaimed hl2 preloading dates 3 or 4 times. And not to mention the cs:source dates, the hl1 dates, the tf2 dates.

I think at this point, it's pretty irresponsible for Gabe to make this "announcement". Please, oh lord, will they someday learn that "When it's done" is all they can viably say?

Anyway, I digress. The scariest part of the whole situation is that Condition Zero went gold SIX MONTHS BEFORE IT HIT STORE SHEVLES. So please, just wait till you see the box on the shelf. Anything Gabe says, well, is just less than fact.

Word sof wisdom. Words of wisdom I'm not going to listen to.


No, really though, he does make a good point, but I've waited long enough and feel like I have the right, or almost the obligation to be excited. :p
I think gabe knew that posting that tiny thread was going to create such excitement. I bet he is smiling right now about how we are all destroying hl2fallout out of excitement.