(fake post??) HL2 will be going gold on Monday. (or will it?)

Just think... years from now our generation will think of HL/HL2 as what made out our younger years... late nights fragging our friends... good times.

(I'm jk... not. I'm jk... not :laugh:)
DatLinkWet, it was like 2.4kish. i have a 21" flat panel lcd (no ghosting)
I love GOOOOOOOOOLD. Let the shoosting begin ahah! I'll have finished my new PC just in time!
yeah i understand where u are coming from Mr. Redundant, and its nice to have people who are so honost that they will buy two copies of the game for two computers, which to me is crazy but ok :) People just need to accept information and if its bad then merely accept, dont act upon it just becuz it makes YOU personally feel a certain way, becuz in reality who cares about YOU your just 1 person, deal with it, Forgive and forget :)
D@Linkwent said:
Indeed, I think ID software is like microsoft to me, they are just a bunch of rich geeks who gave us a Tech demo for a game, I downloaded the hell out of that game with no remourse :) But with halflife2 im gonna Buy it and thank Valve for making a product worth the money and wait.

Your an idiot. I'm so glad your happy about stealing a game that I'm sure you had no fun with at all.

Ya, and HL2 is just a fancy story with outdated graphics. That's why I'm going to just steal it of course. I want to play it, but it's not like I need to pay for it, since I know I won't enjoy it. But that's ok, I think Valve doesn't deserve my money so that makes it right.

(For the particularly dense, that was sarcasm.)
BaNDiT, very nice setup, and once agian what made u go from AMD and ATI as opposed of INTEl and Geforce, and LCD over CRT, and why OCZ over Corsair xms
Neutrino, Dude u have no idea what ur talking about, if u go back and read, Doom3 b4 i downloaded it. I saw it was a 8.5 ok, thats ok, then i saw multiplayer was crap, ok fine ill beat Doom3 Single player and then what waste my 50 bucks on a nice experience that will only last me once? bullshit, ID software made a OK game but i still dont see what the 5 years of development was for? A good ass game engine but not a good ass game,
D@Linkwent said:
BaNDiT, very nice setup, and once agian what made u go from AMD and ATI as opposed of INTEl and Geforce, and LCD over CRT, and why OCZ over Corsair xms

amd is cheaper and better gaming performance, ocz is cheaper than corsair, ati is...well their top of the line cards are about even with nvidia...doesnt really matter
Guys... let's keep the posts coming. Please don't argue.

And don't turn it into a flame war. :flame:
:cheers: :bounce: :bounce:
:cheers: :bounce: :bounce:
:cheers: :bounce: :bounce:
D@Linkwent said:
Neutrino, Dude u have no idea what ur talking about, if u go back and read, Doom3 b4 i downloaded it. I saw it was a 8.5 ok, thats ok, then i saw multiplayer was crap, ok fine ill beat Doom3 Single player and then what waste my 50 bucks on a nice experience that will only last me once? bullshit, ID software made a OK game but i still dont see what the 5 years of development was for? A good ass game engine but not a good ass game,
Just rent it instead, it'll only cost like 5 bucks and you'll beat it in 2 nights anyway
Icarus, Hey Moderator, Can i get a WooT WOoT, Good morning :) and how did u feel when u found out about the Gold statement?
D@Linkwent said:
Neutrino, Dude u have no idea what ur talking about, if u go back and read, Doom3 b4 i downloaded it. I saw it was a 8.5 ok, thats ok, then i saw multiplayer was crap, ok fine ill beat Doom3 Single player and then what waste my 50 bucks on a nice experience that will only last me once? bullshit, ID software made a OK game but i still dont see what the 5 years of development was for? A good ass game engine but not a good ass game,


You have no idea what you are talking about. I hope the next thing you download seriously messes up your computer. You are completely oblivious to a good game and basic business.

You didn't have to play the game!!! Duh, some people are incredibly stupid.

/end rant

on topic - yay HL2 is still planning to be gold on Monday. We have had a total of 0 delays for the past 3 hours. :D
Lmao, nice redudent, thats quite an imagination to come up with Mr.T body and Gabes face :)
D@Linkwent said:
Neutrino, Dude u have no idea what ur talking about, if u go back and read, Doom3 b4 i downloaded it. I saw it was a 8.5 ok, thats ok, then i saw multiplayer was crap, ok fine ill beat Doom3 Single player and then what waste my 50 bucks on a nice experience that will only last me once? bullshit, ID software made a OK game but i still dont see what the 5 years of development was for? A good ass game engine but not a good ass game,

I won't post on this again since it is off topic, but I do in fact know what I'm talking about. I bought the game myself and am quite happy with it. And your just making excuses. If it's not a good game then you shouldn't play it. Or buy it off ebay or rent it. Don't try to pretend that because you didn't like the game that it's all of a sudden ok to just steal it.

Don't like it, don't play it. It's not that hard.

Edit: Thanks, BlahBlahBlah. That's exactly what I mean.
Gold. hahhaha. Better start coping those CD's and make 50,000,000 of them. Cause the whole world is going to buy them until they are sold out.
blahblahblah, Theif yes, but stupid no. Your stupid if you payed 50 bucks for a game that you play through once and ur left thinking what is there next to do? play through nightmare? what a stupid gimik, *SPOILER* what a stupid gimmik to have ur health consistantly go down so that you have ur Soul Cube to regain ur health, Woopty doo, that adds nothing to the gameplay as far as me going back and playing the game over. It was a hell of a ride the first time but im not getting back on that ride agian.
You ever wonder if celebrities (besides Robin Williams) or movie people anticipate games? I can just see Peter Jackson hanging on to our ever word.
Oh, and if you guys don't have more than 100 pages in this thread by the time I wake up... I'll have to do it myself. So, get cracking!
Neutrino, i didnt say it wasnt a good game, i just think for 50 bucks im paying for a one time ride? cmon, FOr 5 years ID was working on this game and they couldnt even make a descent multiplayer structure? THis to me doesnt seem professional, And like i said before ID are rich nerds, if we all downloaded the game they would still be in business and maybe they would learn that they made a poor game, NOT Saying its a bad game the thrill was amazing im just saying its poor in the fact its just a one time ride, i cant stress that enough.
Okay, I'm going to bed, I expect another 600 posts by the time I get up...or else I'll have to spam these boards with pictures of my hairy ass (j/k :D)
Well, this is what we've waited for. After 11 months of waiting...

lol, the topic on hl2fallout has 8 pages of replys. We have 42 pages.
Gabe should have posted here first. :sniper:


Disclaimer; May or may not be true:

halflife2.net > hl2fallout
Off topic: Btw Jackal, that's some really great art you've done there :thumbs:.

On topic: Unless Valve is really losing it, they would have noticed that some1 hacked Gabe's account by now, and would be denying it as quickly as possible.
True, i never thought of it but some clever fool could have put this all together into the biggest gaming hox ever, we wont really know until its confirmed Email from gabe, and we will Definitally know on monday if its Gold or not
-Viper- said:
Off topic: Btw Jackal, that's some really great art you've done there :thumbs:.

On topic: Unless Valve is really losing it, they would have noticed that some1 hacked Gabe's account by now, and would be denying it as quickly as possible.

or since its 1:00am they are all sleeping ;)
-Viper- said:
Gabe should have posted here first. :sniper:


Disclaimer; May or may not be true:

halflife2.net > hl2fallout
Yeah... I mean, they got news straight from His Gabeness and they only got 9 pages of responses. We haven't had the news as long and we already have 42 pages from the indirect words of El Gaberino. Obviously that means we love HL2 more. ;) Alas, they were the chosen ones.
Wait!!!! What Monday Did He Mean, This Week Or The Next One Or The Next Year's One???!?!?! ;) ;)