(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

If/when it goes gold on monday, I SO want so see the "december guys'" faces! MUAAAHAHAAHAH!Ö ÖRÄRÖRÄRÖÄÄ OERG! ( HL-2 Overload. Pleace insert installation disc!)
redrain85 said:
"Remember: Date is subject to change..."

My life it ruined ;(.

Nah we'll just see. I think we can all wait longer.

I think.

We can?

Wait longer?

Nooooooo, I want it nooooooooow.
ACK! Nooooo! I refuse to believe what's been added to the end of the thread I just mentioned above. Not more suspicion and doubt.

Update: At present, the announcement is not confirmed as being posted by Gabe Newell as his account may have been compromised.

BS I say! BS!!!!! :angry:
redrain85 said:
ACK! Nooooo! I refuse to believe what's been added to the end of the thread I just mentioned above. Not more suspicion and doubt.

BS I say! BS!!!!! :angry:
he is quoting CSNAtion, thats where the whole thing started.

It's just rumor until Gabe confirms/denies/delays it.

I should sig that :)
Have faith and keep your fingers crossed

But keep the pitch forks and torches at the ready.
w00000000t :D *creams in pants*

YAY \o/\o/\o/\o/ Dance baby DANCE!!!

\o/ |o| /o/ |o| \o\ \o/

wooooo GOOOOOOLD :D :D :D :cat:
I really really hope this isn't fake. If it isn't then:


here you are-Viper- :P
Umm... Paladin... that means you'll say 'woot' if it's fake. :eek: Leave. Now. :laugh:
Haha! Party Time!!!!! Oho Oho! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Party!!!!!!!!!!! Ja Man! Muahahaha!!!!!!

I am oh so crying of joy here! MUAHAHAHA!
Yeeeees finallllllllly, can't wait, no its even harder to wait for the freaking game :)

THIS is the kind of news I like waking up to!!! :naughty:

I've gotten goosebumps all over for the last 15 minutes...

I can hardly believe it... HL2 has always been something ungraspable in the horizon, I never really expected it to release, y'know? :rolling:

I read through the whole ****ing thread!!!!"! :E :) :laugh:
Dear god! I'm going to ****ing faint!! My wet dream has come true!! OMFG!!! Jesus Christ, thank you for blessing us all, yeah!!!
I'm so ****ing grateful!!

OMG I just wet my pants!! Oh, there it came! Here I am, crapping my pants fainted on floor!!

OMFG I LOVE GABE!! (not in that way.. you sick bastards..)

Like someone said before:

Sorze said:
I can hardly believe it... HL2 has always been something ungraspable in the horizon, I never really expected it to release, y'know?

Same here. HL2 was always a game you were looking forward to, not really expecting it to be finished at a certain point. But now that point seems to be near. This is a good day!!!11
PenaE said:
OMG I just wet my pants!! Oh, there it came! Here I am, crapping my pants fainted on floor!!

wow thats a pleasant picture thanks!
hmm ... something is missing for sure
if it does get delayed again it would be so funny, yet so sad
Oh my god.. I'm seriously crying.. This must be the best ****ing day of my life. I'm so happy! Oh, ****, I'm so ****ing happy!!

Sorry, 'bout the cursing, but:

^ hush, no it aint!

and OMG, I couldn't have asked for a cooler birthday surprise than HL2 going gold..

8/30/80 Zor was born
8/30/04 HL2 was born

Somone got an mail from gabe saying that its fake. And someone has checked the ip(fallout forum) and they said that it doesn't look like gabes
People really should know better. The preload hasn't been finished, CS: Source is still under beta testing. And Gabe posting at HL2 Fallout and ignoring every other forum, not to mention the official site?
Cybernoid said:
People really should know better. The preload hasn't been finished, CS: Source is still under beta testing. And Gabe posting at HL2 Fallout and ignoring every other forum, not to mention the official site?

plenty of things are announced at hl2fallout and nowhere else
Well, they've been ignoring their official site since forever...
Weird, really.
First I want to congratulate Cybernoid for getting the 666 post.

Allright I hate those f***ing hackers hdgdcdcvddhdv!!!!
Wait for final confirmation! Wait for final confirmation! Wait for final confirmation! Wait for final confirmation! :bounce:
poseyjmac said:
plenty of things are announced at hl2fallout and nowhere else

Yeah, but going gold?

Gossoon said:
Well, they've been ignoring their official site since forever...
Weird, really.

The site has an update that says the preload has begun, so it's currently up to speed. And I find it unlikely that they wouldn't bother to post about going GOLD!
WOW, 46 pages. WOW. I slept for 8 hours and all this happend. I am so excited. :)

Gorgon said:
WOW, 46 pages. WOW. I slept for 8 hours and all this happend. I am so excited. :)

heh wait till you see my thread. your dreams and hopes shall be dashed against a wall.