Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

The game feels unfair to me now. I won 16000 caps on the slots, second try, and already had 7000, so I'm just filthy rich now.

And I thought I was striking it rich. (I won about 500 in two hands of blackjack)
[delete this] goddamn slow hl2.net
Damnit, I never have enough caps and enough ammo. I guess I should just gamble my way to being rich? I hardly have enough caps to buy enough ammo/water, let alone buy a new gun.
Fortune Finder perk for caps
Gun Runners sells every type of bullet you can imagine
Damnit, I never have enough caps and enough ammo. I guess I should just gamble my way to being rich? I hardly have enough caps to buy enough ammo/water, let alone buy a new gun.

Take this risk of losing it all, aswell. I get most of my caps from scavenging.
Yes, but no MFC. The Van Graffs never really reload their stockpile either... plus I've killed all of them.

Anyone know a better place to buy energy ammo? Brotherhood will give you a whole bunch of empty ones every now and then, but ain't enough.
Damn, I am going way too quick with the main quest. It's too damn fun though. I like all the choices you get.

Also, if you want a hooker at your beckon call:

Make sure you have 75 speech, go to the courtyard in the Gomorrah and talk to a girl named Joana. She love you long time. There is even a quest in it for you. Plus another bonus: Every time you sleep with her (no awkward animations, just a black screen and the sounds of the whorehouse) you are well rested afterwards.
I traded in a PSP and Just Cause 2 for this on Friday night, played it all weekend. Im in Vegas now. I was expecting this to be a shooter since I have never played fallout before, but it's more of an RPG which I'm not into. But this is actually really good. My main complaint is the loading screens, it seems like half the time I spent playing this game have been on the loading screen. There also seem to be a lot of bugs with the map. It will tell me to get to an objective I have to walk through a door, once I get in that door it tells me that the objective is on the other side of the door. Really frustrating.

Sorry if any of this was brought up before, I just entered this thread.
I traded in a PSP and Just Cause 2 for this on Friday night, played it all weekend. Im in Vegas now. I was expecting this to be a shooter since I have never played fallout before, but it's more of an RPG which I'm not into. But this is actually really good. My main complaint is the loading screens, it seems like half the time I spent playing this game have been on the loading screen. There also seem to be a lot of bugs with the map. It will tell me to get to an objective I have to walk through a door, once I get in that door it tells me that the objective is on the other side of the door. Really frustrating.

Sorry if any of this was brought up before, I just entered this thread.

Generally means the objective is inside that room, as far as I know.
Just helped the Boomers with their

B-52 Bomber

I really hope we get to see them use it later :D

Still deciding what route I wanna take with the main story line. Help Benny? Help Mr. House? Yes Man? Level 16 almost and I dunno who to choose :( But I'm liking there are so many options with the main quest :)
How do you people deal with this game's horrible fps? Because I can't and I'm only into 10 minutes of the game.
Just helped the Boomers with their

B-52 Bomber

I really hope we get to see them use it later :D

Still deciding what route I wanna take with the main story line. Help Benny? Help Mr. House? Yes Man? Level 16 almost and I dunno who to choose :( But I'm liking there are so many options with the main quest :)

Thats bullshit. I got all the way up to their base, and the guard gate is glitched so he doesn't move. There is no dialogue and I can't get in.
Thus, I cannot progress through the game.
that fix posted a little while back actually works.
you mean d3d9 file? That didn't help me at all. It recommends me to play the game in medium setting and the game looks like shit, still with hiccups.
I don't know what everyone is complaining about... game runs perfectly well on ultra settings on my Sapphire 5770
and no major glitches that I've seen so far (8 hours in)
2x Radeon HD 4750,
AMD Athlon x4 3.0ghz,
2 gigs Corsair.

No matter what settings (even lowest) it runs at around 15 fps. 25 or less indoors. Tried several fixes. Was the same way in FO3, I don't get it. I can run most games on max settings, but Bethesda games are never optimized.
Loving the game so far. Only just got to Novac and won't have much time to play it for the next 4 days :(

The only issues I've had so far are 2 random crashes for no reason (which haven't really been a problem as I make sure I save regularly) and a small FPS drop when there are more than 3-4 people on-screen in a firefight at once.
So guys, what do you consider the most and least useful SPECIAL stats?

In Fallout 3 I went for 9 INT and then just immediately got the bobblehead to maximize the amount of points I got when levelling up, is that still a smart thing to do?
So guys, what do you consider the most and least useful SPECIAL stats?

In Fallout 3 I went for 9 INT and then just immediately got the bobblehead to maximize the amount of points I got when levelling up, is that still a smart thing to do?

Why do you care? You're not gonna play the game anytime soon anyway.
So guys, what do you consider the most and least useful SPECIAL stats?

In Fallout 3 I went for 9 INT and then just immediately got the bobblehead to maximize the amount of points I got when levelling up, is that still a smart thing to do?


I did a quick search before I started my character and I heard that INT was much less useful in F:NV than in FO3? So I only went 6 in INT this time instead of 9 and boosted some other stats instead.
You heard wrong, my young padawan.

In other news: My persistence has allowed me to play New Vegas more or less normally, alttabbing to reset the renderer when problems arise and using sheer tenacity to wrestle the game and play it. Want it or not, I *will* play you New Vegas and no amount of screaming and kicking will stop me from forcing you to work.

Wow, companion AI can be unintentionally hilarious at times. Boone has been great so far, keeping his distance behind me like I ordered, one-shotting most enemies. He was perfect for camping the hills overlooking the NCRCF f.e.

I decided I'd try and use his abilities to kill some Deathclaws at their camp. I took up position on rocks overlooking the camp. He was able to follow me despite some awkward pathfinding. Start engaging some Deathclaws. Boone puts away his rifle, equips a fire-axe. Jumps down off the rocks and charges the Deathclaws. Instant unconscious.

Protip: don't give companions nades to carry. ''derp we're inside in a tight corridor with mutants, Equ1p TEh NADEZZZ herpderp''.

Btw, just found a secret bunker for a certain group from past fallouts.
jimbo, you really should spoiler-tag that last line, anyone who knows Fallout will get a fairly good idea of what group you are referring to.:p
jimbo, you really should spoiler-tag that last line, anyone who knows Fallout will get a fairly good idea of what group you are referring to.:p

eh, i thought it was would be pretty obvious they would be included in new vegas to be honest.
eh, i thought it was would be pretty obvious they would be included in new vegas to be honest.

Perhaps, BUT, revealing what kinda location they are in is a bit spoiler-ish in my opinion.

But maybe I'm just over-zealous.
When have they not been in a bunker?

Not sure I classify the Pentagon as a bunker, if we are speaking of the BoS. And if we're speaking of the Enclave, their first base was on an Oil Rig. Either way, I do not wish to know! Lalala!
I guess. But anyway, without any spoilers, does the game continue after the main quest? I don't wan't another Fallout 3 here you know? I just left the lucky 38 casino.

Also, I just ****ed fisto. Awesome. Can you have sex with anything else? Human or machine?
As I understood it the game ends when you finish the main quest line.

And to answer the question in the spoiler: yes.
Shakerman is correct, they decided to do a definite ending to F:NV, just like Fallout 1 had a definite ending and F3(Without Broken Steel.)

A good decision in my opinion, and just so you know, the game does inform you when you reach the final quest and the "point of no return" so the player has to confirm the fact they are willing to "end the game" so to speak.
Whatever article it was that said eating /drinking in hardcore mode wasn't important because it took so long for any effects to show up was a lying sack of shit. I'm having a hard time finding enough water bottles to keep me from getting minor dehydration. If it weren't for the wells at Goodsprings I'd probably have been dead in the first few hours of the game.
I didnt think i'd choose to go hardcore, but I did anyway, and the game make it hard to just survive sometimes. which is cool, it's a fun challenge. But yeah, waterbottles seemed really hard to come by early on, thank god for the wells. You just have to loot like crazy, and set some points on the survival skill, Which can come really handy out there in the wastes.

I haven't gotten in to Vegas yet, still questing around in the mojave wasteland. This game is awesome! :)
i have so many quests to do now simply because it seems like everyone i talk to has something to say. do people not do anything for themselves these days? i kid, of course there is stuff to do for my benefit.

decision regarding powder gangers;

warn eddie at the prison of the NCR attack force, or inform the NCR mojave outpost to go in and steamroll them? i'm more inclined to be in the good books of the NCR because when i stray near them they don't open fire on me, unlike gangs of powder gangers, who although i am with a good loyal status with, will shoot on sight. i'm thinking steamroll. eddie is also a asshole, and i already got meyers out of there anyway.
He attacked me on sight. I had no choice but to kill him. :/
i flattened them.

the NCR said they wanted eddie alive in the assault, but he ran right into the middle of a fray and as a result was turned to chum by a few shotgun rounds. the massacre, taken place entirely upon a stairway, was pretty fierce, but it was only eddie's corpse that burst into gruesome, bloody pieces. fitting.

also had a crack at seeing what the boomers territory was like. yeah, i'll need to rethink that strategy. stick to the houses in the northwest my ass.
i flattened them.

the NCR said they wanted eddie alive in the assault, but he ran right into the middle of a fray and as a result was turned to chum by a few shotgun rounds. the massacre, taken place entirely upon a stairway, was pretty fierce, but it was only eddie's corpse that burst into gruesome, bloody pieces. fitting.

also had a crack at seeing what the boomers territory was like. yeah, i'll need to rethink that strategy. stick to the houses in the northwest my ass.

Run along the cliffside, there are little crevices to hide in when the shelling starts.