Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome


I cannot stress that enough. Just in case you don't know, "here and now" is a perk you can get on level up that will take you to the NEXT level immediately. A level that you'll get to anyways. Taking that perk is a waste of perk space.

Yeah. I also avoid Swift Learner (+10% experience points, 3 ranks).
They move you closer to the level cap without giving you an actual perk, so yea, pretty bad.
Yeah I found FO3 to be less fun when I hit the level cap.

I cannot stress that enough. Just in case you don't know, "here and now" is a perk you can get on level up that will take you to the NEXT level immediately. A level that you'll get to anyways. Taking that perk is a waste of perk space.
Indeed, it's an even bigger waste in NV than it was in 3 since you now once again only get a perk every two levels.
Yeah I ****ed up and toke the swift Learner shit. I only have one rank though, and I won't waste any more on that. It was stupid.
I'm loving the Intense Training perk at the moment. It allows you to put +1 in any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ranks. So pretty handy at getting some extra points in say strength or perception or luck. It's got 10 ranks too so you can get them all pretty high. :)
Just scored a crate of 'Holy Hand Grenades,' teehee.

Also, Ballistic Fist, repaired to full, equals insta-kill pretty much anyone and anything.
How do you repair unique weapons? Is it possible to repair them using the generic weapons or can only merchants repair them?

Also, fuk these flying insects called charazos or something.

Anyone know a place to get weapon mods? Only have the 9mm extra mags mod which I bought in the first town you start in.
You can repair unique weapons with their standard version. So if you've got the 'Lucky' revolver you should be able to repair it with .357 magnums. For completely unique weapons (like the Blade Runner pistol) you'll either have to pay merchants, or craft some weapon repair kits at workbenches. You'll need a repair skill of 50, but it's by far the best way to keep your shit together.

Instead of paying hundreds or thousands of caps to merchants you only need the worthless crap listed here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_repair_kit

Most merchants have got a few weapon mods. Try the Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan around the Vegas area (if you've got there yet).

Oh, for anyone on PC the first test version of DarN's UI is out: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1128267-wipzbeta-darnified-ui-nv/
Yeah, I need to make some weapon repair kits. Same with making ammo. Not quite sure how to properly use Reloading Benches.
any mod suggestions?
so far I'm only using a UI mod that makes the font smaller and consolidates info on the pipboy, plus a sprint mod and one that removes bad karma from stealing (I don't think I should receive bad karma when I steal from evil doers)
So, is this better on 360 or PS3?

Avoid 'PC' answers, please, I can't get on my gaming PC during the weekdays and this isn't a game I only want to play on weekends.
I'd be all over this game if it allowed me to play it for more than five minutes. From what I can glimpse, it's well designed, with good characters, interesting stories, factions etc., plus, it has a lot of great content and recurring elements from the previous two games in the series (not counting the three spin-offs). I was especially pleased to see the NCR camp in Primm, with a soldier from the Hub and the classic desert theme from Fo1 in the background.

I wish I could actually play it without paranoidally having to quicksave every 15 seconds for fear that entering the PIP-Boy will cause it to crash and burn.

For anyone interested in helping me with this problem, the symptoms are as such: in full screen, after a random amount of time (can be 30 seconds, can be 5 minutes) the display will suddenly freeze, while the game continues to work for about 20 seconds (judging by the sound effects) and then either crashes with an error message (standard Windows fare) or lock up the system forcing a reboot. In windowed mode, it simply crashes to desktop without so much as an explanation nor any discernible pattern - it can be opening the PIP-Boy, it can be shooting a powder ganger or even simply walking through the desert.

I want to play this game, I really do. But apparently, it doesn't want to be played.
I arrived in Vegas tonight. I'd better turn on the spoilers ...

First I had a conversation with Mr. House, quite an intriguing chap. He reminded me a bit of Andrew Ryan. After that I talked to Benny. He stood me up, so I went up to his suite where I found the Yes Man robot. He was very interesting to talk to. If I understood him right I am gonna take over Vegas. :-) What's the idea now, try out the different tribes and do some side-quests before I go after the Platinum Chip? I am also not sure what I will do after I found it. Yes Man said I could either bring it to him directly or let Mr. House fiddle with it first. Choices, choices ....

Also, question: There appears to be an entrance to a Vault behind Benny's apartment. Has anyone found the key for it yet?

@Mikael, damn that sucks.
A not so off-topic question about FO3 (and maybe New Vegas): I have to start Fallout 3 again, having lost my recent savegames. In this new playthrough I'd like to play a bad-ass guy, doing bad things. The question is: will going for a low karma ruin my overall gaming experience? Will I lose important or funny things? Is there a real evil path in the game? Thx.
I'd be all over this game if it allowed me to play it for more than five minutes. From what I can glimpse, it's well designed, with good characters, interesting stories, factions etc., plus, it has a lot of great content and recurring elements from the previous two games in the series (not counting the three spin-offs). I was especially pleased to see the NCR camp in Primm, with a soldier from the Hub and the classic desert theme from Fo1 in the background.

I wish I could actually play it without paranoidally having to quicksave every 15 seconds for fear that entering the PIP-Boy will cause it to crash and burn.

For anyone interested in helping me with this problem, the symptoms are as such: in full screen, after a random amount of time (can be 30 seconds, can be 5 minutes) the display will suddenly freeze, while the game continues to work for about 20 seconds (judging by the sound effects) and then either crashes with an error message (standard Windows fare) or lock up the system forcing a reboot. In windowed mode, it simply crashes to desktop without so much as an explanation nor any discernible pattern - it can be opening the PIP-Boy, it can be shooting a powder ganger or even simply walking through the desert.

I want to play this game, I really do. But apparently, it doesn't want to be played.

Unless you have some uncommon hardware configuration (discontinued sound/video card), then it's probably the drivers (DirectX/Video Card/Sound). Also, something that most overlook is that their drivers got ****ed up from being messed with (like trying to install something that was incompatible and then removing it at some point - for example ATI tray tools).

If you make a thread in Hardware software, you'll get more help. There are so many different things that can go wrong, but basically a fresh installation of Windows and all the drivers up to date should fix anything, provided that the hardware is all compatible.

Maybe take a look at what software is installed on your system that could possibly conflict. Anything that works at a driver level for audio or video.
I suspect it's the Sound Blaster Audigy that's screwing with the system (odd, AC2/ME2/FO3/RA3/etc. were never so picky. Hell, even STALKERs didn't mind that and we all know how sensitive they are), so I excised the ****er and am now trying to get Realtek HD Audio working. M'Atra bless the Internet.
Got a multi-core CPU Mikael? Probably a long shot but I had the exact same issues with Fallout 3 until I edited the .ini files. For NV there's two in Documents\My Games and a third in the game folder with the .exe.

Set 'bUseThreadedAI' to 1 and add the line 'iNumHWThreads=2' (or 4 if you've got a quad)

Do this to all three files and set them to read only as the launcher has a habit of overwriting them.
Been there, done that. Currently fiddling with various motherboard audio drivers.
Just bought over 4k bottle caps worth of ammo from the Gun Runners. A total of over 1000 rounds of several types of ammo. I better not ever need any ammo anymore.
I feel bad for others that can't get the game to work properly. Keep at it, though, as the crux of the game is most def. worth of it.
Jesus this game has been long.

Finished every side mission except Veronica's one that will apparently let me use the ARCHII gun. Killed Mr. House and Caesar. Now it's just left up to deciding which faction to align with. I'm thinking NPR, BoS, or Yes Man and the robot army (formerly Mr. House). NPR has the benefit of being probably the biggest, BoS definitely has the best fire power and tech, and Yes Man has the goddamn apocalyptic Mk. II robot army. Decisions, decisions...

Got a midterm to study for so I'll decide tomorrow. If anyone wants to make a suggestion, go right ahead.

Btw, have Rex and Veronica as my partners. Hbu? Used to have Grandma for the hilarious dialog.

I'd like to add I had absolutely no crashing up until earlier today when visiting the Brotherhood of Steel. Had a blue screen and crash to desktop about three times in five or so minutes. My only other complaint is the bugginess in some of the quest dialog. I've found that after completing a series of quests for a single character, then returning for payment, the character will not always have the correct dialog option available in order to collect. You'd have to leave the building/area that character was in and come back.
This is so much better than F3. Exploring the wasteland doesn't feel like a waste of time, there are no shitty subways, the overall world is busier, the game is just better.

The map in this one seems a tad bit smaller.
AFAIK the map isn't actually smaller but I seem to recall that unlike F3 it isn't a "perfect square", making it seem smaller.
Well I've found the environment to be more interesting instead of just rocks rocks rocks rocks
Both my companions somehow vanished while I was wandering through Primm looting the resident's houses. Luckily they appeared again when I fast-travelled to another location. Phew.

I then went and recon'd the NCRCF. Took up position on a hill overlooking the camp. Turned into a real turkeyshoot. Boone headshotting the Powder Gangers. Felt good, man. There were a good few unique NPCs there but they were already hostile so I had to kill them. Prolly had some quests for me if I was neutral towards the Powder Gangers.

Btw, what's the safest route to Sloane? Damn Deathclaws on the main roadway.
I HATE Cazadors (or whatever they're called, those flies with orange wings and stingers)

They're mentally fast and there's always about 5 of them and they just swamp you! What's the easy way to kill these? I've tried bullets and energy weapons and neither kill them fast enough. Usually one or sometimes both of my companions goes unconscious before I've killed them all, usually with the help of VATS seeing as they're so fast!

Got to Jacobstown last night, it's a nice area :)
The wikia says they are weak to armor-piercing bullets and the flamer. But yeah, they are annoying as hell. Had to reload about 8 times near the 'Tribal Village' as they kept swarmig me. Young cazadors aren't too bad. I'm not sure where to target them to slow them down. I aim for the wings but they still are too fast. Their toxin is deadly. FUUUU
I'll have to try the flamer then, not got many armour-piercing rounds. :( Trouble is with my flamer is it's going to kill my companions too! xD
So what's with the companion limit? You can only bring one? I thought my charisma was pretty high, I'm 6 or 7.
Sawyer posted about this a while back.

The biggest reason (outside of general game balance) to not allow a 90s rap group-sized party is that each companion messily devours large amounts of memory.


That said, having a big party really does make the game balance fly out the window pretty quickly.
Yeah but still. I love Boone, but I whould like to bring Cassidys daughter as well... Oh well.
What's up with Obsidian Entertainment and these unpolished releases? This game is just further prove that these devs are sloppy and down right lazy when it comes to the execution of their games. If it's not bugs or performance issues, it's a half assed combat system with clunky controls. I am looking at you, Alpha Protocol. Why the **** do publishers continue to give them all these great ip's to work on?
you have a 2 companion limit, one human and....

fix the robot at primm

or later on:

help the king fix his robot dog at freeside

also, m60 holy shit.
The game feels unfair to me now. I won 16000 caps on the slots, second try, and already had 7000, so I'm just filthy rich now.

Also, there's this funny bug that's been happening to me. I went to this farm, you know just looking around. Out of nowhere this Nightkin asks me if I want to buy a "Wind Brahmin". I said no, and he started shooting me. I was curious to see what the wind brahmin was, so I went back in an auto save, came back to the same place, and he didn't show up. I figured it was a random thing, and went along in the game. I closed the game, about 2 hours after this occurrence, opened the game back up, clicked on one of my saves, and all I hear is the zap of a Nightkin appear. Again, he starts asking me if I want to buy Wind Brahmin. I was in the Ultra-Luxe, and he appeared under the floor. It happens every time I close the game and open it.
28 hours in, got in Freeside and saved the game in front of the gate to the Strip. I've bought myself a fake passport, going to get inside tonight. :D