Fallout: New Vegas just became a whole lot more awesome

Just pre-ordered the collectors edition. Friday needs to come sooner!
Does the game unlock at midnight or what?
One of my many problems with Twilight was how anyone could go for Kristen Stewart when Anna Kendrick was RIGHT THERE!

Maybe you and your male friends are all gay but dont realize it. It would explain why you dont know which girl is attractive (neither) and also why you all went and watched Twilight.
Steam has plenty of copies.
45 minutes to go for myself. QQ
^I hate you so much, I want to feed you to a molerat, then cook and eat said molerat!
I can't ****ing play this game until wednesday...


BTW, should I play and finish the other 4 DLCs for FO3? I only managed to finish Anchorage which was piece of shit. Never bothered with other 4 DLCs.
Anchorage was like the worst one. I really liked Mothership Zeta. Broken Steel is nice too because it lets you continue the game while introducing new weapons, more missions, etc. Adds to the main questline, iirc.
All of my goddamned hate.

I hate all of you, I still have to wait till Thursday...
I thought Mothership Zeta was horrible, personally, even worse than Operation Anchorage. About halfway though I just was begging for it to end. There are some cool things to see, but in general it's just a chore. The other 3 DLCs, on the other hand, are excellent. Broken Steel loses a few points for being a little too familiar in it's setting and most of it's best features being things that should have been in the game in the first place, but it's an addition that affects the entire game for the better with a higher level cap, new perks and enemies, post-endgame free roam, and removal of some of the major bullshit story elements of the original game ending(s). The Pitt is pretty great too, with a much more interesting and morally gray story than anything else in Fallout 3 and the other DLCs. But my favorite is definitely Point Lookout, it adds an entire new free roaming area to the game, complete with its own main and side quests and a lot of the cool exploration that I like most about the main game. I felt like it was the one most in the spirit of the Fallout 3, basically giving you an open area full of stuff for you to do however you want.

About New Vegas, the review sort of confirms both my fears and hopes for the game, so yeah, sort of mixed feelings about that. I sort of wish they would actually say what these technical issues are, because if it's just things like crashing and performance I'm not too terribly worried about it. Fallout 3 still crashes like a mother****er on my PC to this day, and performance really blows in comparison to other, much better looking games. If it's things like game functions flat out not working and ruining the game, that would be a lot worse.

Edit: Well **** me, the game is out right now. Guess I'm about to find out for myself shortly.
I think it's our Friday, though you could mean their Thursday. I hate Australia.

Your entrails be blasted away by super mutants, you lucky bastards!
As long as the bugs aren't the kind that make AI stop working or stopping some quest from progressing I don't mind too much.

Why couldn't it be a simultaneous world wide release? :'(
Sounds like a typical Gamebryo engine game to me.
Most user reviews I'm seeing are saying that it is very buggy, containing glitches that were in release-date FO3 but were fixed in FO3 with patches.

For example the glitch to give you infinite gold through buying stuff and selling them back a certain way has returned, something that existed in FO3 prior to patching.

I will still be picking this up on Friday but might play others games for a month or two to give Obsidian a chance to put out some patches.
I'll simply wait for a patch. I am not gonna reward a buggy game with a day one buy.
Great so far, no bugs yet for me :S

You have probably had bugs but not noticed'em, no offense.

There were so many bugs in FO3 that I didn't realize existed until I read about them online, then I noticed them.

Sorta like when someone tells you about a tiny spot of paint on your window you had never noticed before, but after they tell you you can't "not notice it", if you get what I mean?
Most of the bugs I've read about have been there since Oblivion, so I'm not worried since I very rarely encountered any of these bugs in any Gamebryo game.
Good reviews so far. Eurogamer gave it a 9. All reviews mention it's quite buggy. PC seems buggiest.
You have probably had bugs but not noticed'em, no offense.

There were so many bugs in FO3 that I didn't realize existed until I read about them online, then I noticed them.

Sorta like when someone tells you about a tiny spot of paint on your window you had never noticed before, but after they tell you you can't "not notice it", if you get what I mean?

Eh? I prefer to stay ignorant.
I will still be picking this up on Friday but might play others games for a month or two to give Obsidian a chance to put out some patches.

I'm going to wait for a price drop, as I did for FO3. I will surely love New Vegas, but Obsidian is not renowned for polishing and QA. I don't want to play a flawed gem.
Gah!, I'm waiting for my package to arrive. I want to play now!
Good reviews so far. Eurogamer gave it a 9. All reviews mention it's quite buggy. PC seems buggiest.

It is buggy on all platforms. From the Joystiq review:

It's a technical embarrassment. Three times the game locked up on me completely, forcing me to restart the 360. Entering the outside world is more often than not accompanied by 20 seconds or so of the framerate slowing to an absolute slide show. Load times regularly hover between 25 and 50 seconds, in spite of a full hard drive installation. That's not so bad when you happen upon the occasional building in the Mojave Wasteland, but quest lines that take you in and out of several buildings in a row are utterly demoralizing.

Obsidian hasn't even fixed the kludginess inherent to Fallout 3. The camera still gets stuck in the wrong location for dialog sequences and A.I. pathing is still comically unnatural. If I were looking at Fallout: New Vegas as a product, I'd say it's shocking that it's being released to the public in this state.
Funnny, I've had 5 lockups on my XB360 Elite from December playing Fallout 3 now, 46 hours in.

Can't think of any other 360 game I own that has made the console freeze so far.
Kinda odd how reviewers are harping on the glitches so bad, when practically all these were there with Bethesdas game, but reviewers only mentioned them glancingly when reviewing FO3.
dont know about the consoles but FO3 pc version got a lot of heat for being so buggy

anyone confirm/deny whether the pc version is just as buggy as the console version?
Kinda odd how reviewers are harping on the glitches so bad, when practically all these were there with Bethesdas game, but reviewers only mentioned them glancingly when reviewing FO3.

I don't believe in conspiration theories. Reviewers are simply stating that 2 years should be enough to fix technical issues present in the original game.
I don't believe in conspiration theories. Reviewers are simply stating that 2 years should be enough to fix technical issues present in the original game.

ya I dont believe in constipation theories either
If I were looking at Fallout: New Vegas as a product, I'd say it's shocking that it's being released to the public in this state.

You're not? O_o
I don't believe in conspiration theories. Reviewers are simply stating that 2 years should be enough to fix technical issues present in the original game.

The same could be said about FO3, since all the bugs from there were present in Oblivion as well. Its sad that bugs in Oblivion are still present four and a half years later, but it seems like New Vegas is getting by far the most flak for it, despite the engine not even being Obsidian's and their really short timeframe.
its all about hype, bias and reviewers being paid off i say!