(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

This is unbelievable, somewhere in nerd heaven there are angels singing a haleilooyah song to us. :upstare:
It's like 1:02 a.m., i'm at work :thumbs: just jumped out of my chair at the office
Hey guys get on topic here, we dont want to have this closed after we are so close to having the GOld medal of Forum competition now do we?
Rafa 5.0 said:
It's like 1:02 a.m., i'm at work :thumbs: just jumped out of my chair at the office
AHhh, still at work this late at night? You must be an investment banker.
sublidieminal said:
LMFAO, too bad ive never had memory loss due to any weed or beer.

What's really scary, is when after a night of drinking, you don't remember driving home :eek:

3 minutes after midnight here.
BlahBlahBlah must be pretty happy he posted that shit HERE first, he's the forum member of the month in my book (September)

Cunni said:
Well, I haven't posted in THIS thread yet, because I had to go change my underwear. Several times.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Why not just keep one pair on until it's all over? That way there'll be less laundry. :P

This just shows how exciting this is: I havn't posted in months.
D@Linkwent said:
Hey guys get on topic here, we dont want to have this closed after we are so close to having the GOld medal of Forum competition now do we?

True. Um... yay! Gold. Erm... gold is coming! Gold Monday! Er...

Not much left to say really. :upstare:
Hey dont make him your god yet, if he lives up to it and the Gold is official on monday, May he let your soul rest in peace in halflife2 heaven :)
Hey somone make a poem about halflife2 being gold, this will be easier to keep on topic :),
WhiteDevil said:
I'll save the pot for TFC Source, its going to be ****ing awesome.
you must not live in California.
the shrubbery is plentiful here, and as such is the case I will procure enough to bamboozle me out of my mind for both games. (more if need be)
Well, I need to leave some excitement for the ACTUAL gold thread, that, with due consideration to Valve's problem with dates, will come on Monday. G'night.
Democritus, I was just about to make a joke on that exact topic, I too know Emachines are utter garbage :)
Mr. Redundant said:
you must not live in California.
the shrubbery is plentiful here, and as such is the case I will procure enough to bamboozle me out of my mind for both games. (more if need be)

You have a very good point, being broke is never going to be so worth it! :) BTW, there is no shortage of herb in my area, just a shortage of mula in my wallet.
Im so proud my name is Gabe right now, he gives all Gabes a good "name" :laugh: get it!?!? .....
Tuesday was the first ever night that I drove after drinking and it was scary. My friend's car stalled on a major road and it took him a few to start it. I saw and stopped for him to help, and hoped that cops didn't show up.
Mr. Redundant, Yeah its not too bad here in Wheaton, MD near DC, i can get it easier than getting milk at the store, STupid lines :p
D@Linkwent said:
Democritus, I was just about to make a joke on that exact topic, I too know Emachines are utter garbage :)

Yeeeep! I've had to help a lot of acquaintences with Gateway machines too. Emachines computers are the epitome of crap.
Rafa 5.0 said:
yep, talking to a bitch ass lady right now :flame:
you have my prayers.

WhiteDevil said:
You have a very good point, being broke is never going to be so worth it! :) BTW, there is no shortage of herb in my area, just a shortage of mula in my wallet.
I pray for you too :( that is really sad... theres nothing worse actually.
Just wait guys... it damn near 3am all over the us.... just wait till this shit hits prime time aka 10am-2pm... We arent going to have a fourm left.... You think Doom3's release was big.... People wont wait till monday to celebrate.... The party starts now....
Well, this made my week. Hell, it made my whole summer. I'm going to play Andrew WK's "Let's Party" all night while I finalize my decisions on the new super PC I'm buying. The gold was what I've been waiting for.
True, money does keep you from getting what u want, its not the problem of finding it, its just having the money to purchese it, Hmm now i gotta find a way to get Halflife2 :0