(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)



(I don't hate you, don't worry, I just want to stop anyone else from posting here with "W0000T" and getting their hopes up)
its is fake1!

Half-Life 2 Fools Gold
MikeJ @ 10:20 pm pdt - half-life, hl2 & tf2 - important - 78 comments - hot topic
HL2 Fallout's Mr Bond has cleared up the mystery behind a recent post made by Gabe Newell's forum account claiming that Half-Life 2 will be going gold Monday. Since HL2 Fallout is having server issues, we have mirrored the news post:
After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell's account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake. While we can't be 100% certain at this stage, all indicators point towards someone hacking the forum account. That said, all Gabe's previous posts on these forums are quite legitimate.

We apologize for the confusion and will be investigating further. Theoretically, an IPB forum account should be very difficult to hack. Well, that was the theory at least. We'll keep you updated.

HeatoN Interview
We Can't Now Until Valve Software Has Made An Announcement On It!!! I Have Said This 99999 Times And I Will Say It Again... Wait For An Official Announcement From Valve!!!
ummno said:
Half-Life 2 Fools Gold
MikeJ @ 10:20 pm pdt - half-life, hl2 & tf2 - important - 78 comments - hot topic
HL2 Fallout's Mr Bond has cleared up the mystery behind a recent post made by Gabe Newell's forum account claiming that Half-Life 2 will be going gold Monday. Since HL2 Fallout is having server issues, we have mirrored the news post:
After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell's account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake. While we can't be 100% certain at this stage, all indicators point towards someone hacking the forum account. That said, all Gabe's previous posts on these forums are quite legitimate.

We apologize for the confusion and will be investigating further. Theoretically, an IPB forum account should be very difficult to hack. Well, that was the theory at least. We'll keep you updated.

HeatoN Interview

WE KNOW! BUT! Valve has not said sh*t yet so we can't know until then!!!
Could have been made from a different computer at home or somewhere else.

IP's aren't magical brands that are burnt onto your ass wherever you go. They are bound to the particular PC/location you are using.
Here is what i think from all the info i have collected from reading posts.

three ways that a person could have gotten Gabes password.

1. Guessed it
2. Somehow managed to get inside hl2fallouts database and cracked the near uncrackable MD5 encryption..
3. Hacked Gabes email and reset his password.

me personally i believe the post on hl2fallout is really from Gabe, I think people are just in denial and cant gasp that its finally going to go gold. But hey i could be wrong and if it does turn out to be fake Valve has some serious damage control to take care of. I think the only reason hl2fallout did this was because just in case it turned out to be fake that they wouldnt look stupid, and i dont blame them for that.
Tork said:
me personally i believe the post on hl2fallout is really from Gabe, I think people are just in denial and cant gasp that its finally going to go gold. But hey i could be wrong and if it does turn out to be fake Valve has some serious damage control to take care of. I think the only reason hl2fallout did this was because just in case it turned out to be fake that they wouldnt look stupid, and i dont blame them for that.

For the last time: HL2 Fallout already said that nothing in the post indicates that it was posted by Gabe. Wrong IP, wrong everything.
Cybernoid said:
For the last time: HL2 Fallout already said that nothing in the post indicates that it was posted by Gabe. Wrong IP, wrong everything.

For the last time: Nothing indicates that it was not gabe either...
*sings a song*
half life 2 ohhh its going gold!!
the long wait ohhh is finally over!!
through violence and wait its finally coming!!
so get ready city 17 is about to be OWNED!!
It's kind of unlikely that HL2 will go gold while CS:S hasn't finished testing and the preload isn't finished.
renamed thread because as one of you said, its misleading and getting people's hopes up WAY too much :(

and moved it to rumors and speculation since even though most are agreeing it was fake, nobody will know for absolutely sure until Valve respond.
Annihilator_91 said:
For the last time: Nothing indicates that it was not gabe either...

well why would VALVe give out a statement on something that they cannot decide? Only Vivendi can decide whether HL2 is ready for gold status. So the whole post did not make sense at all.

Remember Doom3 going gold AFTER Todd Hollenshead being on the phone with the publisher?
We'll hear from Real GabeTM this afternoon regarding the issue, methinks.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
well why would VALVe give out a statement on something that they cannot decide? Only Vivendi can decide whether HL2 is ready for gold status. So the whole post did not make sense at all.

Remember Doom3 going gold AFTER Todd Hollenshead being on the phone with the publisher?

Right, but it was Hollenshead who made the initial announcement, not Vivendi. This is the wrong angle of attack, RWC.
Cybernoid said:
For the last time: HL2 Fallout already said that nothing in the post indicates that it was posted by Gabe. Wrong IP, wrong everything.

What do you mean by wrong everything ? Here is what Mr Bond the site operator of hl2fallout had to say. Im trying to find out what caused all of this and its just pointing to the ip part. I mean really whats the root cause of all of this, i cant find it other then being the ip part again.

When Gabe first signed up I made sure we got proper confirmation before calling his account official. Since then, I've made periodic checks of the account's posts to assure their authenticity. You know how forum accounts work, they are not easily hijacked. Right now I'm thinking someone either a) guessed his password or b) somehow accessed our database and cracked the (near) uncrackable MD5 encrypted password. For example, even I could not access his password if I wanted to. You have to admit, the chances of someone managing either of these things is very remote (but not that remote, I guess!).

Just because the IP address was different didn't mean I could call it a fake right away. Gabe had already used 3 different (and confirmed legitimate) IPs to make his posts.

The small time delay was because I wasn't home for the first couple of hours after the post was made. Soon after, I started checking up on the IP address and the IP patterns used for his account and updated with my conclusions as soon as possible.

Even now we're not 100% sure -- waiting on some sort of word from Valve.
SMT said:
Right, but it was Hollenshead who made the initial announcement, not Vivendi. This is the wrong angle of attack, RWC.

I know, but not 2 days prior to going Gold, that's just silly. When you go gold, you just go, not in 2 days. You either are, or aren't.
why you worrying about the I.P there are plenty of other P.C's in Valve they can use they can't just use one!
Tork said:
What do you mean by wrong everything ? Here is what Mr Bond the site operator of hl2fallout had to say. Im trying to find out what caused all of this and its just pointing to the ip part. I mean really whats the root cause of all of this, i cant find it other then being the ip part again.
Everytime i be sad and say , no its not Gabe , its fake, you come and get my hopes up :)
Thank you :thumbs:
RoyaleWithCheese said:
well why would VALVe give out a statement on something that they cannot decide? Only Vivendi can decide whether HL2 is ready for gold status. So the whole post did not make sense at all.

Remember Doom3 going gold AFTER Todd Hollenshead being on the phone with the publisher?

Valve will tell Vivendi when it's finished and then they decide when it shall be gold status.
F*** ME!! 743 posts to this thread :rolling:

GOLD GOLD GOLD!!! Oh dear i've just made a mess in my pants :o

does that mean it should in our hands in a couple of weeks?

Annihilator_91 said:
Valve will tell Vivendi when it's finished and then they decide when it shall be gold status.

'they' being Vivendi, I presume, or at the most both companies. Not VALVe alone, why else would Vivendi be playtesting the RC's?

When Vivendi finds no more bugs, VALVe can issue a gold statement based on the mutual agreement between VALVe en Vivendi that the product is finished. Why would you wait with such a statement for 2 days, or how could you know 2 days up ahead that all the bugs will be squished?

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong, but I'm afraid I'm not. I really think it's a fake statement by some MD5 hacking @ssh0le
Yea i mean, i dont see why gabes account didnt get hacked, i mean its not the first time we've seen this. Remember the beta hackers :P
Digi, I really should beat you for your "Free Porn" link. And yeah! WAKE UP GABE AND SMELL THE COFFEE!
Annihilator_91 said:
Digi, I really should beat you for your "Free Porn" link. And yeah! WAKE UP GABE AND SMELL THE COFFEE!
And 54 people fell for it :P
Guys, it's fake.

(another proof)

From : Gabe Newell <gaben@valvesoftware.com>
Sent : Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:22 AM
To : "ctarkin" <ctarkin@digiverse.net>
Subject : GOLD?

No, it's 100% fake.

-----Original Message-----
Hello Gabe, I've just read the thread in hl2fallout about HL2 going gold on monday.
As a hardcore fan I must ask: IS THIS REAL?

Thanks for the kickass game
Chris 'tarkin'

Found it here: http://www.eternal-silence.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=729

No fan would lie about something this serious. Let's cry our asses off. ;(
:sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: Haxor
Awww balls!
My dreams are ruined again!

I was already like, w00t and then they say it's fake. Now I have to start having those wet dreams again..